Sunday, May 3, 2020

Understanding the Times Flying Scroll of Zechariah 4 Horses of the Apocalypse

Understanding of the Times:Flying Scroll of Zechariah 4 Horses of the Apocalypse 

In 2008 as I sat at my desk I had a vision appear before my eyes: A very large Golden Scroll with writings on each side appeared and flew across the sky, from east to west.
Directly after the flying scroll--4 horsemen riding 4 different colored horses appeared from the east side of my vision. I watched them walk, then gallop to the mid part of the vision.
In 2013 I was taken to heaven and an angel took me to the House of the Prophet Zechariah and and asked me to move in--from the roof.
Today, the Holy Spirit has crowned this day and given me understanding of the meaning of the House of Zechariah, the Flying Scroll and the 4 horses. Tomorrow I will be sharing this in Sunday Live at 2pm EST and an insight to what is taking place now that will give you comfort, but also expectancy in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Invite a friend!

Vision of Jesus In a Trance and Scrolls