Label- Jesus Visions
Circumstances-I was sitting on my couch in a time of meditating on the Word of God
Meditating on the Word of God is a time of awe and wonder. As you sit and wait for the Love of the Father to fill you inwardly, and delight in Him, this is the greatest part of my day.
Recently, I watched the feet of Jesus walk up to a circled place on the top of the earth's sphere. As I watched His feet move in a beautiful grace, the hem of His garment began to flow from side to side. Jesus did not have any sandals on as I have seen before. As I continued to watch Him walk in this circled place on the top of the earth's sphere, the vision enlarged and Jesus sat down in a beautiful Throned seat. As I watched Him sit down and put His right arm over the arm of the Throned seat, suddenly I appeared with Him sitting down on His right side. Jesus said, "Daughter, I have come to sit with you and look at what you are looking at, and see what you are seeing, and imagine with you what you are imagining." I smiled at Jesus and said, "Thank You Lord. I love to spend quiet time. Help me to always see what You would have me see." Jesus said, "Continue in My Word daughter and your eyes will see the Father's Kingdom always." I said, "Thank You, Lord. I Love Your Word."
Psalms 104:34 My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.
Psalms 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
Steal Away in the Secret Place,
Sister Lara
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Beautiful Sister!