Dream Two Wobbly Cows
Dark Thick Clouds Suddenly Disappear Africa Shall Be Saved
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Africa National Anthem
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I wanted to add the National Anthem of Africa to this Dream and Interpretation because "Jesus appeared to the women in the dream and spoke about assignments in Africa."
May those who speak English agree in prayer for Africa, as the National Anthem of Africa is a prophetic prayer, too.
National anthem of South Africa words, lyrics & translation
Nkosi sikelel’ iAfrika (Xhosa) Maluphakanyisw’ uphondo lwayo, (Xhosa) Yizwa imithandazo yethu, (Zulu) Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho lwayo.(Zulu) | God [Lord] bless Africa May her glory be lifted high Hear our petitions God bless us, Your children |
Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso, O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho, O se boloke, O se boloke setjhaba sa heso, Setjhaba sa, South Afrika. (Entire verse is performed in Sesotho) | God we ask You to protect our nation Intervene and end all conflicts Protect us, protect our nation, our nation, South Africa |
South Afrika! | South Africa! |
Uit die blou van onse hemel, Uit die diepte van ons see, Oor ons ewige gebergtes, Waar die kranse antwoord gee, (Entire verse is performed in Afrikaans) | Ringing out from our blue heavens, From our deep seas breaking round, Over everlasting mountains, Where the echoing crags resound, |
Sounds the call to come together, And united we shall stand, Let us live and strive for freedom, In South Africa our land. |
Dream by Sister Felicia
Possible Interpretation by Sister Lara
Dream Theme:
Africa, oh Africa, Your Good Shepherd is raising up sheep of His pasture to bring deliverance, revival and healing through the revelation of the work of His Hands, from great oppression of witchcraft and famine.
He that hath an ear let them hear, in Jesus name.
Sis Lara I have shared a dream on the blog. I am not sure if it went through. If not it is this:
I had this dream on 21 November 2015. I have been praying for the prophetic ministry lately and this dream came to me today.
Dream Begins:
I dreamed that I was in a room with two women ( I have never seen them) but we were praying very intensely. We turned to the west and started to pray in that direction. It was hectic prayer.
Dream Continues:
Then I saw a thick dirty cloud coming from the west. I immediately knew that it is witchcraft that is attacking us. The prayers started to grow more intense, we were pleading the Blood, speaking against this evil and pleading the Blood more and more. The evil was so strong that I have never ever seen anything like it.
I then saw that the two women starting to fall, the evil was too strong. I was using everything I know and was taught on how to stand against evil but I started to go weak. This evil cloud was all over us and I could not breath.
Cows-Represent Oppression of Witchcraft and Oppression Bringing Famine to God's People. However, at the end of the Dream we see deliverance from this, by our Good Shepherd.
I looked at the women and saw that their bodies were covered in cow skin, I don't know how but they were like drunk people wobbling with cow skins in the room.
>>Comment by Sister Lara
The coming revelation of Intercession and Prayer to Africa will cause darkness to disappear in the Nation of Africa, where God's people in Africa will no longer be oppressed by the many adversities it has to overcome.
Dream Continues:
I looked at myself and saw that I was covered in sheep wool. I could not take it anymore and I called out to Jesus. I then saw that we were dying in that cloud, it was all over us.
>>You are part of the sheep of God's pasture who is created to trust in the Lord Jesus with your heart, as your Good Shepherd. Hallelujah!
For that reason, you were chosen as a candidate for this dream.
Ezekiel 34:31
New Living Translation
You are my flock, the sheep of my pasture. You are my people, and I am your God. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken!"
John 10:11,16,26-30 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep…
Dream Continues:
Then I saw a door opening in the darkness and a Man stepped in.
>>>The door is your revelation of Jesus, and abiding in Him.
New American Standard Bible
So Jesus said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
John 10:1
"Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever does not enter the sheepfold by the gate, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a robber.
Dream Continues:
He reached out His hand and grabbed me out of the darkness. When He did that the evil disappeared.
Luke 23:46 "Into thy hands I commend my spirit." --Hands represent the Spirit of MIght and Power of God Himself in the Greek. For this reason, I have written four books on this topic and teach at Online School of Prayer. Hands represent the "Aiding work of ministry."
Colossians 1:13
Thanksgiving and Prayer
… 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light. 13 He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of His beloved Son,
Africa has not been forgotten by God and shall overcome in God's inheritance of His Light and Peace, through Christ Jesus. God is raising up Intercession at this time by His Spirit to prepare the Way, and those that have been oppressed by witchcraft and the spirit of this world shall be deeply healed, by our Good Shepherd.
Dream Continues:
We were back in the room where we prayed in. He went to the two women took off the cow skin and healed them. They were actually shining when He was done with them. he ripped the sheep wool from my body then He started to speak.
1 Thessalonians 5:5
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
>>Here, we see the revelation of the "Hand of God" that Jesus relied upon the cross.
Ripped off the Sheep Wool:
The revelation of being a New Creation in God through Christ.
