Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Seer and the Ministry of Angels Keys to the Kingdom Being Revealed

The Seer and the Ministry of Angels 

Keys to the Kingdom Being Revealed 

Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seers of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2017 King James Bible- 

Zechariah 3:1 And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. 

Last night a friend and I were in Facebook messenger. I had not seen her in several years. During our texting, “The Holy Spirit opened up the realm of the Spirit and I saw her husband walking down a hallway. As he was walking down the hallway, I noticed he was going towards a bedroom door and his feet were unsure and his steps were weak and he fell.”  I have never seen her husband and I have never been to her home, but I have learned to trust in what I see in secret.

Matthew 10:27, “What I speak in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in your ears proclaim upon the rooftops.”

It was during the conversation she asked me, “Do you see anything for me and my future?” You have to understand she has never asked me this question before, it has always been about work that we have discussed. It was there I told her about her husband falling and she told me, “My husband fell a couple months ago, and last night just as you described.” Then I told her of the color of slippers he had on in greater detail and assured her I would be praying for her.

Times like these are not uncommon, many of you reading this over the past year I have shared during our conversations how I have seen each person in different situations. I used to be on a program called Paltalk where I would spend up to eight to ten hours a night in a chat room telling people “What I saw and how I saw them in the realm of the Spirit in perfect detail” and it was so accurate that people thought I was a witch because most do not operate in the ability to see into the Kingdom.”

 John 14:21(b) says, “I will manifest Myself to those that Love Me.” The first part of the meaning of the word manifest means, “Evidence of God’s saving Grace.” The second part of the meaning of manifest means, “To strike the eyes with light.”

 Visions are given by Grace. Acts 2 is often spoke about in different times of history when “Dreams, Visions, Prophecy, Signs and wonders in the heaven were made know” but people have put all of these before the revelation of Grace. The Spirit that was poured out on Pentecost is “The Spirit of Grace” and “Great Grace was upon them all do signs, wonders, and miracles.” Grace is the Royal Power of Christ: God with Him, Emmanuel.

So, here in our Scripture today from the Book of Zechariah I saw something interesting. Before I do, I want to share a new definition of what I call “The definition of prophecy.” Now, when you hear me say this you might roll your eyes, but in my saying this I believe it to be the most accurate I have ever heard. I believe prophecy “Is the ability to work with angels to reveal what God is doing in the realm of the Spirit.

I have come to learn that the Testimony of Jesus is God with Him, or Grace, and the Spirit of Christ is God with Him, or Grace.” God raised Jesus by Grace. Jesus proclaimed the kingdom, by Grace. So the working of angels is also the Spirit of Prophecy because it reveals God’s Grace revealed in the Kingdom

So, let’s get to the Scripture at hand Zechariah --the Prophet, is not physically in the same room as Joshua and all the sudden he has a vision of where Joshua is and what he is going through. In the vision, Zechariah sees Joshua the High Priest (Not Joshua the writer of the Book of Joshua) in garments that are torn, another angel standing next to Him, Jesus was standing there (but Zechariah saw Jesus and Joshua did not) and Zechariah saw Satan and Joshua did too. “Did you get all that? If you see me smiling in my writing I probably am because that is a lot to cover just in one vision.”

First off, Zechariah was a Prophet but to tell you the truth, “How was he able to see?” Dear friend, it was God’s Grace that revealed the ministry of an angel, and the angel’s name was Gabriel. The ministry of angels are God’s messengers of Grace to speak while their eyes are opened to see into the kingdom. Interesting, an angel was standing there speaking with Zechariah and when the angel opened the eyes of Zechariah another angel was was standing there too.

 God’s Grace opens the eyes of Prophets to work with angels and angels work with Prophets. Secondly, I want you to notice that Jesus was there, and rebuked Satan, and most of the talk going on was between the angels, “Don’t you find that odd?”

 I remember one time I heard a testimony of Kenneth Hagin where a HUGE angel (That is his words not mine) appeared in a revival meeting with Jesus. The angel did all the talking and Jesus said nothing when Kenneth said,”Angel, why are you doing all the talking? Don’t you think Jesus should be doing the talking?”  Then Jesus said, “The angel is doing all the talking because it is the Father that sent the angel to speak to you. I am here to bear testimony to what is being said.” Here, the Spirit of Prophecy is Grace: God with us through Christ and His angels. (Are you beginning to learn a little more about Grace and why I work so hard to teach you the message of Grace?)

 Now, back to the lesson for today, to consider a few thoughts:

1. Mary, the mother of Jesus saw and heard an angel speak to her: The angel was Gabriel, and Mary, the mother of Jesus is no Prophet is she?

2. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus saw and heard the angel speak to him in a dream: The angel was Gabriel, the earthly father of Jesus was no Prophet was he?

I loved the account of Cornelius in his own place; in his own time worshiping God. He had his own chapel, so to speak going, and nobody knew but him and God in he Bible. He was making a memorial of prayers, worship and money --a private altar, and all the sudden an angel appears to him and begins to speak to him. How can this be? It was God’s Grace: God with the angel and Cornelius that caused him to see and hear the angel. Just as the Grace of God opened the eyes of Cornelius to see and receive instruction from God from the angel, the same work of Grace with in the life of Zechariah and others mentioned in this text.”

It is Grace that fills a new born soul and Grace has already positioned a soul to receive and be filled with God anew and clothed in Christ. It is the filling of God’s Grace in the soul that opens the eyes to see and the spirit being to expand to walk and talk with angels to receive assignment for Kingdom work.

Steal Away in God’s Grace, Sister Lara

Visionary Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries since 2003 Visionary of Online School of Prayer 

1 comment:

  1. My name is edward senff ,all my life ive had these dreams and or visions ,sone one once told that these where just for me that people would not believe because it was not them or th err y didnt see it or them to keep these to my self


Jesus Appears to Sit With Me