Saturday, October 21, 2017

How a Prophet Unlocks the Nations a City an Individual Three Types of Prophets

How a Prophet Unlocks the Nations an Individual a City 

Three Types of Prophets 

"Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place"

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"Writing the Scroll to Soar High ......On Earth as it is In Heaven"

Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life in God Through Christ, 

"A Voice Appearing in the Wilderness, A Voice Walking in the Garden.~Sister Lara" 

In this article I will share 
Types of Prophets, Introduction
Discerning Uncommon Characteristics of God's Prophets
A Brief Look: How a Prophet Unlocks a Nation, A City, an Individual 

God said to Jeremiah,
"What do you see?"
There are Prophets that are born to be a Prophet.  There are Prophets that are called to be a Prophet.  There are Prophets who are ordained by men to be a Prophet.

At first glance, we read in the Book of Jeremiah 1:5,  "I knew you before you were born I set you apart in your mothers womb and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."

Here, we see that God appointed Jeremiah to be His Prophet among the nations.  These types of Prophets, "See and Hear" in the realm of the Spirit, yet-at the same time "What they say, God will also do."  They are not taught in "Schools of Prophets" but are taught directly by God in the Mentorship of His Friendship and Spirit.  For this reason, "Appointed Prophets by God do not attend Schools of the Prophets."  This is not a bad thing, but it comes noteworthy of observation.  The second level of observation that is noteworthy about this type of Prophet is that, "These types of Prophets who are appointed by God to be His Prophet the Nations do not always see and hear God speak, they speak as the Gift of Prophet, rather than someone who has the gift of Prophet."

Let me explain what I mean by "What they say, God will also do."  Elijah did not have the Gift of Prophet, "Elijah was the Gift of Prophet to the Nations."  Jeremiah, in like manner is noteworthy to understand this thought because Elijah told a Nation, "It will not rain until I say it rains" and for a period of several years it did not rain.  (1 Kings 17:1)

A great drought came to the land and what Elijah spoke came to pass. Elijah did not need the approval of God to speak this into being, yet-God listened until Elijah and what Elijah said came to pass.  Joshua, "Spoke to the Sun-be still" and the "Sun obeyed."  Joshua did not have to go on a forty-day fast to hear God say, "Speak to the sun be still and I will fight with you."   These type of Prophets are appointed by God, and set apart to the Nations--and only these Prophets can unlock other Prophets to be sent out to the Nations.  

For that reason, "Elijah unlocked Elisha" but "Elisha could not unlock the sons of the Prophets to the do the same to be set apart to the Nations; Elisha could only teach them the influence and accuracy of the Spirit of Prophecy."  It is also noteworthy to say, the Major Prophets could teach in the School of Prophets the influence of the Prophetic, but they could not teach the Sons how to See in the Spirit.

I recently listened to a "Mystic Training Session" online that was recorded a year, or so, ago.  The leader had each person share their vision in which they saw to share with the group, after a  time of quietness. As I listened to each person "Nobody saw Jesus, or into the kingdom" as most participants saw a color, or a door.

This does not mean there was a failing attempt to see in the Spirit, what this means is, "The Instructor did not have the ability to teach the students how to unlock darkness in which all where seeing."  Dependence upon: I see, I hear, I smell, I feel, I taste cannot unlock darkness to a Nation, a City, an Individual. The ability to see a color, or a door, is wonderful for the beginner to learn a sphere of the prophetic.  However, these types of "Mystic Mentoring" should not be considered as a School of the Prophet.  We will learn the difference in this article.

The instructor encouraged the others in what they were engaging in, to continue to practice according to their senses, "Yet, Major Prophets have the ability to unlock sons/daughters to see into the Kingdom."

If you look at the Life of Samuel, in the days of Saul-who would be Anointed to be a King" those who prophesied continually coming down from the mountain on high with harps, and minstrels, "Could recognize the Anointing" but could not see.  Sons recognize the Anointing upon a person, an event, a Nation, a geographical region: but, do not know to be immersed in the Anointing to unlock darkness. They can prophecy and they can hear very accurately, such as the sons in the days of Elijah and Elisha saying, "This day your master will be taken from you."  They all heard and prophesied, but they were not immersed in the Anointing.

We must ask ourselves, "What is the difference?"  These "Sons of the Prophets" were not called to be Prophets to the Nations, appointed by God.  "These Sons of the Prophets could not speak like Elijah-there will be no rain at my word; they could not speak like Joshua or more." Moses could unlock a Nation, with the help of Aaron, but "Aaron could not unlock a Nation on his own because Aaron was appointed as a servant of God for Moses."

