Sunday, September 1, 2024

Dream of 2025 The Month of April and Tax Season

 Label-Divine Guidance Through Visions and Dreams 

Circumstances: What does the year of 2025 have in store for those who walk in Covenant with God?

Dream Begins:

In my dream I was sitting in a tax office, and there was many people at work sitting at their desks.  The sun was shining outside as I could see through the windows and the room was bright.  There was a group of people that I was with when I noticed a person from where I work [she is from South Africa] came up to me with a card.  The co-worker said, "There is a new tax law that will go into effect this year.  This could make a difference in your taxes.  You could owe or you could get nothing back."  I took the card that she gave me and said, "Thanks Sister."  

I did not realize that my co-worker worked for the IRS and was doing the group I was my taxes.  There was other people I noticed who was working in the room with her, that were people I knew.  Each of them were in the office doing taxes.  

As the day went by it was time for me to get off work.  So, I packed up my belongings and began to walk towards the elevator when I noticed that everyone's taxes were done except mine. As the door opened, I received a notice from the person who did my taxes, "You are ok.  You do not owe anything."  I thanked her, and took the card. The elevator took us to the next floor, which we descended to ground level, the door opened we all began to walk towards our cars.   

I noticed that I had been here before, because there was deep snow outside and I wondered how I would drive home.   This was odd because the snow was in April tax season and I had to drive home in the snow. So, I decided to go ahead and drive and have no fear of the snow.  As I got into the car and began to drive my car disappeared and I was walking walking.  I said, to myself, "Well, I will go ahead and walk.  I realize it is sixteen miles home."  

This is when I woke up. 

When I woke up I said to myself, "I never realized it was sixteen miles from the place I knew to get home.  I have to look that up in the Bible."  

Strong's Number G16-A course of action in well doing; virtuous.  

This example is only used one time in the Bible. [Amazing]
1 Peter 4:19  Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls unto him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator. 

The whole context of these writings from 1 Peter  4 is "To keep fervent in your Love." 

Even though there are those who desire to know things after the flesh, "Above all things have fervent charity [Love] among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.  Use hospitality one to another without grudging.  As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.  If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever.  Amen." 

As I was looking up the number G16 I heard in my spirit, "Light for the flight."  In 1 Peter 4 we continue to read, "But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busy body in other men's matters."  

Dream Message:
"Continue in My Ways.  Fear not I AM with you.  The snow will come but it is not a set back in your journey. [16 miles home; continue to depend upon Me.]  You have learned to depend fully in Me and walk in My Ways of My Father's Love through Me [car disappeared].  The message of My Love will come forth to the forefront to those Voices My Father has sent [You owe nothing, but My Father's Love].  My Father will provide all things as you walk in My Father's Love [deep snow covers the multitudes of all sin.  Sin is all that is external and out of Union in My Blood Covenant.]  This snow is the release of more revelation of My Father's Glory through Me.  April to June [tax season in USA] is My Passover and I will harvest My Father's Love in His Redeemed Inheritance through My Altar of Blood Covenant in rest and righteousness among all people.  Behold, I come quickly be ready. "  

Says the Spirit of Rest [the first flame on the Menorah] in Love [pure Oil of Light in Righteousness].  

Want to learn more about Covenant with God in His Transfigured Love? 

Sister Lara's Global E-Books

Transfigured Minds of the Father's Love

For prayer agreement,

Steal Away in the Secret Place Today, 
Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

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