Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Discernment of Spirits One of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and It's Operation

Discernment of Spirits
Gifts of the Holy Spirit and It's Operation

Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

 1 Corinthians 12:10 - To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another [divers] kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:  1 Corinthians 12:11 - But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.     1 John 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  1 John 4:1-21 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.


 1 Corinthians 12:10 - To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another [divers] kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

1 Corinthians 12:11 - But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

1 John 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1 John 4:1-21 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

 1 Corinthians 12:10 - To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another [divers] kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:  1 Corinthians 12:11 - But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.     1 John 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  1 John 4:1-21 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
There was a time I did not like talking about the “Gift of Discernment of Spirits.”  Perhaps the reason why was all the ministries that rose up in the late 1980’s, 1990’s, and into the decade of 2000, and more.

During that time, “Strongman’s name what’s it’s gain; He Came to Set the Captives Free; Pigs in a Parlor; and more” went viral in printed material around the world.

Families were broken up, marriages were aborted, church’s were split and in some cases this is still happening because there is not a balanced approach on the topic of Discernment of Spirits.

Doctrines rose up, “Christians have demons, Christians don’t have demons", and so many more.  Ministries rose up Demon Slayers and the list goes on.  How do we define the gift of Discernment of Spirits?

1 Corinthians 12-Gifts of the Holy Spirit

~If all the gifts of the Holy Spirit are revelation of the Divine Nature of God’s Grace, then every gift should provoke the world (Not the church) to run to God with jealousy, to know Him.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are the Graces of God, or His abilities, that are given to the church to know God’s Grace: God in Christ, through the Righteousness of Christ. (How Christ released God with all who believe in the death, resurrection, and ascension in Christ to credibly live in every believer.)~~

Discernment of Spirits is the “Organ in the heart of every believer to hear God’s Voice in order to release His Grace(s) to point people to God and know Him.”

I recently heard a world wide preacher say, “He fights demons every night” and showed his bruises on his body.  He tried to credibly share the Scripture that the Apostle Paul said, “I bear in my body the marks of Christ Jesus from the Cross.”

Sadly, “This gift of discernment of spirits is also quoted as: discerning the difference between good and evil.”  While most would say, “Yes!  Exactly, and amen!”  this definition could be farthest from the Truth as well.  The reason I say this is, “Did not God tell Adam and Eve do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?  For when  you do you shall surely die.”

Discernment of Spirits Continued:

When you live a life out of living out of God’s Grace: God with Christ through the Righteousness of Christ you live from the inside of God--not on the outside: what is good and what is bad, etc.

Personally, for this reason I believe that most who call themselves Seer’s are not Seer’s: they do not see Jesus, they have never seen the way He walks, what His smile looks like, what heaven is like, and are not skilled in the ministry of Grace to teach and preach the Gospel of Grace.   The Apostle Timothy said, “If you are not skilled in Grace you are disqualified to preach the Gospel.”

At the same note, Jesus said, “All authority (God in Christ which is Grace) has been given to Me and now I give it to you, go and make disciples. Out of the 39 miracles that are recorded in the Bible (maybe 38?) Jesus mentioned demons and their names about three times.  The reason is, “Jesus focused on the major: To reveal the Father and proclaim the Grace of the Father, and demonstrate the Grace and Authority of the Father.”

Yesterday, I was asked to pray for a person whose name I will not share to keep their name private.  They told me that the eye doctor had diagnosed them with the beginning of stages of Glaucoma.  As they asked me to pray, I looked for vision on how to pray.  This person is about 3000 miles from me (I am not sure but I think it is that distance) and I immediately had a vision.

Vision 1: 

In my vision I saw the person sitting in a chair in their home and their surroundings.  As I looked at the person I noticed their spirit begin was full of Light and no darkness in them.  However, behind the person was standing a very dark figure with long pencil width arms with the same pencil width fingers, blocking light to come into their eye --from the outside.

I simply released the angel of the Lord to reveal itself--everyone has angels with them according to the Word of God.  As I did, I immediately commanded the demon to be still and to stop working to block this person’s sight. At first it did not want to listen, so I sent the command a second time using the the name of Jesus.  Lastly, I commanded the demon to go and sent the angel of the Lord to take it out of the earth.  (Mark 11:22-27 --Cast into the sea.)

