Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Dream Flying Drones Coming Out of Aircrafts

 Label-Divine Guidance Through Visions and Dreams 

Last night I had a dream of hundreds of perfectly formed airplanes in the sky. They were all in unison in the form of a /\. As I watched them go higher, and higher in the sky I noticed the electrical power coming out of their  cockpits, underneath them. 

During this time the day changed to dusk, as the sun was setting. All the sudden, in perfect unison their cockpits opened out of the belly of every aircraft and drones came out and began to cover regions of people:in the valley of the mountains, in the streets of the marketplaces and more. 

As the drones approached the people they shot out electrical magnetic fields, like nets of electricity and the people were now constrained by the drones electricity.

People began to yell and run to avoid the chaos, and I began to run and hide. Then it dawned on me, why am I hiding I am in Covenant with God.

I walked unharmed in times of havoc because of Covenant with God.

Could the drones represent Modern Day work of the writings of the Prophet Nahum?

Not sure, but I have walked with Nahum from the Bible several times and spoken to him in depth conversations.  Maybe that is why I am enlightened by this Scripture.

Nahum 3:16 - "Thou hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven: the cankerworm spoileth, and flieth away."

Sister Lara 

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