Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Anointing of Jesus in Prayer How to Increase in the Anointing

The Anointing of Jesus in Prayer
How to Increase in the Anointing 

"Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place."

Ministry of Reconciliation-How to Increase in the Anointing,

Online School of Prayer With Christ is an Education Website for Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries Since 2003.  

In this article:
Welcome everyone
who is new to this Campus,
our Sub-domain Campuses under other names,
and all our Email Campuses

In today's time together, Jesus spoke to me to continue to share on the topic of "Ministry of Reconciliation."

In this diagram we have three circles:

In the outer circle we have "God"--Here, through the prayer of Jesus on the cross "Into thy hands I commit My Spirit" God took Jesus and reconciled Jesus back into HIMSELF.  Those that believe in the death; resurrection, ascension of Christ have been placed there with Christ, too.  That is, "Perfectly, back into GOD, hidden in God through the body and blood of Jesus." 

Secondly, we have the Person of the Holy Spirit: Here, the Person of the Holy Spirit conveys all that is of God to every believer through Christ.  It is here, as we live in GOD--we live Life Beyond the Veil, which is the flesh of Jesus, through the body and blood of Jesus.  To the measure we live in God, is the measure we increase in the "Fullness of the Anointing" (White Paint Circle)

The Holy Spirit takes what is of God, and all He has (Grace: God's willingness, ability, and supply of all things that pertain to Life and God-likeness in Christ)

"It is this vital connection with God we are to seek first; which is the Kingdom of Heaven."  When we live in God, we live in Love: God is Love, and the Spirit of God's Love has free course in our hearts crying out Abba Father through Christ. 

"Father, I thank You that I have been fully reconciled in You and You have hidden me INSIDE YOU.  As I rest in you thank You for Your Holy Spirit to uphold me, secure me, release me in Your Love and LIFE in Christ Jesus.  Praise You that all My enemies are outside of YOU and are under My Feet as I yield in YOU, i desire to increase in YOU to walk in the mature Spirit of Excellence.  Through the body and blood of Jesus.  Amen." 

"Rest in Me.  I have done all things for you to live out of Me.  With My hands I have hidden you in Me. I Am the Gardener and by My Spirit I will cause all that I have for you to be released to you, as you live in Me.  I have given you My faith--which is My desire in you to accomplish what is on your heart.  I have given you My Hope which is My plans; purpose written in My Word to walk in Grace.  I have given You My Love to know Me.  Therefore, walk in My Ways which means to walk in ME.  I have put you as the Sheep of My Pasture into My Fields of My heart.  You are an Overcomer in all you do, because you are hidden in Me and I will continue to give you triumph." Amen

Tools to Study for Greater Reflection:

If you would like to watch a little introduction video on this, click here

Introductory Teaching: Campus Courses

In our next study: 

Learn: More on the topic of "Paratithemi"
1. Why Jesus must be laid in horizontal in his death.
2 How Jesus is the Capital of the Heavenly Kingdom, the New Jerusalem
3. What it means, "You are a city on a hill" and more.
4. More on the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation. 

If you are reading this out of a "Email share to a friend" be encouraged to use our friendly register button, and start listening today to more teachings like these. 

If you are in the Greater Cincinnati area and would like to have communion or Bible study together, be sure to use your Campus inbox and request friends.  I would love to meet you and have a Bible study with you in person.

**All pictures are published through KINDLE, in the book, "The Ministry and Word of Reconciliation:Living Life Beyond the Veil, Vol. 1"--All Rights Reserved.

To the 100 Fold,
Sister Lara 

The Prayer of Jesus From the Cross Into Thy Hands Paratithemi

"Born of a family of five children, 

Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."

Sister Lara's Motto: 

"Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place"

  • Seer House Blog
  • "What I tell you in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in your ear proclaim upon the rooftops."  Matthew 10:27 (KJV)

    Online Prophetic School of Prayer, @ May 2013-2014 -2015-2016-2017 All Rights Reserve

  • Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries @ 2003,2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,2013,2014,2014,2015, 2016,2017
  • "Publisher of over 350 books" for God's Glory!

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