Sunday, May 19, 2024

Vision of a Lion and Horse With Wings

Vision of a Lion and Horse With Wings

"Welcome to the Seers House"

"Where Seers of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place"

Label-Seers House

Circumstances:  I was in a time of prayer and fellowship with a Sister in the Lord several thousand miles away. 

There are times in the Secret Place that the Holy Spirit gives visions of what people are doing, where people are going, and they see into the realm of the kingdom in perfect detail.  As the Seer grows in the Spiritual Sight  the Seer always sees.

In like manner we look into the Word of God and see an instance between the Prophet Elisha and Gehazi, in 2 Kings 5:20-27.   Here, we pick up on the conversation as we read this together. 

 Elisha said to Gehazi, "Where have you been Gehazi?"  Gehazi answered, "I didn't go anywhere." Elisha said to him, "That is not true!  My heart was with you when the man turned from his chariot to meet you.  This is not the time to take money, clothes, olives, grapes, sheep, cattle, or men and women servants." 

Seers, see.  Seers hear.  It's that simple.  I believe they both are important.  I can't tell you how many times I have read in the Word of God where "Sons of Prophets" heard but did not see and they missed the event they spoke about.  Some say, "Hearing is seeing" but there is a difference just as we see in this conversation between Elisha and Gehazi. 

Recently, I was in a time of prayer with a Sister thousands of miles away.  As she was speaking I had vision where she was, what she was doing, her mother appeared, her sister appeared and much more.  However, it was there that I also saw a horse that came running in the realm of the Spirit. As I watched the horse running I began to see how the horse was dressed: a beautiful rein around it's shoulders that came down over it's muscular chest area.  As I watched the horse Scriptures came to mind about the horse.  Then, as I continued to watch the horse, the horse appeared with wings and began to run swiftly and fly in the realm of the kingdom, while the family activity took place in conversation.  As I set my eyes back on the horse I noticed a majestic lion with the horse running side by side, shoulder by shoulder, eye to eye. 

You see, in Genesis 1 the word Spirit is also the word horse: how the horse breathes, how the horse smells, to make quick understanding.  Yet, it is through the horse, or the Spirit of God, that there is quickened understanding.  However, what about the Lion?  This is where it is interesting.  The Lion, yes of course is the Lion of Judah to overcome.  Moreover, the Lion is also the Spirit of Council.  As the Spirit of the Word is sent forth into a person(s) life the Lion 'councils' the situations of concern in the life of the people that is seen in the vision. 

The Prophet not only 'saw' what Gehazi was doing right or wrong, but he was able to also speak the Council of the Lord.  This is a skill in the Secret Place and it takes the development of Spiritual Sight to walk in by practice, and experience. There is a time to release a Word and not release a Word.  Yet, because the Seer sees, and not hear only, there is detail that is not spoken or understood by those who do not see and hear.

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Steal Away Behind the Veil of Jesus, Today!.  

"Living Life Behind the Veil of Jesus is Living Life reconciled back unto the Father through the Sacrifices of Covenant of the Body of Jesus, made alive by the Holy Spirit."

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Increasing in Covenant with you in 2024,
Sister Lara

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh my Sister! Touches my heart deeply 🕊️


Jesus Appears to Sit With Me