It was there, I released God’s Grace (God in Christ living in her, by the Holy Spirit) into this persons vision to receive the unconditional love of God; a creative miracle, etc, for restored vision in Jesus name.

This prayer took less than a minuet. I did not type it all out, I simply released God’s Grace.  When we release God’s Grace, we understand what I have taught on “Prayer is releasing what God has already provided, through Christ-which is Grace: God with us.”

Important Thoughts to Know

Here is what we should learn:

1.  This is believer is not possessed of a demon that caused this diagnoses of sickness.
2.  The demon worked behind the scenes to oppress (Inherited) this person’s eye to make them speak words of agreement the eye disorder was real, in order to take over the vision of the person in greater measure.
3. The rebuke of demons come’s by releasing God’s Grace into a situation, through the Righteousness of Christ.
4.  Authority is not how long I prayed; how loud I spoke --it is simple trust in God in Christ that lives BIG in the Body of Christ to do His good work by faith in God.

 1 Corinthians 12:10 - To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another [divers] kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:  1 Corinthians 12:11 - But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.     1 John 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  1 John 4:1-21 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Vision 2: As we continued 

Later this person told me their son came into the room complaining of a stomach virus and asked me to pray.  Immediately, I looked to see and my eyes were open to see the young man in this same home--walking down the hallway of their home into where the mother was sitting.  Here, the young spirit being was full of Light and there was no darkness in him.

As I watched the man in the vision, behind him came a woman: short in body frame, and thin dressed in a white robe.  The closer the woman got the taller she morphed in my vision and grew taller in body frame.  Here, she stuck her finger out at the son and began to harass him with accusation and condemnation.  Immediately, in my vision the man was jolted from standing to falling backwards.

In short, I called on the angel of the Lord to be revealed in their room: everyone has angels. Immediately, I watched this woman spirit become still and I simple bound the spirit and commanded it to and be escorted by the angel out of the earth.  I watched this spirit leave. It was there, I looked to see the stomach area where this man was sick and it was there I saw a demon, on the outside, not the inside about 5 or 6 inches tall outside the stomach area trying to oppress this man with an infirmity.  Immediately, I commanded the angel of the Lord to appear and it was there the demon already started to run before I said anything.

 However, as I continued to watch it I simply commanded it to be still, and bound it and commanded it to where to the outer part of the earth (Mark 11:22-27, be cast into the sea) and escorted by the angel of the Lord.

It was here, I spoke the unconditional love of God for a creative miracle of God’s presence in the man’s thoughts, and in his body in the stomach area for healing.

Here, the demon’s at work were trying to continue to oppress the man--by working on what is going on around them.  This person simply did not know how to release God’s Grace: God in Christ that already lives in him.

*This whole prayer lasted less than a minuet and we learned that “Prayer is releasing God’s Grace: God in Christ, lives in them right where they are.”

Harvesting prayer is totally different than our inheritance of being reconciled in God through Christ.

When Jesus died on the Cross, “He harvested God with Him through His death, resurrection, and ascension through the cross that God lived in us-before we even knew what the word repentance was, or what a demon was.”

So, “Why has the Gospel (Grace of God with us through Christ) been preached the way it has been for over 2000 years?  (No wonder the world hates Christianity.)

God lives beyond the veil--that is our flesh, through Christ and He walks and talks in us by His Grace.  Hallelujah! It is our job now to Harvest God in our around in each of our lives by having faith in God.  Emmanuel!  God with us, through Christ.

This is why a believer who is constantly saying “I Receive!” does so out of child likeness because “They already have God’s Grace: God in Christ by the Holy Spirit living in them where all things are furnished.”

Every miracle was “God in Christ as the Authority” over every work of the enemy.

The opportunity is “How to cause a situation or circumstance to Harvest God in Christ --through them in order to fill their lives; their cites; their nations with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord.”  If you have not read my past two notes: Harvesting prayer in this same section please be sure to read them if you are so led.

Thoughts to Note

1.  This is believer is not possessed of a demon that caused this diagnoses of sickness.

2.  The demon worked behind the scenes to oppress (Inherited) this person’s eye to make them speak words of agreement the eye disorder was real, in order to take over the vision of the person in greater measure.

