Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Two Things Needed to Trust in the Lord Daily Prayer Confessions-Online School of Prayer

What Does It Mean to Lean On Your Own Understanding With Christ in Prayer Online School of Prayer 

Seers House Blog Where Seers of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

Personalize Scripture on the Topic of Wisdom-Scripture Praying for Daily Livinga 14 Day Journey in the Word of God on Wisdom

Scripture Reflection

Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.   (Read More...)

Everyone wants to walk with God and everyone wants to be in a place where they hear His voice, "Throughout the day."  It is during this time a person begins to go on a search "How to trust what they have heard is from God or not of God."

Being in the ministry people often have asked me, "How do I know if this is God's will for my life or not?  I have stepped out and done a lot of things that I thought was God's will and it ended up not being God's will for that situation."

To me the answer can be made simple, and here a few tips.

1. With all your heart:  I know we have read this Scripture many times but the key to understanding is realizing that you have to trust God with a whole heart, or "All your heart."  What I mean by that is, "You have to get in a place in your life where your heart is a place where your thoughts are one in God."  You know what I mean?  There is an old saying, "Don't listen to your mind but listen to your heart."  Or, "I listened with my heart and shouldn't have listened to my mind."

Fact of the matter is, "They are both your heart!"  Here, in this case a person does not realize that they have to have both at them at peace in God.  You might have heard God speak and your step to do what you did was pure faith, "But after you took it you began to doubt--like Peter, and say Lord help my unbelief."  First thing you need to recognize is you have to trust in the Lord with your "Whole Heart."

I have listened to Testimonies of: the common preachers n my neighborhood, believers in the local assembly, family members, old employers, and more.  All of them have said, "Even though I have prayed yesterday; two weeks ago; an hour ago; I believe God even though I have doubt."

That is why I put together this package for you today to help you in this area.  I began to teach students about this and found that everyone had the same thing in common.  "They wanted to be in a place in their lives where believing God with a whole heart, "Where your heart and thoughts were one" gave you authority to seek God in faith without wavering.  Don't get me wrong, "This is not going to happen overnight."  Yet, then it again it might happen over night.  I am not going to say it isn't, for me personally it took me almost two years of "Practicing day and night.  YES everyday!" I had no body to teach me but the Holy Spirit.  Look, I am not complaining I had to learn the hard way and now, like David I "Have had my bear and I have had my lion" I know I will always continue to learn and step into greater assignments to use my faith.

2. Don't lean on your own understanding:  We have heard this part of the Scripture more than most Scriptures in the whole Bible. Yet, "I want to share a different perspective looking that this Scripture."   You might say, "What perspective is that?"  The perspective I want to share with is the question, "Are you Abiding in Christ?"  Here, Grace has put you in Christ and you are positioned already in God, through Christ.  God has planted you in Christ--and that my friend, "Is good soil."  Your life should automatically be reaping 30, 60, 100 fold faith already.  "How much are you harvesting of Christ and His word in your life?"  So, to lean on your own understanding means at a believer has not yet learned, "How to live a yielded life in God through Christ" by Abiding.

For that reason I have the "Abide in Christ" Learning Center Campus.  Here, you learn the basics of what it means to Abide in Christ from meditating upon John chapter fifteen.  I have found that many people who are advanced in Christ "Do not know what it means to Abide in Christ."  At the same time, "I have also found that many who say they are intermediate in the faith do not know how to Abide in Christ."

Daily Prayer Confessions-Two Things Needed to Trust in the Lord School of Prayer,If you are prayerfully seeking a better way of Living with an an understanding how to live a yielded Life in Christ then "This is for you, too."

At the end of the day there is an old say, "Trust takes years to build" but in reality this is somewhat true.

What I mean is, "When you understand what Grace has already accomplished for you then you will be positioned to live a Life of learning to trust in God, and not your own understanding and that....will not take years."  Yet, to learn to live a yielded life unto God takes a little time and once you are on your way, "He will equip you to win."

The Holy Spirit is at work in your life, the Lord Jesus Himself is your Shepherd in your life, and the Word of God will never steer you wrong.  In today's world, "Learning to have the faith of God to be positioned in the finished works of the Cross is the greatest quest for every believer."

Sister Lara, Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries Since 2003

Vision of Jesus In a Trance and Scrolls