Friday, March 17, 2023

Three Woes and the Angel of Woe


March 1, 2023

In a dream I began speaking to a person who I was married to about God while we were walking.  We talked about different events in the earth and how to pray about situations.  Suddenly, in my dream I was taken with this person to a high heavenly place over looking the earth. 

There, the person appeared with many others as the Father was there at His Throne.  I saw the Father's arm outstretched and His right hand come towards us all.  There the Father touched the person's head and when He did, over the person's head was illunimated halo's of light.  This is when I realized the person was an angel from God.  It made sense because they are ministering angels gone forth to minister to heirs of salvation, so now I understand the bond symbol in the dream. 

As I looked closer I saw the Father put a very old ancient metal pipe on the angels head and attach it.  There the Father said these words, "Woe, Woe, Woe."  I began to shake and tremble where I was standing. Suddenly, I heard the Father say to the angel in whom I was with "Go into the earth and proclaim My three Woe's: Woe, Woe, Woe." 

As the angel began to descend from a heavenly place into the earth I watched the angel from behind and could not get over how swiftly the angel flew with it's wings. 

Thank you for subscribing to this blog and visiting the other links made available for you at the top of this page.  If you would like to learn more we have started to make our lectures and study companion booklets and more made public. 

There is Rest Through Covenant, 
Sister Lara 

Larged Winged Angels and Jesus


What is the purpose of seeing angels?  Grow to know the different kind of angels.  The ministry of Jesus at the Throne Room Altar.

As I was meditating upon the Fruits of the Spirit through the Golden Candlestick of being Tabernacled with God, I began to see two very larg winged angels.  These winged angels flew gently above my vision area of my head looking downward towards where I was sitting.  There, as I looked with them Jesus appeared.  

As I looked at Jesus to welcome Him in quiet assurance and honor the Holy Spirit enlarged my vision.  Multitudes of people appeared before Jesus in prayer and in the right hand of Jesus He poured out oil upon their heads.  I began to agree with Jesus in prayer and noticed the large winged angels remained. 

Thank you for subscribing to this blog and visiting the other links made available for you at the top of this page.  If you would like to learn more we have started to make our lectures and study companion booklets and more made public. 

There is Rest Through Covenant, 
Sister Lara 

The Golden Menorah and Flying Dove


Tonight as I was studying God's Word and in my secret place of prayer I had a vision of the Golden Candlestick.  The Candlestick began to move upward and as I watched it move suddenly a dove began to appear in the prophetic window, flying towards me.  

To date, I continue to study what I have seen in the Word of God and write about those things I have seen. Hallelujah!

Thank you for subscribing to this blog and visiting the other links made available for you at the top of this page.  If you would like to learn more we have started to make our lectures and study companion booklets and more made public. 

There is Rest Through Covenant, 
Sister Lara 

Vision of Jesus and the Throne Room Altar


People were bowing their heads but very few could see Him. It is my prayer that the eyes of Covenant would enlarge in the Body of Christ to see Jesus, walk with Jesus, go with Jesus in the Spirit of Sonship. "Oh! That they would see Jesus."


Just tonight, as I was practicing my quiet time I saw the Lord Jesus before the Throne Room Altar laying hands on people, kneeling before Him with heads bowed. Jesus was dressed in a Robe of Righteousness and full of Light. 

People were bowing their heads but very few could see Him. It is my prayer that the eyes of Covenant would enlarge in the Body of Christ to see Jesus, walk with Jesus, go with Jesus in the Spirit of Sonship. "Oh! That they would see Jesus."

I realize now is the time to begin teaching again on seeing in the Spirit of the Kingdom.

Thank you for subscribing to this blog and visiting the other links made available for you at the top of this page.  If you would like to learn more we have started to make our lectures and study companion booklets and more made public. 

There is Rest Through Covenant, 
Sister Lara 

Wells Full of Wine Being Opened


A time of going forth on assignment to help God's people walk in deep wells of wine and more.

Shared from Memory Journal
sSotpornedMarch 17, 2021 

I dreamed last night that a man was digging wells but could not get the well to open.

It was there I went to the ground and began to dig, and teach him where to dig. Suddenly the surface of the ground began to open and gold began to come forth.

It was there I continue to dig, and out of the wells gushed deep powerful flow of wine. The well was a cellar and the bottom was very deep. 

It came out so fast, the wine went over my body. It was powerful.

These are the days of glory and wine. It is there the righteous will dig and they will be overtaken with abundance of commune with the fullness of the God Head in Habitation.. Hallelujah!

Now that I look back on this I realize how much I have grown in my studies on Covenant with God.  Covenant continues to be in the fore front to teach God's people His Rest and Righteousness.  Amen!

Thank you for subscribing to this blog and visiting the other links made available for you at the top of this page.  If you would like to learn more we have started to make our lectures and study companion booklets and more made public. 

There is Rest Through Covenant, 
Sister Lara 

Vision of Jesus In a Trance and Scrolls