Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Message of the Last Day Prophets The Dawning of a New Age

The Message of the Last Days Prophet
The Dawning of a New Age

Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

The Message of the Last Day Prophets 

The Dawning of a New Age

Zechariah 1
 17 Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad; and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem. 

I love the study of the Life of the Prophets: What was the Life of a Seer like? What specific meeting did the Seer in the Bible have with Jesus (Yeshua) in the call and separation of their Life as Seer? How was the Life of the Seer called?  What type of training did the Seer go through?  What events lead to the Seer going public, if any, to the Nations? 

Whenever the End of an Age came in the Old Testament, God raised up Prophets to usher in a New Age and time.  Their message was clear: Deliverance from poverty (Grace) to expand God’s kingdom in the earth as it is in heaven, 

Deliverance from religious systems that did not know how to walk in Justice (Grace), and Encountering the Supernatural of working with angels and the appearance of Jesus-the Christ.(Grace).  

All of these can be found in the true Life of the Prophet that was used of God to set up the ushering in of a New Age. Between the interval of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ at His birth God used the “Three Prophet System” if I can call it that to help you understand what God’s voice sounds like and looks like at the End of an Age to bring a New Age. 

This “Three Prophet System” can be found in: Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. In this New Kingdom Age, these last three Prophets of the Old Testament ushered in the coming of Christ and then Apostles were given to user in the same message.  

This message would be Grace but through a different means, “Through One Person and one means: Christ Jesus and the Body of Christ” as being One in God. (Grace)

The message of Haggai, in short, comes from his name meaning “My Holiday.”  It was a time to “Awake” in Grace and build.  It was time to rebuild cities, rebuild dreams, rebuild the visions of old, establish the dreams of new.  What was in the heavens will be shaken into your life and you are going to prosper.  It was time to re-dream, it was time to be re-committed to what really matters in life, which is Grace.  

Through Grace God will provide all things; supply all things, furnish all things and our cities and land shall expand and prosper.

The message of Zechariah was the same to live the dream in which God spoke to the Prophet Haggai to speak but with a different turn.  “God is continuing to restore everything Haggai spoke but you must speak Grace, and work in the means of Grace, to everything that stand’s in it’s way.  It is during this time the Priest must be clothed in the revelation of Grace--as seen in the Priest Joshua (Not Joshua that followed Moses) who was dressed in filthy rags, poverty, and must undergo training of the work of angels as directly taught of the Holy Spirit (Jesus was there in this vision, Zechariah 4) When you do this, you shall build cities and you shall expand in the cites and snow shall be upon your mountains.

The message of Malachi was the same to live the dream in which God spoke to the Prophet Haggai, the Prophet Zechariah but with a different turn.  The message of Malachi would be message of how to release Grace in the message of prosperity which will be through the Tithe. This form of releasing God’s Grace will open the windows of heaven Haggai spoke about, and cause the Grace of the mountains that stand in the way to be fully removed to release the angels that Zechariah taught through the life of Joshua to usher in “A Greater Life of Grace: God with us, in Christ.”  It was there we see the opening of the New Testament where all of these spoken words and prophetic enactments of the Prophets are now known.

The heavens opened at the birth of Jesus--they were no longer of brass: I recently saw a post where a Pastor wrote that they saw a boulder over the heads of people and an ax was coming to break open the stoppage of the heavens over them.  This pastor made a decree but lacked the revelation of Grace and the ministry of the Prophets of Grace to reveal God with us, in Christ and how that transfer has been made in the Body of Christ. 

The heavens opened at the birth of Jesus and Nations came afar to give into His bosom, “Pressed down shaken running over”:  This is a symbol of the church and the “Awakening of the outpouring of God’s Grace.” 

The heavens opened at the birth of Jesus and the angelic hosts were seen and heard in the heart of the Pastors, along with the great cloud of witnesses overlooking the portals of heaven: This is the still the current work of Grace that is being restored to the Body of Christ. 

If we, as a body are going to operate in the Kingdom Age we must:
1.  Understand the role of the Prophets that ushered in the Christ, God with us, and their message.  That is the study of: Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.

2. Understand the message of Grace to prosper and transition the Kingdom message of Grace: God with us-through Christ, and the revival of the spoken release of Grace.  This is not to be affiliated with the spoken Word of faith, as it is only the “Word of Grace” that increased in the Word of God.  It is through this spoken revelation of Grace that positions faith to be unstoppable.

3. Understand the message of Grace to work in finances,-the message of Malachi. “Yes the tithe is essential to release Grace, as it is the message of the foundation of the Prophets at the end of the Age of the New Testament and in the message of Christ.”  

4.  The message of Zechariah to the Priests how to be clothed in Grace and fine linen (Joshua) and walk in authority (God in Christ) through the ministry of angels. Zechariah 3 and 4. 

In closing, it was the Tithe in the message of the Three Fold Prophets that ushered in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament to bring “Grace, Grace: Gospel of the Kingdom” where the Holy Spirit rebuked the seed eater, “Herod and the laws of His kingdom” in a time when there was much crying, weeping, wailing, protesting in the streets in Rama in the days of the birthing of the New Age of “Grace: God with us” in Christ.  

It is for this reason, Prophets of Grace are being raised in this New Age of Kingdom to be released.  They will have one voice, and they will speak with one sound.   It is here, upon this Mountain of Grace: God with us, that city of God will expand as snow and the prosperity of her cities will resound in joy and gladness as this city is build and upheld with Christ Jesus being upheld in Majesty and Glory.  In Jesus name amen. 

My mission is to remain on this hill, “In the house of Zechariah and write what I see and hear and instruct God’s people to live upon and in the Mountain of God with us, through Christ by the revelation of Grace.”  

Steal Away in God’s Grace Today, 
Sister Lara 


Visionary Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries since 2003 Visionary of Online School of Prayer 

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