Monday, August 1, 2016

Dream The Neviim Prophets Amos Appeared in a Dream To Me Today

Dream of the Prophet Amos 

Coming to Me as a Child

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Online School of Prayer With Christ-Seer House Blog Sister Lara Meets Amos

Dream-The Nevi'im (Prophets): 
The Season Has Changed Amos Appeared to Me Today 
"The Lord Will Roar in Triumph!"
Revisiting a Prophetic Dream-August, 2016

The Lord roars--Amos 1:2
The name Amos means: Be Strong

Online School of Prayer With Christ-Seer House Blog Sister Lara Meets Amos
The Lord Roars
I have woke up from a dream this evening where I was met by the Prophet Amos, and it was there the Prophet Amos asked me to sing. Here, the Prophet came to me out of prayer and asked me to teach Him how to sing.

I sang with Beauty in my dream that “Jesus was rising as an Eagle with wings of Grace, Grace. Your mountains are being covered in deep snow and favor. Look into your future and pull it into you now, Jesus is rising as an Eagle and Grace will teach you how.”

 It was there in my dream the Prophet Amos approached me closer. Just as there are Prophet watches during the day, there are also Prophet watches during the year. You have heard me say this “Each year” around this time because this is the season where there is a change of the guard in the seasons of the Prophets. It is during this time that the “Judgement Prophets” no longer spoke in the Bible.

 It was in the Roman Calendar: the first month on the fifth day; the second month, or third month on the fifth day, etc, “That the Prophets would judge hard cases only during this time with the Sanhedrin Elders. King Solomon belonged to this order of Prophets and the Prophets watch that is why he held the case between the two women: one righteous and one who was not righteous and the child that was killed and the good one was swapped in the night.” King Solomon belonged to the “Second Watch” Prophets.

Online School of Prayer With Christ-Seer House Blog Sister Lara Meets Amos
Sharing God's Dream Since 2003, Sister Lara
Now, in this month--as I share every year at this time, It is the month of the “Nevi`im Prophets.”

 These Nevi'im (Prophets) speak and the other Prophets are quiet because it is not the time or the season of the other prophets. It was during this time that the Prophets emerged that were trained on the back side of the dessert, with a South Wind Anointing.

 Their message was: Resurrection, Restoration, Refreshing, and the message of Grace was on the Forefront. They are Lambano Seer’s (Greek word: To Receive) out of the realm of the Spirit as a Seer on behalf of a Nation to speak the Oracles of God. Samuel the Prophet--South Wind Prophet of Grace 1. Samuel was raised by God in the times of Eli--as a South Wind Prophet of Grace, or the third Prophets watch. Because Eli resisted the South Wind Prophet his house was divided but Grace, came by Samuel in more ways than one.

Samuel heard God’s voice in open visions and dreams. Samuel came in a Tribunal splits among the Tribes of Israel to bring Grace among division. Samuel came and anointed David to be King and Saul was judged because he tried to stand as a Prophet King and use the Urim and Thummum when Samuel was late for his meeting. 1 Samuel 13 “You have done a foolish thing,”

Samuel said. “You haven’t obeyed the command the Lord your God gave you. If you had, he would have made your kingdom secure over Israel for all time to come. 14 But now your kingdom won’t last. The Lord has already looked for a man who is dear to his heart. He has appointed him king of his people. That’s because you haven’t obeyed the Lord’s command.”

Haggai the Prophet-Sound Wind Prophet of God 2. Haggai was raised by God as a South Wind Prophet of Grace and it was during this time his mission was simple. His mission was to prophetically provoke the people, “Remember how good the land used to be and how God blessed the land with peace and prosperity? He will not only restore this land but He will shake the heavens and there shall the gold and silver fall and be transferred into years of peace and prosperity, and great favor.”

Greater Glory in New Temple 

1 On the twenty-first of the seventh month, the word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet saying, 2 "Speak now to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and to the remnant of the people saying,…3'Who is left among you who saw this temple in its former glory? And how do you see it now? Does it not seem to you like nothing in comparison?… 

 Seek ye first the kingdom of God (Abide in Christ) and His Righteousness (Grace and Faith Imputed to you Freely) and all These Things Will Be added Unto You 

3. At the same time Amos was groomed by God to be a South Wind Prophet. He grew up in the South in the farm land and God raised Him up to be a Prophet of Grace and moved him geographically to the north. Amos was a South Wind Prophet of Grace and taught God’s people how to live in God’s presence and out of His presence shall come great victory. His message was abiding rest. Amos, in his maturity when he was grown, prophesied doom and gloom and what he spoke came to pass: a great earthquake two years before it happened, the demise of Jerusalem and more. Yet, in my dream Amos was just a young man. 