Dream Continues:
He addressed the first woman: I have commanded you to go but you did not go now I am telling you to go! I have destroyed the enemy before you so that you can take the land for Me. The lands are empty and is waiting for you to take it for Me. Now I am telling you to go and take it. I have prepared places for you in Africa. I have chosen a special place for you to stay in. It has a beautiful garden that I personally like. I love gardens - A vision then appeared of a beautiful place with a huge garden, it was well kept with a big house on the property
He addressed woman 2: I have told you to preach the Gospel to the people but you are slow to do it. Now go do it. A vision appeared about this woman walking the streets preaching the Gospel. There was a huge church in the vision. On the church was the sign of the New Apostolic Church. But while the woman preached the sign turned into three crosses on the church wall. The man was satisfied.
>>Everyone is given a purpose and for that reason each must work out their own salvation and destiny in God, even though you are each one in the Spirit by the Holy Spirit to gives to each person gifts as He will.
He then turned to me and said: "I have send you a helper" I then saw a vision of a man full of the Holy Spirit talking to me. The Holy Spirit in us connected us and we were one in the Spirit.
Here, your assignment in this dream is grow in the insight of the "Work of God's Hand" and reliance upon His Hand as the means to live in Christ, and enter into Him your place of solace and rest. It is during this time you will begin to walk in greater revelation of His Healing Love--Our Good Shepherd the Healer as your identity.
In closing, I wanted to say Felicia "Africa, oh Africa, Your Good Shepherd is raising up sheep of His pasture to bring deliverance, revival and healing through the revelation of the work of His Hands, from great oppression of witchcraft and famine."
He that hath an ear let them hear, in Jesus name.
God uses His people to co-labor with in the earth to walk in dominion, "On earth as it is in heaven."
Dream Ended.
At that time i did pray to God for help as I was in need for someone to assist me with my business. I did meet the man that was shown in the dream and he promised to help me but he never did.
Yes, God will use what is in the circumstance of our lives to speak to us what is happening in Kingdom Matters. For that reason, each one of our lives are the School of the Holy Spirit.
>>You are welcome.
Thank you for being part of Online School of Prayer With Christ! As my way of saying thank you, in the next few days I will email you a copy of my book, "Dreams, What Do They Mean? A Biblical View." It was written in 1998 and published in Microsoft Word 2000. It is still in the 2000 format.
Steal Away in Jesus,
Sister Lara
Dream & Vision Submission Guidelines for D & V Possible Interpretation:
1. Give the circumstances of your dream: Have you been praying about a particular situation?
2. Give the date of your dream. Keep it brief and be to point.
3. All dreams shared will be made public to Online School of Prayer With Christ people as a means of teaching and personal discipleship of the Holy Spirit.Request your Dream Interpretation Library Key to participate in Online School of Prayer With Christ Dream School.
All D & V interpretations are only possible interpretations and welcome correction and greater insights. However, upon correction or greater insight there will be an overall free flow of the dream message to reveal greater capacity to hear God's Voice. Not all D & V will be interpreted.
"Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living in God Through Christ."
If you have not signed up using the free register button at Online School of Prayer With Christ, please do. The whole Campus is being ‘re-created’ to be tailored to the Hands of God, and the commitment to the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation, in the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. Specialty insights coming on "The Same Law and Power of the Prophets as Kings, on earth as it is in heaven."
"Born of a family of five children,
Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."
Sister Lara's Motto:
"Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place"
About Sister Lara
Vision of the Great Awakening
Vision of The Prophet Nahum
Visitation of the Heavenly Courts of Council
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The interpretation is deeper than I expected.
ReplyDeleteI have been talking to God for a couple of years now about not only the church but nations that needs the revelation that He is God. I have been discussing plans with God on how not only people but governments and institutions where world leaders gather must see and experience the Glory of God. The government is on His shoulders after all. My heart burns for South Africa and every other nation on our continent. (Oh my Sis my heart is too full. My tears are running while I am typing) our nations have become a desolate place for demons and all sorts of evil against God. About four years ago there was an article in one of our Christian magazines that our president has arranged an ancestral ceremony where he dedicated our country to his ancestors. Which means our country was sacrificed to devils. Our leaders don’t acknowledge God because they do not know Him. A lot has been happening around changing the laws of God and implementing rules and regulations against the Word and principles of God in our nation. The Church is also failing miserably to stand and declare that He is God and ninety percent has compromised or has just gone quiet.
But nothing is lost. God’s heart is for the nations. There are still a lot of people that is praying and interceding for people and our country to turn back to God. There are still people that take time and money to stand for righteousness, fighting the good fight of Faith.
I wish I could share more with you but I do not want to overtake your blog.
Thank you for taking time to reveal and explain this dream.
God Bless
Your dream is wonderful for God's glory. I will be willing to pray with you--for each nation in Africa, again. Please know, this is 'our blog'--not, just mine. It belongs to God so share your heart as much as you want. Big smile
DeleteLove and blessings,
Sister Lara