God Unlocked Darkness

The earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the earth.  Genesis 1

Major Prophets can unlock darkness to because they were born to the Nations.  They do not have the gift of prophecy, "They are the Gift of Prophecy and the Gift of Prophet to the Nations." 

Here, we see that God unlocked darkness and had the ability to take what was empty and do something with this dimension of being emptiness in Genesis, 1.  The Spirit of God knew how to prophetically expand and immerse what was going to be created with Light in order to reveal.  He showed His Major Prophets to do the same --as His personal appointed Prophets to the Nations.

Major Prophets, as discussed in the previous few paragraphs do not have wait for the unveiling of seeing and hearing, they simply speak with authority--too, "At their word."  Major Prophets had the approval of God to create "Darkness or Light" in order to cause Nations to have a change of heart to seek God's unconditional Mercy and Love. Elijah created darkness on a Nation, "At his word" as he said, "It will not rain until I say."

At the same time, there is a different type of Prophet discussed in the Holy Bible I will now share. "There are those who are called to be a Prophet, yet not appointed by God to be a Prophet to the Nations." 

In Amos 3:7, we read the popular Scripture that is quoted in many prophetic circles "The Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the Prophets."  

Plumb Line Vision of Amos
As we move on, the Prophet Amos was born in the South, trained in the South in the fields of his workplace, for many years to be a servant unto God in which God spoke to His secrets.  

However,  Amos was known as the "Country Prophet" who saw in the Spirit, and heard God's voice.  Amos saw visions of: Locusts, The Plumb Line, and Fire.

Amos, was not dependent upon training "Sons and Daughters" yet, was known as  Prophet to a geographical area--not, the Nations.

Amos, had no participation of any of the School of the Prophets, as well--this Prophet was trained by God alone.  After His training, "God moved Amos geographical to the North and Amos was a South/North Wind Prophet."

Lastly, I want to share how there are Prophets appointed by men.  This does not say that these types of Prophets are any less noteworthy than the first two discussed, as all come from the Grace of God to: equip, edify, build, construct the Glorious Church who is Redeemed by the Blood of Christ and Life of the Spirit of God.   

There was a time in the Life of Moses, who was a Major Prophet, that he needed help to discern and judge the cause of the people and his father in law, Jesse, told him to gather seventy men to help him. In short, "The Spirit of Moses fell upon the seventy men, and they became Elders to help discern and judge righteous cause in the Nation."  The influence of the Prophet was given to seventy-others through impartation, but this does not mean they walked in the Gift of Prophet to the Nation.  Moses appointed men to help "Council in the Prophetic." As well, I used the example in brief, in the days of Samuel during the appearance of Saul.  The sons of the prophets "Prophesied" and was appointed by the Prophet Samuel as their work in the land of Israel. 

I am reminded, when the Prophet King David, gave the Scroll of the Blueprint to his son Solomon and had Solomon appoint "Courtyard Prophets, Worship Prophets, Finance Prophets, Scribe Prophets and more" to the building of the Temple and the maintaining of the Temple.  These were appointed men, and women, for the work of the Prophet to "Prophecy upon their instruments, prophetic enactments, prophetic securing of the presence of God and more, as means to release God's Grace into the Temple for the people." 

I say women were included as well in the Temple of Solomon because it was the women who donated their "Looking Glasses" to uphold the Laver(s) in the Temple.  This is a prophetic paradigm of the "Women (handmaidens) who prophesied in the Book of Acts 2:18.  It is noteworthy to say that there was women Prophets in the Old Testament, such as: Deborah and Miriam.  It was Miriam who taught other women to prophecy in minstrel. (Deborah was also a Prophet / Judge in the Old Testament. )

They are taught the influence of the prophetic and are appointed by Major Prophets to be sons/daughters of the Prophets.  At the same time these noteworthy Schools of the Prophets are in the Old Testament to learn how to operate in the prophetic.  

When the Major Prophet, Elijah, told one of his sons, "Go and make soup for us all" the son had no idea how to "Flavor the soup with the right ingredients." He went out and got the ingredients: wild olive branches, lentils, and more.  As he sat upon the pot and seethed it, and it was ready to eat: All fifty-sons were moved by their senses: I taste, I touch, I see, I smell, I feel.  To wit, it is written they all said, "Ewww, this taste like death in the pot."  Here, the Major Prophet responded "How to stir Life into the Pot."  Or, that is to say, "How to be immersed with Life in order to eat." 

