Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Prophetic Window The Watchman See Eye to Eye

The Prophetic Window 

The Watchman See Eye to Eye

"Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place"

Sister Lara Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries

Isaiah 52:8
Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, 

when the LORD shall bring again Zion.

There is a place where prayer begins in the life of a watchman that is what I personally call the prophetic window.  The term prophetic window is a place where the Holy Spirit begins to form a vision, and that which is seen in the realm of the Spirit becomes a reality to the person seeing into the realm of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit gave me this term, prophetic window, years ago when I began to experience visions in prayer.

When it comes to prayer, I approach prayer with faith in God through Jesus name and it is there I will wait for the vision in which I am seeking answers to God in prayer.  Usually, the time of waiting for vision is less than a minuet or two and it is through the vision I will wait for the Holy Spirit to form the vision, and enlarge the vision.  However, most the time in prayer, even though I am seeing a vision -I always wait to see Jesus appear, or the instruction of the Holy Spirit is made known.

In today's time together we read in the Book of the writings of the Prophet Isaiah, "The watchman have one voice, and the watchman see eye to eye."  In today's time together I am going to share just a few thoughts on this Spiritual Law of the watchman that I have experienced and I pray it is a blessing to you.  More so, I pray it is a Spiritual Law in your personal time of personal prayer, and in corporate prayer. 
In the Book of 2 Kings 2, there is a narrative between two Major Prophets who are the Prophet Elisha and Elijah.  I am not going to talk about the Major Prophets in this time together as I want to share a brief note on the sons of the prophets that were with them.  Here, in this School of the Prophets we are told that there are approximately fifty-sons of the Prophets. (2 Kings 2:7)

What is interesting to me is that all fifty sons of the prophets had the ability to prophecy the day in which Elisha would be taken away from them in the chariot of fire.  What this means to me is: all fifty heard God speak in unity, all fifty came into agreement with what God said, all fifty came to the Major Prophet Elijah-their Teacher and spoke their prophecies. 

However, as you study more in this dialogue something interesting takes a turn of events.  In short, "Everything they prophesied about --they missed the event when it happened, and where it happened."  This is very important to realize because had they not missed the event in which they prophesied about they could have received a greater blessing in the purpose and plan of God as a Seer. 

Notice, our text of Scripture today is, "The watchman have one voice, and the watchman see eye to eye." Just because you prophesy it does not make you a Seer.  In short, if you only prophesy you are not a Seer because a Seer -sees.  Let me explain more about what I mean from this School of the Prophet in 2 Kings 2.
When the time finally came for Elisha to be taken by the chariot of fire the sons of the prophets "Viewed from afar" and did not cross over the Jordan.   Here, we see that even though the fifty sons of the prophets prophecied --none of them could see in the realm of the kingdom.

This is a relevant reminder for Seer's today:

1. Just because a group or groups of people are going the same way, does not validate the move of God in the earth. 
2. Just because a group or groups of people are saying the same thing, does not validate the move of God in the earth.
3. Just because a plan or plans have come together to search a matter out in the heart of God does not validate the timing of God is of Him, and more. 

This is important to me because I have noticed "When it comes to prayer most people pray Scripture but have no eyes to see Scripture in the realm the Spirit."  Let me give an example what I mean when I say this statement. 

When we pray Scripture for a particular concern in our lives, and stand on it all have the ability to send the Word of God to go forth into the earth.  However, "Scripture from God's Holy Word --has the ability to open the eyes of a watchman to become a Seer." 

Proverbs 4:23 says, "My son attend to my words. Turn your ears to my words and let them not depart from your eyes."  When I was a young watchman I would speak the Word of God to hear the Word of God.  Then, I would look for the Word of God to see it in the realm of the Spirit and practice the ability to see in the realm of the kingdom.  This type of seeing in the Spirit is more than a thought, or a perception of the mind, or a mind's eye vision.  This type of vision is a "Video" that has action, movement, events, speech and more. 

In the Old Testament, the Prophets meditated upon the Word which is called the Torah or the first five Books of the Bible.  At the same time, the Prophets also wrote down their visions upon Scrolls and these Scrolls would be kept among the Prophets in the Schools of the Prophets.  Here, Prophets and sons of the Prophets would study what God spoke from other Prophets and speak it, and they would meditate upon the Torah and worship God and their eyes would be opened to see in the realm of the kingdom. 

The words "Attend to my words" is the Hebrew words "To sprinkle like water."  Here, the Word of God baths the eyes to have them become clean by engrafting the Word of God in the realm of Sight. 

When eyes are not opened by the Word of God being engrafted into the senses of a believer born of God, then that is why many have the ability to prophecy instead of see--yet, those who prophecy only are not Seer's. 

Because the sons of the prophets missed what they prophesied about, "They made a search for three days and three nights to go and find the Prophet when he was no longer there.  They all made plans.  They all decided to divide and search the land.  They all decided to pack lunches and dinner for food.  In fact, they told the Prophet what they were going to do, and how to do it."  The description of their character in 2 Kings 2 says, "They urged the Prophet to shame him."  