3. The rebuke of demons come’s by releasing God’s Grace into a situation, through the Righteousness of Christ.

4.  Authority is not how long I prayed; how loud I spoke --it is simple trust in God in Christ that lives BIG in the Body of Christ to do His good work by faith in God.

During this same day, last night I had visions that to bless you as well.

Vision Three:

Angel of the Lord --Virtue Angels

Last night, a woman asked me to pray for their feet, toes, right knee as there was swelling.  Immediately, I went to pray and saw the woman in a vision and her surroundings in her home.

Here, I saw behind her an angel of the Lord appear. Everyone has angels of God in their lives.  The angel of the Lord was pouring out oil into the woman’s hair on the top of her head.  At the same time, I did not say but the angel of the Lord was also placing beautiful white pearls in her hair.

As I began to speak the vision and release God’s Grace , the angel of the Lord put their hands together over the head of the person and released a beautiful dove into their lives.  Suddenly, the scene changed and Jesus stood there in a Robe of Righteousness.

It is releasing the Grace of God in prayer, we harvest the Righteousness of Christ and for that reason He appeared. Glory !  God through Christ lives big in this woman as I looked and saw her spirit being was full of LIGHT and the simplicity to harvest God’s Grace through prayer through the gift of the Seer is learning to walk in Discernment of Spirits so that people will know and grow in knowing God and exalting Christ.

"Born of a family of five children, Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."


  1. When young my spirit cried out
    When didnt know what to pray for ; I want to be your last witness I 1994 I cried god I dont know what to do a sound and great light came out with little lights behind it into the mane of the lion and in twinklingi was allowed to look apon the kingdom with no root where could I go churches I went and was told I was a demond and a devil one preacher said that I was talking crazy .I was spit out of the kingdom for my lack of knowledge with no guilds I took off in what I believed I dont know how to do it I lack oppurtunity I feel my life is in shambles but yet I dont give up ive been allowed to gave seen alot in my life spiritually I met God I sat with him he gave me life on a platter with a smile ive been beat down so many times I tried not to lose faith ,I have some that tell let god be god ,I must say that if god be all and in all and we believe in the one that sent our lord then we are the acting force ,the father hates evil and a liar I praise God Jehovah the living god hossana in the highest.when I was spit out of the kingdom for being lukewarm tears roll from my eyes cause I love and want to give want he gave me I maybe the worst but I still believe in the father no matter what state of mind ive been I have found that he is always there and has been thus will be
    But I find not how to bring glory to a almighty God that looked into heavan and said father forgive them for they know not what they do after we killed him and he looked apon me a man void of understanding.
    Father please forgive I know not what to do and I kniw with you all things are possible without you im nothing

  2. When young my spirit cried out
    When didnt know what to pray for ; I want to be your last witness I 1994 I cried god I dont know what to do a sound and great light came out with little lights behind it into the mane of the lion and in twinklingi was allowed to look apon the kingdom with no root where could I go churches I went and was told I was a demond and a devil one preacher said that I was talking crazy .I was spit out of the kingdom for my lack of knowledge with no guilds I took off in what I believed I dont know how to do it I lack oppurtunity I feel my life is in shambles but yet I dont give up ive been allowed to gave seen alot in my life spiritually I met God I sat with him he gave me life on a platter with a smile ive been beat down so many times I tried not to lose faith ,I have some that tell let god be god ,I must say that if god be all and in all and we believe in the one that sent our lord then we are the acting force ,the father hates evil and a liar I praise God Jehovah the living god hossana in the highest.when I was spit out of the kingdom for being lukewarm tears roll from my eyes cause I love and want to give want he gave me I maybe the worst but I still believe in the father no matter what state of mind ive been I have found that he is always there and has been thus will be
    But I find not how to bring glory to a almighty God that looked into heavan and said father forgive them for they know not what they do after we killed him and he looked apon me a man void of understanding.
    Father please forgive I know not what to do and I kniw with you all things are possible without you im nothing

    1. Hello Edward, I wanted to follow up and see how you are doing? At the same time, I wanted to thank you again for your comment as I commented on another thread you spoke as well. Please take time to use our free register button at Online School of Prayer With Christ, and there I can speak with you more through our beautiful Campus too! Thank you again for your comment, Sister Lara


Jesus Appears to Sit With Me