In today's Modern Day Mystic most "Schools of the Prophets are Instructed by non-graduates of sons of the prophets."  What I mean by that statement is, "Many Mystic Schools depend upon teaching their students: I see, I taste, I smell, I hear, I feel, rather than how to be immersed and baptized in immersion inTo Life."   These are they who are yet unskilled and are yet sensual in knowledge, living outside of Life beyond the veil.

2 Kings 2:7
"And fifty men of the sons of the prophets went, and stood to view afar off....and did not cross over the Jordan."

In closing, I want to make entry upon the ambient part of this writing and discuss the Prophet "John the Baptist" for a moment.  Here, I write according to the Grace that is in my Life--not according to the Grace of the participants of the Seer House Blog readership.  

There are important discoveries of John the Baptist that I admire the most out of all the other Prophets discussed in the Bible. What makes John the Baptist different then the Major, Minor, and Sons/Daughter Prophets appointed by men sets John out, in my humble opinion, from all the others in the writings of the Holy Bible. 

That is, "John saw the heavens open; John saw the Spirit of a Dove come upon Jesus in bodily form (In which I am an eyewitnesses myself) and John immersed Jesus in baptism."  

At the same time, "John heard the voice of God speak: This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."

Schools of the Prophets teach the influence of the prophetic.  Handmaidens teach the influence of the prophetic through looking glasses of the mirror of God's Word.  Major Prophets and Minor Prophets learn to see and hear into the kingdom, "Yet, John saw and heard a different Way--by the immersion of Christ Jesus, by the work of the Holy Spirit."

There was a time I was in worship and I saw Jesus walking towards me with the Spirit of a Dove upon Him, in bodily form.  The crown of Jesus was a "Dove's Head" and around the shoulders of Jesus was "A Dove's Wing's that went down past the finger tips of Jesus" where the "Dove's Wings" extended.  As Jesus walked, "At the tip of the feet of Jesus was the Dove's tail feathers" and with each step, Jesus smiled at me with teeth described from the Book of Song of Solomon, "His teeth looked as though they came up from the washing of milk (Pure and white is His speech and full of power) as they were even shorn. (Or, that is, the power of His words had no wavering of His devotion of Love unto the Father and to His inheritance.)

John the Baptist saw something greater than the rest of the Prophets because "This Prophet saw the opening of Christ Jesus out of the heavens-or, being One in God fully reconciled, and being immersed in Christ by the Spirit of God."  

There is a Spirit of God; the Spirit of Christ; the Spirit of the Holy Ghost and more.  Yet, it was the Spirit of God in which John baptized Jesus into the River which opened His eyes to see, and hear the Voice of God and His Spirit. 

  • John the Baptist unlocked a Nation by the Word and Ministry of Reconciliation: God (The Spirit of God came in bodily form upon Jesus) and living IN Christ Jesus (The immersion) to see and hear into the Kingdom.
  • John the Baptist unlocked a city, and individual lives through this same patent.


You will recognize Instructors of products of "Sons raising Sons of Prophets" because their main influence of the sphere of the prophetic is "I want to prophecy to you."  We are told by the Apostle Paul, "I wish all would prophecy" yet--the Apostle prayed earnestly, "All would see into the Face of Jesus and be reconciled into God through Christ, and inTo Christ by God." 

Sons raising Sons of the Prophet ministries, have the Grace of God, to speak in general prophecies but cannot unlock hearts and minds to be immersed with the One who is full of Light and Life because they have not entered in this arena themselves, and released by God to be sent to do so.

Yet, these instructors never experienced the opening of the heavens in their lives to see and hear the Spirit of God, the Hand of God, and His Son-Christ Jesus....on a regular, ongoing voyage of faith in God.   There are many, many, people who are experiencing this who have yet to be revealed in the earth and that is why there will be the greatest outpouring the world has yet to know, and ever seen.

At the same time, you will recognize Prophets who are well known in certain countries "Who have had visions to see and hear God, yet have never seen His Spirit nor His Son-Christ Jesus in visions..on a continual voyage of faith in God."

The Apostle Paul said something striking, "None of these men move me."  

We do not despise the Grace of God in each of their lives -yet, "There is none greater than John the Baptist to this point, Jesus said because --there was none who was a witness of the Spirit of God descending in Bodily form to give permission to be immersed inTO and reconciled in God, through Christ Jesus." 

