Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Prayer of Jesus From the Cross Into Thy Hands Paratithemi

The Prayer of Jesus From the Cross Paratithemi

"Into Thy Hands I Commit My Spirit"

Online School of Prayer With Christ

Luke 23:46 Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands ...

English Standard Version Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last.

In today's article, I want to share a few insights that are one of the most valuable teachings a believer can have.  Today, I want to share with you one of the "Greatest secrets that I have ever learned about the prayer life of Jesus from his last few words from the cross."  After you read this you I know your life will never be the same, in the ministry of prayer and intimacy with the Father in prayer; worship to our Lord for the fullness of the work of the cross; and a greater desire to live a yielded life to the Holy Spirit.

Let's get started: "Into thy hands I commit my spirit."

Here, the word commit is the Greek Word, "Paratithemi"  Here are a few word studies for you to learn

1.  Para-One of meanings of this word 'para' is: A request to a Father to lay a child down, like an infant, to rest.
2. Tithe-Of course, many of us know the meaning of Tithe (Or do we?") For now, here, the meaning is "To lay aside money."  Jesus became the ransom price.  
3. Mi-Is a Medical term that comes from micardial infraction.  Here, this word 'mi' means, "To have no blood in the heart and all the organs have failed to operate and in need be infused with Life: Transfusion is the remedy."

I want you to notice, that it would only be by the Father's hands that Jesus would be raised, as an answer to the prayer of Jesus.  Jesus did not: Step into the Father, by faith, Step into the Holy Spirit, by faith, go to heaven on His own, or more.  The only Way Jesus would transcend into Eternal Life to complete the work and ministry of the cross would be to pray, "Into thy hands." 

The question is, "What did the Father do with the Spirit of Christ, with His hands?"

Colossians 1:20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things ...

Through the Son, God also reconciled all things to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, thereby making peace through the blood of his cross.

In the diagram above, we see 3 circles on the right, and 3 circles on the top left. On the right bottom we see the following circles:

1. Holy Spirit: In the earthly ministry Jesus would rely upon the Holy Spirit from His birth-Upon this wise you shall have a child conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and His name shall be called Jesus, Emmanuel-"God With Us."  John the Baptist saw the Holy Spirit coming upon Jesus, too!

2. Jesus: The second circle shows the reliance of Jesus upon the work of the Holy Spirit.

3. The Father: The third circle, "God hid Himself in Christ and Jesus depended fully upon living out of the Father, beyond the veil--or, his flesh."  This is how Jesus walked in authority and did the miracles He did in His earthly ministry.

In this diagram, we can see a more close up look:
Left Circle: The earthly ministry of Jesus
Right Circle: After the Ascension of Christ

When you look at those pictures, "Do you notice anything different?"  On the right, "Jesus went from being in the second circle with God in Him: Emmanuel" to being fully hidden in God."

Here, "God and Jesus pulled the greatest STING the world would ever know. While the world was looking for Jesus to be buried and put in the tomb; the Roman Soldiers tied the ROCK down in front of the tomb, guards were protecting it, celebration was taking place that this Jesus died the "FAKE KING OF THE JEWS" --and more, "God and Jesus were pulling of the greatest Mastermind the world would ever know."

What was the secret?
"Jesus would become alive again--by being PUT BACK INTO THE Father in order to become ONE in the Father again."  Don't you remember the prayer Jesus prayed in "John 17: Glorify thy Son, that we might be one again and all who you gave me may be one."

Glorify means: To reconcile!  The glory is more than the "Manifest presence of Jesus; the Splendor and Majesty of God, or more.  Glory is NOT something to step into--because you can't.  Jesus went in only by the hands of the Father--and was put into the GLORY, which is a place that represent's being ONE in GOD."

The word reconcile means:

For over a year praying in tongues, I kept saying "lasso! lasso!" and had no idea really what it meant.  

Kata means: (But not all inclusive) to wrap with LIGHT and a kindle a FIRE 
Lasso means: (But not all inclusive) to become one as a companion to attend in service, to bind.

For this reason, "Most of the binding and loosing prayers are wrong! Jesus went into the hands of the Father and it would be through His hands that would "Reconcile: Bind, set a flame with LIGHT by wrapping LIGHT around--INTO CHRIST-and set the flames of LOVE a fire.  

It is written, "you shall be baptized with fire." 

Jesus prayed, "By your hands, Father, lay me down in YOU--like a child.  Use my life as a TITHE; a down payment; a ransom; for all who believe that you sent Me through the cross will be PUT BACK INTO YOU WITH ME--and they shall live in the world but not of the world, but in YOU and in ME as we shall be as ONE.  TIE THEM IN BONDS AND CORDS OF LOVE AND LIGHT, or "Reconcile" them in YOU through ME.  All that are mine are yours and all that are yours are mine--and they are ONE."

Tools to Study for Greater Reflection:

If you would like to watch a little introduction video on this, click here

Introductory Teaching: Campus Courses

In our next study: 

Learn: More on the topic of "Paratithemi"
1. Why Jesus must be laid in horizontal in his death.
2 How Jesus is the Capital of the Heavenly Kingdom, the New Jerusalem
3. What it means, "You are a city on a hill" and more.
4. More on the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation. 

If you are reading this out of a "Email share to a friend" be encouraged to use our friendly register button, and start listening today to more teachings like these. 

If you are in the Greater Cincinnati area and would like to have communion or Bible study together, be sure to use your Campus inbox and request friends.  I would love to meet you and have a Bible study with you in person.

**All pictures are published through KINDLE, in the book, "The Ministry and Word of Reconciliation:Living Life Beyond the Veil, Vol. 1"--All Rights Reserved.

To the 100 Fold,
Sister Lara 

The Prayer of Jesus From the Cross Into Thy Hands Paratithemi

"Born of a family of five children, 

Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."

Sister Lara's Motto: 

"Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place"

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