How to Get Help From the Holy Spirit
in Every Area of Your Life
Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place
"I have the strength for everything through Him who empowers me."
Philippians 4:13
In This Article: The Searching Work of the Holy Spirit
1. The Holy Spirit our Standby in Prayer
2. The Holy Spirit our Helper in Prayer
3. The Holy Spirit our Intercessor in Prayer
There is an art to meditating upon the Word of God. Joshua, in His Book in the Old Testament, began his journey he went through eleven months of the School of the Holy Spirit to possess the promises of God, for a Nation. It was during these eleven months, we do not read in his writings about His miraculous long fasting's of forty-days and forty-nights, or even three-days, and three-nights fasting. Instead, He grew in Spirit through reliance upon the Person the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is always there as our Helper to accomplish what we, as believers, are believing for-but, that is just it. Have you ever heard the saying, "God is waiting on you?" To be honest, I have heard it a million times and yet every million time I heard that saying I thought, "I can't do anything it has to be God because I have tried everything I know."
I would give my situation to God but nothing really changed. Even though I did see little sparks of change, the situation was easily turned back to what it was--and sometimes worse. Most would say, 'You are under attack of the devil" or, "You do not have enough faith" as reasons why area's of my life did not change to be and have what God's Word says I can have.
For this reason, I am sharing this article. If you have a hunger to grow in the Secret Place, then this article is for you.
At first glance, one would think that a believer speaks the Word of God "Into being" or "Outside of oneself into their circumstances-to create." For that reason, I have taught a year behind the scenes in one on one learning groups "A believer cannot create through their words without the revelation of the Ministry of Reconciliation." In this illustration, we see two circles to the left of the picture. The inner circle represents being Reconciled in God, through the outer circle who represents Jesus. Yet, both circles are One.
It was through the Blood of Jesus that was shed at the cross that Jesus prayed His last prayer, "Into thy hands I commend my spirit." (Luke 23:46)
(1 of 16 pictures in the books published on the Ministry of Reconciliation used in one on one discipleship groups at Online School of Prayer With Christ.)
The Blood of Jesus made a Way for "Jesus to be put back inTO the Father" to be One. Jesus prayed in John 17 that He would share the Glory that He had before the Father and Him were one. Glory in the Greek, as represented in John 17 means, "Be Reconciled."
So, as we learn to live a yielded life of being reconciled in God we realize that Jesus never wanted us to STAY in Him but He wanted to be a Way to live in the Father. It would be a life that we live in God through Christ on earth as it is heaven, by the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus desired to be filled with the Father on earth, He wants every believer to be continually filled with the Father through Him--that we might know His Love, by Grace. Every believer would do so, by relying upon the Holy Spirit. The ultimate desire of Jesus is to present every believer to the Father to be one in Him.
So, as we learn to rely upon the Holy Spirit "There is a searching work of the Holy Spirit as Intercessor" in each of our lives. As we live in God, we speak the Word of God and the Holy Spirit "Searches for that Word in us, in our spirit being that is born again" to shine LIGHT through Christ.
In the illustration, we see the "Green Arrow" in the inner being of a person walking. It is here, the spoken word begins, "Out of the belly, or heart of a man where issues of life flow." As we speak them the Holy Spirit searches, which is the green arrow to give Light to shine upon Christ in us, to be filled with God.
Being filled with God is what causes who He is to brood over our words; give habitation to our words, and cause them to drop as dew and honey into the earth in our circumstances and become manifested in each of our lives.
For this reason, we remain in God through Christ and continue to form what we create into being by speaking more of His Word. The repetitive work of the Holy Spirit shines LIGHT in Christ giving what we speak prophetic formation, and it is there that God gives habitation to come into existence.
We see this prophetic formation in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 37, "Taking bone of His bone" into being and formation. The Prophet Ezekiel had to learn how to prophecy but also how to form an image in order to create. Perhaps, soon I will teach on this topic again. I began to teach in 1997 --yet, I realize that these teachings which were number one on the Internet for several years, were teachings outside of God. Now, with understanding of the Ascension of Christ and His position back inTO the Father, I pray to write on these topics again, soon.
For today, I have put together a small exercise of "Praying Scriptures on the topic of Prayer" from the King James Version Bible.
You can print this page from your printer by clicking here As you listen there is a place to record your notes, and also use the prompt to the three step method of "Journaling God's Voice."
1. The Holy Spirit our Standby in Prayer-He is the believers only audience to create as you live in God--as One. He is waiting as your Standby. We do not speak into the air--we speak our words to be aimed to the Person of the Holy Spirit.
2. The Holy Spirit our Helper in Prayer =He is the the believers only Helper to give Light and take your words to shine LIGHT into the Face of Jesus so that the words you speak will be able to take form in order to create what is spoken to be one in God through Christ.
3. The Holy Spirit our Intercessor in Prayer -He is standing by to frame and form what we speak into the image of Christ through LIGHT and LIFE so that the Father will bring habitation "On earth as it is in heaven" into existence. (Grace released on earth)
"Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living in God Through Christ."
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"Born of a family of five children,
Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."
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"Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place"
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“What I tell you in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in your ear proclaim upon the rooftops." Matthew 10:27 (KJV)
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