For this reason the Apostle Paul prayed, "Let our eyes are opened by God giving Light--this is by His Spirit, in order to see the face of Jesus" is a mystery of the opening of the heavens that continues to be a journey to those far and abroad, --who, like the sons of the Prophets merely viewed from afar.

I pray this note has been a blessing to you, and that you have learned more about the Life of a Seer, as I share the Grace of God in Christ Jesus by His Anointing. 

If you have not signed up using the free register button at Online School of Prayer With Christ, please do.  The whole Campus is being ‘re-created’ to be tailored to the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation.   I know it will be a blessing to you.

"Born of a family of five children,

Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."

Sister Lara's Motto:

"Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place"

About Sister Lara
Vision of the Great Awakening
Vision of The Prophet Nahum
Visitation of the Heavenly Courts of Council
Amazon Bookstore 
Campus Bookstore
Seer House Blog

Growing in the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation Bible Study Hour

Colossians 1:19-20

19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell;

20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

Dove Cote: When Doves Fly Like Clouds

Here, Sister Lara shares visions of a famous Prophet who was playing His piano and the "Spirit of God, like a Dove, comes and sits upon this man's head and Jesus steps into the man and the Prophet prophecies." 
At the same time, Sister Lara shares "How Jesus stepping into a Person and becoming one in them is the Blood Moon Eclipse and Consummation of an unusual revelation in the Word in the Spirit of Wisdom and More."
Chapter Headings Include:
Dipped in Honey, 
Blood Wine Eclipse: Consummation, 
Canopy of Love in the Glory, 
Awakened Conscience, 
Abiding Glory
This is a PDF File 62 pages.
Inspirational, Encouraging, Revelatory.  Classic Revelation by Sister Lara 
Get your copy today..FREE, and be blessed !
Sign up using our free register button at Online School of Prayer With Christ, and use the contact form to request your PDF book today.

Online School of Prayer With Christ is an Educational Website to Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries, Since 2003

Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life in God Through Christ, 
"A Voice Appearing in the Wilderness, A Voice Walking in the Garden." 

Sister Lara writes according to the Anointing in of her Secret Place--not according to the Anointing of the participant readers of the Seer's House to: edify, build; and impart the gift of Wisdom to all whom God sends.-Page Admin, Pam Scavousky

“What I tell you in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in your ear proclaim upon the rooftops."  Matthew 10:27 (KJV)

If you are reading this out of a "Email share to a friend" be encouraged to use our friendly register button, and start listening today to more teachings like these. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Similitude of Visions Back to the Future to Usher the Future

Similitude of Visions
Back to the Future to Usher the Future

 Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

Similitude of Visions: Back to the Future to Usher the Future


There are times in the Life of Seer you can be enjoying the fellowship of a friend in the Lord, and because of the Grace that is in Christ the Seer will begin to see visions of different times of the life of a person they are speaking to.  As a young Seer, I would experience this in dreams and as I grew in Grace of God in Christ, I began to increase in visions to release the Spirit of Prophecy in a city; a nation; a person.  

When Moses was on the mountain, “Moses saw visions of past in the Garden of Eden.”  For this reason, “Moses wrote what he saw in secret in what we know as the Book of Genesis, and more.”  After the conversion of the Apostle Paul, “The Apostle was given visions of Jesus --taken in the past, and saw the betrayal take place of Jesus” even though during this time Paul was not an Apostle.  It was through this experience, the Apostle recorded this in his writings. 

It was not long ago, “I personally saw the Apostle Paul in a vision sitting in a prison cell, made of stone, at a stone table writing upon holy scrolls.”  As I watched the Apostle Paul write, “I knew he was recording what the Holy Spirit revealed to him by Grace: through visions, through the Spirit of Revelation and more.”  If you are one of the few on my personal account, you can find this recorded vision in my note section.  It is the through the Word of God I have learned to see visions, by meditating upon the Word of God.  Yet, like Moses, I have seen into the lives of others in the Word of God who wrote Books of the Bible and walked with them, such as: The Prophet Nahum, The Prophet/King David, The Prophet Zechariah, and a Michael the Archangel, and more. 

