Sunday, July 3, 2016

New Testament Church The Pattern of the House Church With House Church Materials

New Testament Church 

The Pattern of the House Church With Materials

Welcome to the Seer's Blog Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

Online School of Prayer With Christ -The New Testament Church

Acts 5.42
And every day, in the temple and from house to house
they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus.

Online School of Prayer With Christ -The New Testament Church

In this article I will share two important functions of the House Church according to the pattern of the New Testament.  As well, I will share area's of weakness and strengths I have encountered to help you.

Online School of Prayer With Christ -The New Testament Church

Back in the late 1980s/90s it seemed like everyone was involved in the House Church movements. If you are too young to remember this move of God, it was called "The Apostolic/Prophetic Movements" in the earth.  

On one hand, there was many good reasons to be in the House Church movement.  Some of the reasons were: you could fellowship face to face with people, rather than back to back in a larger setting. Another reason was, you could share your testimony in an atmosphere were everyone could share and more intimate relationships were made.

Some of the pitfalls of the House Church movements were: there was no accountability.  Anyone could teach, "Called or not called" and anyone could be a pastor as long as they care for one another.  As well, people would split off and say, "Meet me at my house" and competition was at it's best.  While over in a corner a person not qualified to prophecy was giving horrific personal prophesies to people, on a one on one basis. Ah‼ Those were the days.
For me, I have seen both sides and there is more to like than dislike, "In my personal opinion."  

Is the House Church "Really a Movement?"

"Is the House Church really a movement?"  In short, "Yes and No."  What I mean by that is "A House Church, according to Biblical insight, should be moving where people are added to the church daily."

Acts 2.47 And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

When You Grow

I remember when I was in the House Church the Holy Spirit had us meet across town, about a forty-five minuet drive.  Then it grew into a different state, which was seventy miles round trip.  Then the House Church, grew into a different state, which was about a forty mile round trip.  Try this three times a week and the commute can get a little tiring, not to mention the cost of gas and the wear and tare on the car.  Yet, I believe that the mistake that was made here was two fold: One, work in the geographical area first out of the home in immediate evangelism, to grow the House Church.  Secondly, look for or train up leadership who has like vision to help in the other two homes who can work together rather than tear apart.

This was a great time for those who wanted to 'take over'--so to speak would try to rise to the top.  In a larger church, "This would not happen or be thought of."  Yet, this did happen and it will happen. I am thankful for everything I learned back then, as it is training for what God has called us to do in the future.  I hope my transparency helps you as you read this in the "Pitfalls" and "Blessings" that you will learn.  If you have any insights I would love to hear from you on this, too. 

At the same time, I love what was common in all the House Church's as we read in Acts 2.47, "And all that believed were together, and had all things common;And sold their possessions and goods."

  • They had all things in common:  What a thought‼ In other words if you came to my house and I had no bed and you had three, "You would give me one" so that we would all have all things in common.  Or, if we both went to someone's house and they had no food and we had extra food we would give so everyone would have all things in common.
  • Sold their possessions and goods: Here, this is obvious to what took place to help those who had needs in the meetings so that everyone would have everything in common.
The point is, "The needs of the people were met first: Does everyone have everything in common?" 

"True Religion"

As you study the ministry of the Holy Spirit, there was a time when the New Testament Church began to grow and the elderly, or widows, were not being cared for.  Here, there was a daily distribution of food to the widows and they were being neglected. 
"What would happen if the New Testament pattern of the church would be implemented--would the elderly in all the nations be better cared for?  Would there be such things as retirement communities as we know it today?"

Acts 6:1

In those days when the disciples were increasing in number, the Grecian Jews began to grumble against the Hebraic Jews, because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.

James 1.27
Berean Study Bible
Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

I am sure I will write more articles on the New Testament church as I have spent many years studying the House Church, and working in them. In today's article, I would not leave without saying that "As they went from house to house they had communion."

Five Secrets to Communion Court Room Praying Teach Me to Pray With Christ Online School of Prayer: Grace Has Provided All Things According to The Living Will of the Father 

About This Book 
This book was written almost four years ago for students at Teach Me to Pray With Christ-Online School of Prayer. The purpose of this book was to teach people how to reflect upon communion to receive breakthrough where they are. At first, when I began to study the Scriptures from Matthew 26 from what we know as the Lord's Last Supper I began to receive revelation of a court room trial. 

For example when we read: Matthew 26 
26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. 

> The word took means: Put to trial. Here we learn that as we partake of communion we reflect upon the Greatest Trial the world would ever know, "Jesus upon the Cross and His finished works" and so much more ! 
>The word blessed means: All disputes are settles. Here, we learn through the finished works of the cross if the desires of our heart have already purchased by Grace, they are given to us freely. Here, we celebrate redemption by faith through Grace, and so much more ! 

More About the Book: Bible Mannerisms and Customs 
This book also talks about studies that I did on topical discussions about the myths of communion. Questions such as: 
1. What does it mean to eat unworthily? Does it really mean what it says? Here, I answer from a custom point of view to help you understand "It is not what most think, and it this helps us understand all the more reason to partake of communion." 
2. Can you take communion at home, without clergy? Here, I discuss customs in which the text was written and more. 

Student Interaction: 
After spending time with students behind the scenes for over a year practicing and leading each one in communion I came to realize that communion is a way of "Proclaiming the Gospel of Grace as a service on it's own." Each time I partook of communion with students and received feedback I realized that the testimonies of breakthrough for them was the most rewarding part of being at Online School of Prayer. It is here I taught them to use communion to bring their "Prayer Needs" into communion for breakthrough. 

Communion: A Way of Powerful Breakthrough Prayers of Faith 

As we continue to look into the same Scriptures from the Book of Matthew we read, "Jesus took bread and blessed the bread." Here, the word blessed means to "Make your petitions known." Here, it is part of the "Trial of Communion" that I taught people how to make their petitions known. Moreover, "Jesus broke the bread" which means to shatter death and multiply Life by Grace. 

It was there I walked students through "Petition praying with powerful breakthrough prayers." 

In conclusion: How to Read This Book 
This book is written in three sections, which include: 
Section One: Bonus Chapter, Scripture Devotions of Encouragement and Strength 
Section Two: Bonus Chapter, Scripture Devotions on Prayer and Knowing God's Will 
Section Three: Feature Presentation 

After teaching students for over a year before I presented this book I have come to realize one of the desires of people to have when they read a book is to have it in digest form. Scripture Devotions are student favorites and that is why I wrote them and presented the way I did in this book. I pray it is a blessing to you, to give that extra digest of meditation in God's Word. 

If this book is purchased at Online School of Prayer instead of Amazon you will be able to receive free audio mp3 that will help coach you in the Secret Place, and partake of communion with Sister Lara in our Healing Room. As well, if you purchase this from the Campus you will receive a free eight week lecture campus which shares the book in FULL audio form, question and study notes, and a Communion Chapel in our Healing Room.

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