Saturday, January 1, 2022

Vision of Jesus Sitting in a Heavenly Place Sitting and Reading a Book Episode 6


Vision of Jesus Sitting in a Heavenly Place Sitting and Reading a Book

Label-Seers House 

Seers Foundation of Blood Covenant

Seer of Blood Covenant Thought of the Day-The Elements of Blood Covenant are what washes the eyes to be made clean to see Jesus. ~ Sister Lara

Daniel 7:9 (NASTB) I watched till thrones were put in place, and the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head was like pure wool.  His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels were burning fire. 

Welcome to Today's Episode 

Seer Foundations Episode 6 

Daniel 7:9 Vision of Jesus Sitting in Heavenly Places With a Book

There are encounters of the Seer disciple that are always moving in events and videos before the eyes that see.  A Seer disciple sees while those associated with the Seer disciple only perceive through hearing in the mind's eye.  Daniel wrote, "I watched till the thrones" were put in place.  There is a lost art of seeing that begins with waiting for the appearance of Jesus in visions. 

Daniel could have quickly ran to his pen and scroll to record, "I saw thrones being set up" yet, Daniel waited for heaven to unravel and unfold before his eyes to see Jesus as the center. 

It is the elements of Blood Covenant that cause a Seer disciple to see.  It is written that Jesus came "Clothed and dipped in blood." 

Revelation 19:13  He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God. 

In 1 John 5 it is written that there are three things in the earth that bear record and give testimony of evidence of the heart of God (Elohim, the Trinity) and these three things are one: blood, water, spirit. Jesus came by these three and it is only by these three the Seer Disciple sees videos of Jesus in heavenly realms. 

A Seer disciple not only sees Jesus, the Word of God unfolding in this vision, but the Seer disciple sees the details of Jesus: what does Jesus look like?, what is Jesus wearing?, what is Jesus doing? 

The thrones that were being set, where positions that those who would minister to the Lord--yet to be revealed.  Sitting and ministering to the Lord in Spirit and Truth is vital to seeing in the Kingdom. 

Recently, I was sitting ministering to the Lord through devotions and prayer of the evening prayers.  As I looked up Jesus was sitting down, dressed in a Robe of the Light of Righteousness holding the same Book I was using for my evening prayers.   As I watched Him holding the same Book He was following along what I was praying.  During this vision, I kept watching over a period of several hours, and as I did I began to see people come up to Jesus to see what He was reading and listening. 

The Seer disciple is never alone in their time of sitting there are always many seats waiting to be filled, and already filled sitting around Jesus ministering to Him as their School of training as a Seer. 

As I continued to do my devotions unto the Lord I would look up and continue to watch the vision unfold.  There, I saw Jesus stand with a scroll case and open a Scroll and go to the people who were coming to Him to listen and He would put the pages of the Scrolls into their beings: the Scrolls of the pages became one with those present.  Then Jesus would sit back down and find the place that I was reading and praying and follow along.

Blood creates in secret visions to be seen, visions yet to be declared but it is the Water in the Blood-or Life, that causes what is created in Blood to be revealed.  What is Life? Life is the extension of the words that are being used to minister to the Lord of the Father living through those words, and the Holy Spirit takes of the Father to reveal the Son. 

Only the Father can reveal the Son in any vision and only Blood will create the work of the Father (Life.) Just as the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit are not separate and there is no dividing wall between them, so it is the with the Seer disciple in:spirit, soul, and body.  These housings of the inner man are one no longer divided in the elements of Blood Covenant in the life of a Seer disciple.  As these elements flow freely, like liquid rivers of Blood Covenant, in the Seer disciple the clothing of the God-House, or the Habitation of the God-Head increase from the inside to the outside to open the Seer disciples senses.

2 Corinthians 5 speaks of this in the words of the Apostle Paul, "He earnestly desired to be clothed from on high with an eternal God-House."  These words "Clothed from on high" represent in the Greek the "Great Investment."   It is the elements of Blood Covenant in the Temple flowing that increase from inwardly to clothe the outside to see in the Kingdom.

Daniel 'continued to watch' until he saw Jesus, and so it is with the Seer disciple. 

Journal: What would you like to learn from today's time together? Why? 


Three Step Journal Meditation Being Born Again of Blood Covenant
Write out today's Scripture Proverbs Daniel 7:9

What is God speaking to you? 

How can you reflect upon what God is speaking to you? 

How can you act upon what God is speaking to you? 

Seer of Blood Covenant Thought of the Day: It is in the recognition of being One in the fullness of God (Trinity) that elements of Blood Covenant Flow through the eyes to create vision.    Today's Episode   The Seer and Blood Covenant Episode 4   How Vision is Created ,Label-Being Born Again of Blood Covenant  Blood Covenant Thought of the Day-Encourage one another daily to remain in God's Rest in the simple acknowledgement of allowing the elements of Blood Covenant to flow freely inwardly to learn how to have an undivided heart.,Blood Covenant Thought: What God uses to testify of His Son is the pursuit of every disciple of Blood Covenant to create with God and walk in Overcoming Victory in their lives.~~Sister Lara
If you would like me to share with you my notes on the topic of Blood Covenant be sure to sign up for my Google Classroom, by clicking here. 

I am so thankful for the many people who are drawn to these pages to look for like fellowship on the topic of Blood Covenant.  

Thank you for clicking on the follow this blog icon so that you can go with people who desire to go where you are going on the topic of Blood Covenant. 

Seer of Blood Covenant Thought of the Day: It is in the recognition of being One in the fullness of God (Trinity) that elements of Blood Covenant Flow through the eyes to create vision.    Today's Episode   The Seer and Blood Covenant Episode 4   How Vision is Created,Label-Being Born Again of Blood Covenant  Blood Covenant Thought of the Day-Encourage one another daily to remain in God's Rest in the simple acknowledgement of allowing the elements of Blood Covenant to flow freely inwardly to learn how to have an undivided heart.,Blood Covenant Thought: What God uses to testify of His Son is the pursuit of every disciple of Blood Covenant to create with God and walk in Overcoming Victory in their lives.~~Sister Lara
PS>>Prayer Request
If you would like prayer please use our private form and I will personally pray for your needs.  Click Here and head on over.  Thanks ahead of time!

1 comment:

  1. One thing I wanted to add to this vision is how I also saw Jesus stand with a sword in His hand. As He stood up and welded His sword it was so full of Light, it caused me to stand back to look again. When He welded His sword the Light from the sword crossed with the Light that was in the 'air' and it caused a reflection of the sword. Jesus did this at the Throne Room Altar and people were kneeling before Him during this same vision. ~Sister Lara


Jesus Appears to Sit With Me