It is written, “Open my eyes to see the wondrous things of thy law” in the Book of Psalm 119.  Here, the word law-or Torah, represents the idea of “The Sprinkling of Water upon the eyes.”  At the same time, in the Genesuis Lexicon, the Torah also represents, “The rising of the water to come forth in the shape of a finger” in order to reveal.  It is through the baptism of the Word of God, being formed in my inner being through meditation that the Holy Spirit will open my eyes to see in the realm of the Spirit.  (Click here for the text to speech teaching)

Similitude of Visions: Back to the Past to Usher in the Future...(Continued)

Recently, I was speaking to a sister in the Lord who lives over 2,100 miles away. This person is 48 years old and as I was speaking to her I began to have “Similitude of Visions: Back to the Past to Usher in the Future.”As the person was speaking to me, “My Spiritual eyes were open and this person did not know what I was participating in.”  However, I began to see this person’s life at the age of around two to three years of age.  Here, I saw her mother come into the living room and the person I was speaking to came into the living room as a little girl to look in her toy box.  The toy box was a wooden chest, and her mother bent over to help her choose a toy.  
Over the shoulder of this event, I saw the child’s father come home from work and walk into the living room.  The father had on a white t-shirt, dark colored pants and the girl dropped her toy to greet her father.  Her father reached over and picked the child up and held her in her arms.  It was there, as the child was being held, “I watched the child grow in years up until the age of six or seven years of age.”  Soon, the father carried the daughter over to a dark colored beautiful chair, in which he reclined in often after a hard days work, and continued to hold the child stroking her hair.  At times, the mother would come and offer her husband to drink, while the son was seen in his younger years listening in from the kitchen down the hallway.


Visions of the Girl Along With Her Mother and Father as a Child
Visions of the Girl

Appearance of her mother, while young.
Appearance of her toy box, while young.
Appearance of her father, while young.
Appearance of her home, while young.
Appearance of her brother, while young.

Increasing in Vision as a Seer

Often, when Seer’s begin to see visions the “Length of the Vision will last as long as the Grace that is upon the Seer is given.”  The Seer sees through the Anointing upon Christ and that is why “To the measure you are filled with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit will infill you with Christ to walk in authority.  As you are filled with Christ, God in Christ will overshadow you and open your eyes to see into the kingdom.”  This comes by understanding your position in God, through Christ, by the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation. 

As I continued to watch the vision, in video form, the woman continued to speak about her day.  It as there, I saw her father sitting in a chair and the hand of God came into the vision and the five fingers of God were at work. 

Hand of God

Moses saw the “Hand of God” as he was hidden in the cleft of the Rock, a prophetic window appearance of being hidden in the mountain (God) hidden in Christ Jesus (The cleft) being reconciled.  A Prophet Seer hears and a Prophet Seer sees according to the Grace that they are filled with by the Holy Spirit of the immersion of the Word of God, in Christ. 

As I watched the “Hand of God” at work in the father’s life I saw more similitude's of visions.

First Finger & Second Finger of God: Placed a crown upon the man’s head.  This crown was like a laurel’s wreath with flowers of Righteousness in it.  I have learned that every crown given is an impartation of the Divine Nature of God, in Christ.

Third, Fourth, Fifth Finger of God: Stroked the man’s hair as a Father would to His Son and ministered comfort and peace.

 2 Corinthians 3:18
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

 Exodus 31:18
When He had finished speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God. 

This vision lasted about a half hour, to forty minuets of different events in the girls life and events of her parents in her home, while her brother watched in the kitchen in his younger days as a child, too.  

At the same time, the next day, the person wrote me and told me that she had conversation with her mother of these events, and the Mother said, “Yes, these things Sister Lara spoke of are true.” 
In closing, I am reminded of the Prophet Zechariah who was with the Angel of the Lord who had a vision of Joshua the High Priest.  In this vision, Joshua did not know the Prophet was looking in and the Prophet saw Jesus looking in as well.  In the vision, Jesus never said a word and neither did some of the angels who were looking in.  At the same time, Joshua the High Priest was having conversation with Satan.  I go into depth in this writing “Discernment of Spirits Levels of Hearing Levels of Seeing in the Spirit” 

I share this point, so that the message of this note will be clear for all who read it.  That is, “A Seer that is mature will always see supernatural events but it is best to wait and watch for the vision to unfold until the Hand of God appears, or the working of God in Christ appears, in the vision.”  It is not until then, that the mature Seer does not presumptuously speak but waits upon God’s Grace to release the fullness of the vision for the purpose of the vision that was given. 

I pray this note has been a blessing to you, and that you have learned more about the Life of a Seer, as I share the Grace of God in Christ Jesus by His Anointing. 

