Sunday, April 9, 2023

Vision of Jesus and His Burial and Resurrection


Label-Jesus Visions 
Welcome to the Seers House 
Where Seers of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place 

Part Two-Holy Week & the Resurrection (A continuing vision of the body of Jesus being anointed in His burial and resurrection)

From my personal journal,
It was a typical evening as I was sitting in worship for several hours.  I was given a vision that I would like to share from my personal journal of the resurrection of Jesus.  

In my vision, I saw two people come and take the body of Jesus off the cross and lay His body down on the ground.  Much like the picture on the left of the center of this picture, Jesus had a wrap of white cloth around His waist and as He laid on the ground I was standing near His head looking over His body.  At the end of His feet, off in the horizon, I saw the tomb that they would lay His body.  The tomb was a cave like opening with a very large boulder in front of the tomb that was moved to the side to make an entrance and lay the body of Jesus.  I could not see inside the tomb as it was totally dark. 

Here, the two people that took the body of Jesus down from the cross and lay His body on the ground began to anoint the body of Jesus.  One person laid out the right arm of Jesus and began to anoint His arm, and the other person laid out the left arm of Jesus and began to anoint His left arm. 

As I watched the two people anoint the body of Jesus, I could not see their faces as they had robes on and their heads were covered.  I could see the sides of their faces and foreheads but at no time did these people look up as I stood in this heavenly place to watch this vision. 

As these two anointed the body of Jesus, all the sudden Jesus looked up and smiled at me.  He knew I was there and was not dead but alive. His eyes were full of Love and His smile was perfect in every way His teeth shined with perfection and beauty. 

As Jesus smiled at me, I smiled back at Him and that is when He looked down at His body and the two people continued to anoint His body.  As He looked at His body, two more people appeared in the vision to anoint His body.  Like the upper part of His body, one person took His right leg and began to anoint it as the other took His left leg and began to anoint it.  When each person had finished anointing His body Jesus they each took the arms and legs of Jesus and placed His body on their shoulders to carry Him into the tomb of darkness.  

I did not know if I should weep as they took away the Body of Jesus or pray when I noticed Jesus looking up at me a second time with a smile.  Instantly, my tears were wiped away and I smiled back at Jesus only to glance at His beautiful smile a second time. 
As they took the body of Jesus into the tomb and I could no longer see His body or the those who carried His body, I was instantly in another heavenly place within a twinkling of an eye.  Here, I stood in the front of the Golden Ark of the Covenant as described in the Bible.  On top of the Golden Ark of the Covenant were the two Cherubim that were Golden, perfectly stationed with their faces downward with their wings upward in worship.  These Cherubim were beautiful and alive in reverent, contemplative, worship.  I could not see their faces, but I could see them from where I stood from a side view.  

It was there on top of the Golden Ark of the Covenant lid where the body of Jesus was laid.  It was here I said inwardly to the Lord, "Oh, ho!  That is how Your Blood was sprinkled upon the Mercy Seat!"  As soon as I saw Jesus and made this thought within my being, Jesus looked up at me a third time and He smiled.  I smiled back at Jesus and looked at Him in worship as long as the vision would allow me to gaze at His beauty and worship. 
Living a life of the making of a disciple through God's rest and righteousness, is living a life of Covenant. 

Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place, 

If you would like to learn more about seeing in the Spirit please visit our discipleship classes at Online School of Prayer-Making Disciples of Covenant.  You will be glad you did!

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Sister Lara 

Vision of Jesus and the Crucifixtion


Welcome to the Seers House

Where Seers of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

Part One-A Thought About Holy Week

As we prepare to come to the end of "Holy Week-Passion Week" and meditate upon the stages of the cross that Jesus went through, one thing that comes to mind is that I have been blessed to see the enactment of Jesus on the cross, and his death and resurrection in visions. One day, while in worship for several hours, I saw the Father's Chest Cavity in a vision with His outstretched arms. Then the Father's chest cavity was opened by His hands and became a Door into another realm of heaven.

It was through the Father's heart, when opened, that I saw there was a part of a city in heaven the enactment of the Jesus carrying the cross. As Jesus carried the cross I witnessed multitudes of people with their eyes on Jesus,while the roman soldiers had scourging whips, beating the body of Jesus. Even though Jesus never said a word in the scourging, I heard the crowd cry out ''crucify him!"

This vision lasted about 45 mins and the Father said, "Daughter, in heaven there is an enactment of the cross where people who have never heard or never seen what My Son went through can see My Son's Love for Me and for My creation." I remember when they came to Golgotha and the roman soldiers erected the cross into the earth and put a ladder up to the cross with the body of Jesus erected on the cross. When the roman soldier climbed the side of the cross to the top to secure the cross into the ground with a large hammer, the cross 'stammered into the earth to stand firm' and the body of Jesus jolted on the cross at the movement of the hammer on the top.

The city was full and hundreds and hundreds of people were close by in view. I remember seeing the roman soldiers armor that they wore along with their helmets and scouring whips just as it was and is written in the Holy Bible as I saw them at the foot of the cross.

Like the Apostle Paul, who after his conversion, had a vision of Jesus and what we call the Last Supper and the betrayal of Jesus a disciple of Covenant can see into the past and the future of the works and Life of Jesus as they meditate upon the Word of God. Every Scripture is a video-realm of the kingdom of Heaven and represent a portal in Spiritual Sight to give the entrance of Light (righteousness) to the eyes to see into the kingdom.

In an eye-opening revelation to many and still to me, there is a thought I can never grasp in full. That thought is, "We have been crucified with Christ, risen with Christ and seated with Christ in heavenly places." At the same time, "Jesus was crucified before the foundations of the world, and so are those who are born of God through Covenant."

Living a life of Covenant is living a life of Righteousness and Rest with God. Amen.

Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place, 

If you would like to learn more about seeing in the Spirit please visit our discipleship classes at Online School of Prayer-Making Disciples of Covenant.  You will be glad you did!

Thank you for subscribing to this blog by navigating your device to the right and click follow.  

Sister Lara 

Vision of Jesus In a Trance and Scrolls