Sunday, November 12, 2017

Manifesting Substance Through Meditation A Seer's Toolbox

Manifesting Substance Through Meditation 

A Seer's Discernment Toolbox 

Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place 

There is a hunger in the life of every person God created to have their dreams and purposes, manifested in their lives.  Just as creation manifests their purpose through seasons; and time, living souls desire to manifest purpose as well.
Yet, if there was anything in life that you have in common with me and the person reading this note has in common with the other person –that you cannot see, is simple.  The answer would be, “Most people have hands to reach out and get what they want.”  I recently read in the Jewish Encyclopedia that “Noah was believed to be the first person God created with hands.”  Up until that point a hand was a palm of the wrist with no ability to stretch forth fingers.  If that statement is true or not, I am not sure even though it is written in the Encyclopedia.  Yet, at the same time, “Those who do not have hands who have physical challenges often have help from those who do have hands, to help them get what they want.”   I personally receive “Foot Painters Calendars” that are so precious and rare, that I fully enjoy them.
I want to share with you in one line, no more or less, “How Jesus manifested the substance of God in His life.”  In short, the answer is found in His last prayer on the cross, on a hill called Calvary.  Jesus said, “Into thy hands I commit My Spirit.”
In today’s time together, I am not going to share how God responded with His Hands and what happened as a result of that prayer.  I have already been teaching on this over the past year, behind the scenes in Online School of Prayer With Christ, and have written four books on this topic published in our Web Store.   
**These book titles are: The Ministry and Word of Reconciliation: Living Life Beyond the Veil, Vol. 1, The Purpose and Will of God in the Birth of Christ Jesus: God With Us Emmanuel (Ministry and Word of Reconciliation Series), The Hand of God: Accessing the Same Power and Law of the Prophets as Kings (Ministry and Word of Reconciliation Series) and more.

I consider this simple prayer, such a Treasure, that I have done everything I know to do to keep it to myself and those who are seeking for this by the Spirit of God, whom God brings.  In short, I share it out of intimacy of fellowship with the saints in God.  It was not until recently, that the Holy Spirit told me to go public.
So, let’s get busy with an illustration on how to “Manifest Substance of God in Meditation: Insights to the Prayer Life of Jesus of Authority and Power.”
  1. Jesus committed His inner being to the Hands of God: Jesus spoke His prayer meditation into being. Luke 23:46
  2. Jesus relied upon the Hands of God to respond to His prayer of meditation.
  3. The Father reconciled the Spirit of Christ back into Himself. (2 Cor. 5, Colossians 2, Matthew 1:18 and more)
  4. The Father breathed into the Spirit of Christ Jesus to quicken and manifest the Prayer of Jesus.
For this reason we see the following pictures of Manifesting Substance is Wrong:

Here, this picture illustration is wrong because “The Hand of God and His Breath” is missing.
Another illustration of Manifesting Substance is Wrong, would be the picture below.

A person cannot manifest substance through their “Higher self: Goddess, Another Person, or More.”
In another illustration, a person cannot manifest substance by choosing an intention, or desire, and visualize what you want to come upon you from the energy of the desire and: cover your head; go into your spine; go into your chest cavity; and outward of your body to attract by Law of Attraction.  The Hands of God are missing.
Here, this picture is from a video I shared behind the scenes on the topic of “How to Advance the Kingdom of Heaven in Your Life: Understanding the Difference Between Authority and Power.”  
I taught this behind the scenes and wrote a book on it, “The Difference Between Faith, Authority and Power: Living a Life of the Ministry of Reconciliation, Vol. 5, and shared this in private intimate fellowship with those who God brought in my life.
Yet, it is a good Foundation Illustration to learn how to “Manifest Substance Through Meditation.”
  1.  First, we are reconciled in God: 3 perimeter circles: God, The Holy Spirit, Jesus and Me in the center.
  2. I live inSIDE of God, rather than trying to approach God and speak through Christ into the earth.  This is Authority.  Authority to create comes from being filled with Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
  3. It is the Hands of God in Me (The inner man) that searches what I speak to “Take; reconcile; and breathes upon in order to manifest.”
In the video I share how the outside the outer circle represents the “Earth.”  Most people think that a simple command to bind is the ability to cease the work of the enemy in the earth through direct speaking.  However, this is not true.  Jesus said, “I do miracles by the Finger of God, I cast out demons by the Hands of God, and more.”  We speak a command from living in God through Christ Jesus, and it is the Hands of God in us that positions what we speak to be breathed upon by God’s breath to manifest substance.
If you would like to listen to this video teaching please use our free register button at Online School of Prayer With Christ, and request your copy of this video today.
Father, thank You that I live in You and I can now trust in Your Hands and Breath to Manifest Substance in my life, in every area of need, just as Jesus did.  In Jesus name. Amen.
Enjoy a Prayer, Praise, Meditation today through the journey of Scripture by clicking here, as my way of saying thank you for following this blog and sharing your comments to help you in your journey of faith.
Having faith in God, is having faith in God’s Hands.
Steal Away in the Secret Place,

If you have not signed up using the free register button at Online School of Prayer With Christ, please do.  The whole Campus is being ‘re-created’ to be tailored to the Hands of God, and the commitment to the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation, in the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation.  Specialty insights coming on "The Same Law and Power of the Prophets as Kings, on earth as it is in heaven."

"Born of a family of five children,

Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."

Sister Lara's Motto:

"Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place"

About Sister Lara
Vision of the Great Awakening
Vision of The Prophet Nahum
Visitation of the Heavenly Courts of Council
Amazon Bookstore 

Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life in God Through Christ, 
"A Voice Appearing in the Wilderness, A Voice Walking in the Garden." 

Sister Lara writes according to the Anointing in of her Secret Place--not according to the Anointing of the participant readers of the Seer's House to: edify, build; and impart the gift of Wisdom to all whom God sends.-Page Admin, Pam Scavousky

“What I tell you in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in your ear proclaim upon the rooftops."  Matthew 10:27 (KJV)

If you are reading this out of a "Email share to a friend" be encouraged to use our friendly register button, and start listening today to more teachings like these. 

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