If you have not signed up using the free register button at Online School of Prayer With Christ, please do.  The whole Campus is being ‘re-created’ to be tailored to the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation.   I know it will be a blessing to you.

"Born of a family of five children,

Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."

Sister Lara's Motto:

"Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place"

About Sister Lara
Vision of the Great Awakening
Vision of The Prophet Nahum
Visitation of the Heavenly Courts of Council
Amazon Bookstore 
Campus Bookstore
Seer House Blog

Growing in the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation Bible Study Hour

Colossians 1:19-20

19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell;

20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.
Online School of Prayer With Christ is an Educational Website to Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries, Since 2003

“What I tell you in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in your ear proclaim upon the rooftops."  Matthew 10:27 (KJV)

How the Scroll of Your Life is Opened and Walking in Your Purpose

How the Scroll of Your Life is Opened 

Walking in Your Purpose 

Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

Psalm 65:9-13 The Message (MSG)

9-13 Oh, visit the earth,
    ask her to join the dance!
Deck her out in spring showers,
    fill the God-River with living water.
Paint the wheat fields golden.
    Creation was made for this!
Drench the plowed fields,
    soak the dirt clods
With rainfall as harrow and rake
    bring her to blossom and fruit.
Snow-crown the peaks with splendor,
    scatter rose petals down your paths,
All through the wild meadows, rose petals.
    Set the hills to dancing,
Dress the canyon walls with live sheep,
    a drape of flax across the valleys.
Let them shout, and shout, and shout!
    Oh, oh, let them sing!

Introduction: The Cleft and the Mountain

When Moses was taken and hidden in the cleft of the Rock, it was the Hand of God that revealed unto Moses visions.  It was not until Moses was hidden in the mountain that he was overshadowed to see in the Kingdom out of his position in God. Just as it was then, "The Hand of God advanced the kingdom and unraveled the Scroll of purpose in the Life of Moses."  The Scroll that needed to be open and received in order for Moses to see into the Kingdom, is thought to be by Historians several options of observance, such as: the Hand of God and the audible voice of God.   Moses saw the Hand of God and Moses heard the audible voice of God--in which some think, it was the Angel of the Lord hidden in the burning bush in which Moses heard.  Yet, I have come to know that these are mere observations of external means of insight to the heart of God, as fantastic as they are.  What I mean is, "Everyone has a scroll that was wrapped around their spirit being when they were born, as a gift of God, when they were put into their Mother's womb."  I draw the conclusion by the Birth of Jesus as the angel spoke to Mary, "Upon this wise you shall have a child, conceived of the Holy Spirit, and this child shall be called Jesus, to save people from their sins."  

When we look at Moses, "The Scroll that was open to open the eyes of Moses and reveal His destiny-was His position in the Scroll, known as the cleft of the Rock, and the opening of the Rock that allowed Moses to see in the Spirit."  These are foreshadows, and after taste of delights Divine of a term called Reconciliation.  It is not until Moses was in the cloud that He heard the voice of God, that overshadowed the mountain. Yet, it was not until Moses was in the cleft that an opening came and he saw the supernatural of the fire in the bush.

Modern Day movements would adhere to methods to create a cloud, in young carnal movements of Mysticism. For example, one Author recorded, "Praise until a cloud is created so you can ascend" yet, if we were to follow the pattern of Moses "Moses could not create the cloud" as it was part of God's providence of Reconciliation. 

History Perspectives and Theologism:

I was reading the Jewish Bible about a Saint, whose surname of Saint Lauris.  This saint was a Monk in the early 1700's and started a movement of Yahwehism.  It does not matter if I am for this movement or against, however, his movement involved great passion and discipleship that taught people how to ascend.  

The method of ascending was recorded in the Jewish Bible as "Soul Tuning: Tune your soul to be like a chariot by harmonizing the name of Yahweh." The success rate is to a few, but to most--there is only defeat of ascending and seeing, and that why the category of people that fall into the most, are dependent more on their senses to prophesy rather than genuine engagement of the kingdom.  

