Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Menorah Hebrew Writings Prophecy For America and the City of Life Being Released

The Menorah Hebrew Writings Prophecy for America 

and the City of Life Being Released

Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

The Menorah Hebrew Writings- America and the City of Life Being Released

Isaiah 26  The Message (MSG)

Stretch the Borders of Life

At that time, this song
    will be sung in the country of Judah:
We have a strong city, Salvation City,
    built and fortified with salvation.
Throw wide the gates
    so good and true people can enter.
People with their minds set on you,
    you keep completely whole,
Steady on their feet,
    because they keep at it and don’t quit.
Depend on God and keep at it
    because in the Lord God you have a sure thing.

The Menorah Hebrew Writings-America and the City of Life Being Released

Circumstances to the Dream

Recently, I have had it on my heart to begin a house church.  Our first meeting had five people and we were blessed by the Spirit of God.  The house church is not something new to me as I enjoy the house church's since September of 1990, where God put me in the homes to preach.

Acts 2.46

Berean Literal Bible
And every day they were steadfastly continuing with one accord in the temple and breaking bread at each house. They were partaking of food with gladness and sincerity of heart.

The Menorah Hebrew Writings-America and the City of Life Being Released

Prayer Before the Dream

This morning I got up early and had breakfast and spent a little time in prayer.  I suddenly grew tired and went back to bed for a morning nap.  It was during this time God gave to me a repeated dream as answer to my prayers, "God, what gives you the most pleasure in my life for me to do?"

Dream Begins:

The Menorah Hebrew Writings-America and the City of Life Being Released

In my dream, I was in a heavenly place classroom.  It was there I was assembled with about fifteen or twenty other people, listening to the instructor.  We were not sitting down as we were all standing listening to the instructor.  Suddenly he said, "It is the City of Life all across the land."  It was during this time the instructor pointed out into space and there "We all saw America" like a globe before our eyes.

As the instructor continued to speak and those assembled looked at America the name "City of Life" appeared written across America, and below the statement were large Hebrew letters.  Under the Hebrew letters across America was a very large Menorah.  It was there I woke up from my dream.

The Menorah Hebrew Writings-America and the City of Life Being Released

Fully, exhausted to go back to my morning nap I was in another dream.  This time, I was coming down a hill in a car, in an area of town that was familiar to me.  In my dream, I saw people that I used to work within the house church I used to work in for seven years.  At the same time, I saw people on the internet that I knew.

However, I began to walk the path of streets and put together a plan for a house church.  Some resisted, and I continued to move on.  Suddenly, I was back up in the heavenly classroom and the same instructor was there and I was assembled with the same people.  The instructor said, "It is the City of Life all across the land" and he pointed to outer space where America was and I saw the words he spoke written across America.

The Menorah Hebrew Writings-America and the City of Life Being Released

This time, as we all looked I said to myself "I am going to look over America and study this more in detail."  As I did I noticed "Glory orbs that were circular begin to pop up in Life all over America and fill each state.  In my area, I saw that it was not a hub to house the glory as the glory could not be boxed in.  The Glory of God had already filled each state in glory orbs."

At the same time, the United States was color coded.  For example, some states the color of the state was red--filled with Glory.  In other states, the states was black filled with Glory.  In other states, the color was purple filled with Glory.  Multicolored rainbows filled America.  I noticed the state of Texas was fully black filled with Glory and the state enlarged, and got bigger and bigger.  

I am not sure of symbology of that, but it was filled with Glory Orbs, too.

In the last look at America before I woke up, below the words "City of Life" and trillions of Glory orbs across the map of America, I saw the Menorah fully lit up over America with Hebrew words written above it that moved with Life and my heart began to grow in desire to walk in answer to prayer before I went to sleep, "God, what gives you the most joy in your life concerning me?"  The answer was the house church, and God's Living call in my life to preach the Gospel.

The Menorah Hebrew Writings-America and the City of Life Being Released

Matthew 10.27

"What I tell you in darkness say to the light and that which is whispered in your ears proclaim upon the roof tops."

The Menorah Hebrew Writings-America and the City of Life Being Released

As the Apostle's went house to house they had communion daily, signs and wonders and miracles followed.  However, daily "The Lord Himself added the church" and they had all things in common.

I will continue to write more about the house church as Online School of Prayer With Christ is a great resource for Home Bible Studies.
However, I believe that communion should be the center of the proclamation of every fellowship of gathering.  Here, in this book "Five Secrets to Communion: Court Room Praying" This book was written almost four years ago for students at Teach Me to Pray With Christ-Online School of Prayer." 

The purpose of this book was to teach people how to reflect upon communion to receive breakthrough where they are. At first, when I began to study the Scriptures from Matthew 26 from what we know as the Lord's Last Supper I began to receive revelation of a court room trial. 

Student Interaction:
After spending time with students behind the scenes for over a year practicing and leading each one in communion I came to realize that communion is a way of "Proclaiming the Gospel of Grace as a service on it's own." 

The name was taken from the original Greek Word "Take" as "Jesus took bread" which means to "Put to trial."  It is the act of communion we receive Grace through the finished works of the Cross to receive God's presence and more through this book full of revelation and Life.  The Body and Blood of Jesus "Is the Courtroom" of the greatest trial the world would ever know.

You can get the book at Amazon , or you can get it Online School of Prayer With Christ.

Aaron the Prophet of Moses Study of Christian Prophets-Seer House Blog
"What I tell you in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in the ears proclaim upon the rooftops." Matthew 10:27

About Sister Lara "Born of a family of five children,
Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."

Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries since 2003

Online School of Prayer With Christ is an Education Website of
Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries. All Rights Reserved @ 2003-Current

Vision of Jesus In a Trance and Scrolls