 The time of Grace will increase, and it is not the time of judgement. 

 Amos 1:1 These are the words of Amos. He was a shepherd from the town of Tekoa. Here is the vision he saw concerning Israel. It came to him two years before the earthquake. At that time Uzziah was king of Judah. Jeroboam, the son of Jehoash, was king of Israel. Here are the words of Amos. Amos 7:8 The Lord asked me, “What do you see, Amos?” “A plumb line,” I replied. Then the Lord said, “Look at what I am doing. 

I am hanging a plumb line next to my people Israel. It will show how crooked they are. I will no longer spare them. Then everyone else can look to the Lord. This includes all the Gentiles who belong to me, says the Lord. The Lord is the one who does these things.’ (Amos 9:11,12) 

 Amos 7:14 Amos answered Amaziah, “I was not a prophet. I wasn’t even the son of a prophet. I was a shepherd. I also took care of sycamore-fig trees.

 Luke 3:25 Amos was the son of Nahum. (I have met the Prophet Nahum in 2011 and taken to the Mt of Transfiguration and shown the coming revival of the Spoken Word, and translated to two different nations. 

 Nahum spoke to me the covenant God made with ____________ for great revival.) 

 Seasons Have Changed--

Grace Lambano Prophets Are Now Speaking 

In conclusion: The season has changed. The Prophets of Old respected their seasons. They did not speak “Out of season” and they new their “Times.” You would not find the weeping Prophet Jeremiah speaking in a time of “South Wind Prophets.” You would not find “Daniel speaking in the time of Obadiah where the House of Joseph collided with His.” 

I share this today because many are speaking doom and gloom, repent, and preaching the hierarchy of the Law. Ladies and Gentleman with due respect, those that preach such earnest death are fulfilling John 10:10, “The thief (Law preachers) comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I Am come that you might have Life and Life more abundantly.” I have turned a deaf ear to “Law preachers” and “Law announcers.” 

 At the same time, “I know the seasons and times we are in now--which is the South Wind Prophet. They are revivalists of the Word of Faith--but, they understand that Grace comes first in order to restore what was old and gives the ability to pull the future into the present.” Shadow Dancing Prophets It’s not time to shadow dance on the wall with the Broadway Hat and Cane of Death in America. 

 No, it is “Grace, Grace unto your mountain” a time of favor and a time of Blood Covenant. “Those who bless you will be blessed. Those who curse you will be cursed” it is that simple. 

 “God’s got your back and He will surround you with people going the same way with you in Divine appointments. These are they who are new in your life because you have been geographically re-positioned.” Many are talking about the ‘transition’ but few have interpreted the Oracle of God with simplicity and why. 

 In short, “It is the change of the Prophet’s Guard” of Grace and Covenant. The Navi`im Prophets have arrived! It is a time of Glory upon Zion. 

Shadow Dancing Prophets
It is up to the church to be the Light upon Zion and decree and declare it into the world. We are they who are the hidden ones abiding in Christ while the world gets darker and the blind guides of Law Abiding Broadway “Shadow Dancing” Prophets, which mix in great with world religions that fall under Pharisee-ism and Sadducee-ism. South Wind Prophets are not fighting Jezebel--understand the difference. 

 That was Elijah, the East Wind Prophet, “So quit prophesying a season and listening to a season we are not in the politics arena.” It is a time of “Wealth restoration, a taking back of what was stolen, a setting free of the bound to proclaim liberty.” 

 The South Wind Prophet is now here and a changing of the seasons as we are coming to an end of a Age where the revival of the spoken word will bring fullness, “The brightness of the moon” --or the church age, to be revealed in her rightful place of habitation in God’s presence by Grace. For that reason, “Many American Prophets are speaking politics” rather than the heart of God.”

 For that reason, “Many have missed the mark” as the word faith means “To combat and re-route what is political, by Grace.” Amos has appeared on the scene--it is time to geographically move to “Grace” and “Restoration” in Jesus name.

About Sister Lara "Born of a family of five children, Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."


Jesus Appears to Sit With Me