Sunday, December 24, 2017

Dream Baby With Many Toes The Mall The Bathroom

Dream Baby With Many Toes
The Mall The Bathroom

Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place 

1 Chronicles 28:9-11Amplified Bible (AMP)

“As for you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father [have personal knowledge of Him, be acquainted with, and understand Him; appreciate, heed, and cherish Him] and serve Him with a blameless heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and minds, and understands every intent and inclination of the thoughts. If you seek Him [inquiring for and of Him and requiring Him as your first and vital necessity] He will let you find Him; but if you abandon (turn away from) Him, He will reject you forever. 10 Consider this carefully, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary. Be courageous and strong and do it.”
11 Then David gave to his son Solomon the plan for the porch of the temple, its buildings, its treasuries, its upper chambers, its inner rooms, and for the place for the [ark and its] mercy seat;
I love the revelation of the Temple of Solomon, and the plan to build the Temple that David gave Him.  I heard a Testimony of Heaven, the Great City by Oden Hendrick in which he spoke of some of the mansions in heaven. These mansions, were located around the Throne of God.  Each mansion had very large Seer windows, that you could sit in a chair -look out through the windows, and gaze upon the Father on His Throne and all the activity around the Throne.

As well, Oden spoke of different theaters, or rooms, around the Throne that had tour guides take people into these rooms where the enactments of the Bible were given so people could learn the Word of God, and the Way of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross.  Personally, I have seen this in heaven while multitudes, and multitudes looked in to learn the Way of the Cross. 

In the picture above, in the Temple of Solomon, we see the design of the Tabernacle of Moses with more revelation revealed, in the Temple of Solomon. Through Scripture, we see that the Temple has: buildings, treasuries, upper chambers, inner rooms, and the Mercy Seat. 

Here, the Priests were in charge of each room where the supplies were kept and every source that was available: gold, silver, corn, wine, magazines, oil, and more. We gain a little insight from the Scriptures found in Matthew 6, when Jesus taught His disciples to pray, "When you pray enter into your closet, shut the door and pray ye to the Father." 

In my Book "Matthew 6: What is Closet Prayer"  I share how the word closet means: oil, wine, corn, graineries, gold, silver, magazines and more.  I drew upon this revelation from the meaning of storehouse; storage chambers which is known from Malachi 3, "Bring your tithes and offerings into the storehouses."  Here, the meaning is the same as what Jesus prayed.   A closet is full of provision, which has already been set aside for every Priest to do the work of the Temple.  

The meaning of all provision, is a picture of Grace.  Here, when a believer is reconciled in God all provision has been readily given already for every single believer to accomplish the work they have been given.  In God through Christ, all Grace--or provision of all riches are given, found in God through Christ.   

The idea of of a Mall is found here, because "Each Priest" could go into their closet and have access to the Treasury they have been given to do the work of the Temple.  In essence, when Jesus said, "When you pray enter into your closet (That place of being reconciled in God, where you have been placed) and shut the door (The finished works of Christ in the earth) then pray to the Father."

There is much I would share on these topics, however, it is with this view in thought of heavenly provision found in God as our Source, just as it is in the Temple of Solomon. I would like to share a simple dreams, yet profound meaning-from a heavenly point of view. 

Dream by Sister Shondra
Possible Dream Interpretation by Sister Lara

I was praying about applying for a particular job situation and possible interview.

In my dream I was shopping at a Mall and it was during that time and I ended up in the women's bathroom.  It was there, I saw a baby that was a little girl sitting there on the bathroom floor.  As I picked the baby up I held the baby close to my heart and put it up to the sink to  bathe it.

It was during this time, I bathed the child, I began to speak the Identity over the child of who the child was in God.  As I looked down at the feet of the child, I realized the child had one foot, with many, many toes. 

As I did, the child grew and had beautiful long hair.  As I looked around I saw my mother looking in,  It was during this time, I could keenly see through the outside Mall door and the man I was to meet for interview was outside while I was on the inside bathing the child. 

From the study of the Temple of Solomon, in minimum insights, we see more of the meaning of the Mall.  However, when we look at the diagram again we also see there was a number of 10 portable baths.  

 Here, the priests would wash their hands and feet before entering into the their daily work. You can take time to study in depth of the beautiful workmanship of creation carved on each bath (Laver), such as: ox, eagle, lion, and more.  There was ten of these located for each Priest to use in their daily work of the Temple enough for two-thousand baths. 
While the study of Solomon's Temple is not the center of this post, it is important to understand that meaning of the dream would be as simple as, "Understanding the importance of the focus of Priestly duties is the current work of the Temple.  That is, in continuing in the revelation of the Ministry of Reconciliation and it's Word (Washing the child in the sink-or, Laver) to those whom you are sent (Baby with many toes) to come into Divine Oneness in God, through Christ."  


Dream & Vision Submission Guidelines for D & V Possible Interpretation:

1. Give the circumstances of your dream: Have you been praying about a particular situation?
2. Give the date of your dream. Keep it brief and be to point.
3. All dreams shared will be made public to Online School of Prayer With Christ people as a means of teaching and personal discipleship of the Holy Spirit.
Request your Dream Interpretation Library Key to participate in Online School of Prayer With Christ Dream School.
All D & V interpretations are only possible interpretations and welcome correction and greater insights.  However, upon correction or greater insight there will be an overall free flow of the dream message to reveal greater capacity to hear God's Voice.   Not all D & V will be interpreted.

"Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living in God Through Christ."

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"Born of a family of five children,

Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."

Sister Lara's Motto:

"Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place"

About Sister Lara
Vision of the Great Awakening
Vision of The Prophet Nahum
Visitation of the Heavenly Courts of Council
Amazon Bookstore 

“What I tell you in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in your ear proclaim upon the rooftops."  Matthew 10:27 (KJV)

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