A wise Teacher once said, "Focus on the major and not the minor, even though the minor exists it cannot be your patent to duplicate in order to succeed." For this reason, I believe,   these types of Movements of seeing into the kingdom lack the ability to open the Scroll--in each individual life, to see into the Kingdom the part of Destiny that is chosen for them, and them alone.  To the extreme young Mystic, this challenge has already been met and that is why there is seclusion in their lives to seek God.  I met a young man who sat in his closet all day, in his young twenties.  His mother said, "Son, what are you doing in your closet all day?"  The young man replied, "I am in my closet to hear God's voice and to ascend."  The mother replied, "Son, as you come out of the closet and ascend into the kitchen to wash the dishes you have left, you will hear God's voice say to you that He is with you wherever you go."  As I listened, this occasion did bring my heart a smile at the desire of the young man to hear and experience God's kingdom, but a reality, was made known that this remnant that is hungry for more of God lacks the ability to understand the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation. For that reason, the minor cannot override the major in any  move of God. 

Presenting the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation

Part 1-Into Thy Hands

Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, 
“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last. 

The last words of Christ Jesus on the cross was the secret to His ascension, but it is also the secret to the opening of the Scroll in which one is revealed their destiny.

At first glance, when people hear about the "Ministry and Word of Reconciliation" it is the ones who think they know what this is, scares me.  They are dangerous to those who are desiring to learn how to open the Scroll of their lives because it is Modern Day Phariseeism. While most teach on the Spirit of Jezebel and Ahabism, I have discovered that these same teachers do not know (For the most part) how to enter into themselves.  I say that in the most humble means I can, that is, under the hand of God-so that, the Holy Spirit might impart something to you. 

Here, as we turn to Scripture we read that Jesus said, "Into your hands I commit my spirit."  Here, the word commit, or commend in some translations, means to deposit.  Here, the word commit is the word "Para-Tithe-Mi" in the Greek. The mystery of access into God, and to be hidden in the cleft-who is Christ Jesus, is understanding: the Hand of God and the position you are placed.  Here, the Spirit of Christ gained access to being reconciled, or glorified, back into the Father.

When Jesus prayed in John 17, "Glorify Thy Son" here the word "Glorify means to reconciled as One."  In other words, "Glory is more than the manifested presence of God; clothed in splendor: Glory is living in God through the Ministry of Reconciliation."  It is from this position that signs, and wonders are seen but it is not the sign and wonder that is Glory.  If it was so, then even Satan can duplicate the glory of God and we know this cannot be true because Glory is the position you live inside of God, by the position you have been placed in.

As many that receive Christ Jesus these are they that have been given the right to be called, children of Light, and born of God.  To receive means, to have access in order to experience and make a trial. In today's world, over four years ago, I made public decrees of prayer recitals for one years and seven months, four times a day and shared them in Social Media.  At the end of the time of posting the same people who said I receive--never received, as many of these are still receiving in other decrees who have copycated other people's decrees in their lives with few results.  Copycats do not know how to access the mystery of the kingdom, and that is they access and experience the kingdom as copycats.  This is acceptable for a season, but every copycat must grow and experience by having "Access in God" by living in a place of being One in God. 

Secondly, as Jesus prayed "I commit My Spirit into Your Hands" the Spirit of Christ gained access.  I want us to note, "Jesus could not ascend on His own" He was fully dependent upon the Hands of God.  Now, here is a mystery, "For everyone that is a disciple of Christ Jesus we have entered into the same Door (Place of access of the Father) as we have died with Christ; risen with Christ, ascended with Christ and seated in God, through Christ.  

As I studied this revelation the beginning of the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation I learned that "When Jesus prayed that His Spirit was deposited into the Father: How was Jesus put into the Father? Where was Jesus put into the Father?"  Here, the word commit (Deposit) also means: to lay down as an infant. 

We are told in God's Word that Jesus said, "Unless you enter into the kingdom as a child, you cannot enter in."  What He was saying was a mystery, "When the Day comes that you have access back into the Father with Me, you will become children of the Light of My Father's Kingdom in Him,"

It is in this place I am "Put into the cleft of the Rock" or, "God hides His inheritance of who I am in Christ as the redeemed."  I am a tithe to God, as a seed that is sewn in Good Ground, who is Christ Jesus.  When Jesus was laid down, in the position of a child, in the Father "I was laid with Him., already." 

Without going into great detail, it is in this place I live and have my being to live in God presented to Christ as a child as His inheritance.  All my enemies are put at bay-outside of God in Christ as a child cannot defend themselves from darkness.  I no longer have the spirit of the world operating in me, as a child of disobedience because I now live in God, through God in Christ.  What I need in the earth, I rely upon the Hand of God in the earth, who is the Person of the Holy Spirit and His arm to reach; to move; to extend; to overshadow; to retrieve; to bring; to me what I have spoke into being out of God in Christ.  To move ahead of the Hand of God, or the Person of the Holy Spirit is to live outside of God in Christ.  To be yielded in this place of Divine Mystery in God, through Christ--as a child, is to be overshadowed and filled continually in the fullness of God in Christ. 