Many sons of the prophets have such a tight group because they can prophecy in part-they often go into great deception and this is when they break off to do their own thing, and make their own plans and many at this point end up leaving their destiny in God.  At the same time, this is also why young sons of the prophets would rather continue to seek other people's prophecies and deeper revelations, and maintain to seek revelation of others because they do not know how to wash their eyes in the Word of God to see for themselves, or teach others to see in the real of the kingdom.

Jesus gave a few simple thoughts in prayer, "Ask and it shall be given."  Here, "To ask is to believe, or have faith in God that He will do it."  Secondly, "After you ask, seek and ye shall find."  Here, the word "Seek" is also translated as "Meditate" as the word "Find" means: to see.

Thanks for sharing this time together today.  I pray that from today's writings that each of us will continue in God's Word "To hear and see" with one voice and one sound--eye to eye looking unto Jesus as the Author and Finisher of our faith.  May all eyes "See Jesus, Today."

Steal Away in the Secret Place, 
Sister Lara 

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Vision Jesus Appears to Give Comfort to a Dog Needing Healing

Vision Jesus Appears to Give Comfort 

to a Dog Needing Healing

"A Prayer of Blessing and Comfort For Animals"

So often we read about the healing Jesus did for the multitudes in His earthly ministry, "But what about how Jesus heals animals?"  Animals are a part of our family too!  Animals are a gift from God to all who have them.  For some who are elderly animals bring comfort and healing for those who are living alone.  At the same time, animals are often valued in a life of a person who is physically challenged or mentally challenged to help in every day life.  At the same time, animals bring the heart of a person a certain joy that never puts demands on a person, and always gives unconditional love.

Recently, a woman joined in our Monday Night Prayer Line and began to weep as she shared that her dog by the name of Lady, was in the process of dying.  As the woman wept, we could hear her dog over the telephone crying because of the pain the dog was in. 

It was there, the Holy Spirit opened up my vision and I began to see in the realm of the Spirit of the Kingdom.  In the vision the Holy Spirit showed me the woman's dog.  I had never seen the woman or the dog, as the woman was over two-thousand miles away.  

As the Holy Spirit began to enlarge my vision it was there Jesus appeared.  It was there that I saw Jesus dressed in a Robe of Righteousness with a Sash around His waist.  As I watched Jesus, He knelt down to where the dog was on one knee and placed the dog's head upon His leg.  There, Jesus began to reach out His hand and pet the dog's head and minister comfort to the dog.  

Here, as I continued to watch Jesus minister to the dog I realized how much Jesus loved His creation that He made.  At the same time, I discovered how much animals love Jesus because He created them all. I watched Jesus minister to the dog His Love and Comfort around forty-five minuets. During this time, Jesus would stroke the head of the dog all the way down the side of the dog.  As I shared with the woman the vision of Jesus and her dog she said, "Lady seems more comforted now and does not seem to be in so much pain."

As I began to worship the Lord I was reminded of several times,  in my own life, where I had to put my own dogs asleep because of their health.  It was the most dreadful thing I ever went through, and sometimes I still miss them deeply.

It is times like those that I think about a Scripture in Revelation 5:13 that says, "And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard them saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever."

Every animal has a voice in heaven.  Every animal has a song in heaven.  Every animal enjoys the ability to worship Jesus.  Every animal has the ability to recognize Jesus.  Every animal has the ability to see Jesus.  Every animal has the ability to hear Jesus.  Every animal has the ability to harmonize together, in unity, in heaven to speak their heart unto the Lord as one.  What an amazing thought.  Yet, Jesus knows them all because He created them.

There is an interesting Scripture found in the Book of Psalm 145:9-21 that says, "The Lord satisfies the desire of every living thing." Animals have desires of heaven, too. Have you ever watched an animal dream?  I used to enjoy watching my animals sleep as their little paws would run while sleeping, or they would act like they were playing.  At the same time, I used to go to my animals and pray for them during bad dreams.  Here, Scripture says, "The Lord satisfies the desire of every--yes, every, living thing which includes animals."  Scripture goes on to say, "The Lord preserves all them that love Him."  I can personally share with you a visitation of heaven that I had where an angel spoke to me, "Behold Lara, all animals in heaven greet one another by name, and they know your name as animals came to greet me.  There was so many dogs that came to greet me that their little bodies turned into U's as they wagged their tails to greet me."  Yet, I also know that the Lord will return on horse and that the lion will lay down with the lamb in heaven. 

All the animals that God created, "Saw that it was good" as it says in Genesis 1:25, "And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and God saw that it was good."

As well, I love the Scripture that says, "A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast (animals)."

For this reason, I enjoy the Life of Prayer greater than any other ministry on earth-other than to worship the Lord as my main ministry.  Without prayer a prophetic believer growing in the Spirit of Sonship does not see Jesus appear to minister to His people, or creation.  For that reason, just as the many members of the Body of Christ look to Jesus as our Author and Finisher of our faith--so, does all creation that Jesus made. Hallelujah!

Thank you for sharing with me today as we Steal Away in the Secret Place.


Healing Prayers shares prayers for those that are desiring agreement prayers from Scripture on topical subjects of everyday life.  

In these healing prayers Sister Lara shares a Scripture, along with visions she has experienced in the Secret Place of healing and deliverance to reveal God's Unconditional Love.

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Steal Away in the Secret Place,

Sister Lara

Vision of Jesus In a Trance and Scrolls