1. I am deposited into God: I have access to the mystery of being One to experience and make trial. 
2. I am born of God-predestined in the workmanship of Christ Jesus, and a child of the Light of God in Christ.
3. It was the Hand of God that gave me access to Him, and it is the Hand of God-in the earth who is the Holy Spirit, that I fully yield to.

I believe that I have read so many of Andrew Murray's books on the topic of the Holy Spirit and Abiding in Christ, and always walked away in awe and wonder of living a Life of Being Yielded unto God.  However, I have yet to find in any of his writings (As Masterminded as they are) my access to God through the path and patent of the Last Prayer of Jesus Upon the Cross, in His Last Breath.  That is not to say Andrew Murray has not written on such topic, as for me "It was the design of the  Holy Spirit for me to learn first handed from His Hand."

As I study the words "I commend My Spirit into Your Hands"--my time of study has been over a year now.  Yet, my time of living in this place began before the world(s) began in God as this was all accomplished in God, through Christ, before the foundations of the world.  For it is written, "The Lamb was slain before the foundations of the world."

It is this place Jesus spoke of to His disciples, "When you pray, pray ye: Our Father who are in heaven hallowed be thy name."  To understand the word hallowed we must know that is means more than the meaning: to be set apart, to be holy, to be sanctified, and more.  Here, when I pray "Hallowed by Thy name" I am literally saying, "I am hidden and one in You and it is in that place I worship and have my being. You are Glory.  I live totally dependent upon You- in You, as a child." 

Understanding this mystery, is the place that I learn more of the meaning of "I commend My Spirit" s the meaning of the word commend, or commit also represents: a hill.  The Body of Jesus, in which I have been set into, is a hill on the mountainside in which I rest; I graze; I feed; and become totally dependent upon Christ Jesus to teach me to live in God, yet have free access to God anytime I want as My Meal Offering in God.   It is in this place Jesus said, "Ye are a city on a hill so let your light shine."  Jesus is the Scroll in which I have been wrapped inSIDE of that is opened to learn my workmanship and destiny in God, my predestined plan and purpose.  It is the unraveling of who He is that I walk in as God overshadows me, and shines upon me to see the face of Jesus.  For this reason, the prayer, "Into Thy Hands I commend My Spirit" also means, in finality in the Greek, "The body of Jesus is the Capital of the New Jerusalem."

As I live in this mystery of the Divine, I live in the position of "Being Tithed into God."  I am no longer infused with the life I led on the earth, "But I am infused with Light from the One who is full of Light and Truth" and my Light shines.  I only long for fellowship with others who live in the Light of the City on a Hill because I realize that those who have not yet come to this place are yet carnal, and are motivated by copycat revelations in: pictures--rather than visions of Glory, through senses--rather than Light and Truth of engagement of the Kingdom, works of movements and muttering sayings rather than the Gasp and Bliss of what is seen and heard in the Secret.  In this place Jezebel is not common language, or Ahab--the law or not the law, or even sin.  Yet, Jesus came to earth and God hid in Him and those who live in the heavenly city as children of Light must walk that path, as well with works of faith in God, with their commitment to the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation.

I have not written about the actual Ministry and Word of Reconciliation:Living Life Beyond the Veil Vol. 1,  yet in this article.  I have written a several books and published them in full in the Online Campus Webstore and Amazon Kindle.  I have not openly shared my revelations on this topic, not because I desire to with hold anything from you but it is a deposit of Treasures in my earthen vessel from God.  The Tithe of the Life of Jesus to me has left me in a place of greater seeing, greater hearing, greater depths of His Word in my life as I live in God through Christ.  Yet, I have found the delight of His Gates--which are His Divine Fruits a Supper I cannot seem to walk away from and that is why He has put His angels in charge of my vineyards "In Such a Time As This." 

Steal Away in the Secret Place, 
In the 100 Fold,
Sister Lara

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"Born of a family of five children,

Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."

Sister Lara's Motto:

"Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place"

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Growing in the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation Bible Study Hour

Colossians 1:19-20

19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell;

20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.
Online School of Prayer With Christ is an Educational Website to Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries, Since 2003

“What I tell you in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in your ear proclaim upon the rooftops."  Matthew 10:27 (KJV)

Vision of Jesus In a Trance and Scrolls