Sunday, September 19, 2021

Angels in the Outfield Take the Ball and Run Its Your Time


Welcome to the Seers House 
"Where Seers of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place." 

Label-Seers House 

Luke 10:19, "Behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy." 

Sometimes when you are out in the harvest field doing what you have been given to do, "A mature Seer never looks at the clock: what time is it, who is winning the game, what is the roar of the crowd shouting about, where are the umpires, who is on your team or not."  

A Mature Seer knows all of these details already and is only focused on "Going with Jesus, moving with Jesus, seeing with Jesus" in the fullness of Oneness in the God-Head to create with God.  

I found myself in a dream last night experiencing these things, so I thought I would share them with you today.  In my dream I was on a football playing field at one marker away from the goal line of the opposing team.  It was there I saw the football in the air and a member of the opposing team was about to catch the ball and cross the the goal line.  However, as that person went to catch the ball I saw the person's right foot was not across the goal line and when the person went to catch the ball the ball was fumbled and the ball came flying towards me to catch it and run.  The person said, "Here's the ball" and to my amazement it was a ministering angel. 

While everyone was wondering if the person who caught the ball had crossed the goal line or not, "I already knew the opposing team did not cross the finish line and their right foot of authority did not enter into the promise they were hoping."  Suddenly, I found myself on the open football field running supernaturally faster than Ahab's horses and as I was running I was running freely to the goal line with no hindrances.   When I crossed the goal line I was in a School of the Prophets stirring in missing ingrediants of young Seers food that they were serving to eat, and as I was stirring Life in the food the young overweight sons of the Prophets were well fed wanting more and nodding their heads in delight." 

There are "Angels in the Outfield and now is the time to take the ball and run to win.  It is your time." 

So it is with the Body of Christ, the only audience you need is what has been given in your hand.  Become skilled and remain faithful, 'It's your time."

Conversations With God Blood Covenant Meditations Part 4Conversations With God Blood Covenant Meditations Part 4

If you would like me to share with you my notes on the topic of Blood Covenant from the Book of Genesis and more be sure to sign up for my Google Classrom, by clicking here.  Here you will be able to see my Sunday Live notes on the topic of creation from a Blood Covenant point of view and more.  Click here and get started today! 

**If you have a gmail account you must first sign into your gmail account for the link to work.  Thanks!

I am so thankful for the many people who are drawn to these pages to look for like fellowship on the topic of Blood Covenant.  

Thank you for clicking on the follow this blog icon so that you can go with people who desire to go where you are going on the topic of Blood Covenant. 

PS>>Prayer Request

Conversations With God Blood Covenant Meditations Part 4

If you would like prayer please use our private form and I will personally pray for your needs.  Click Here and head on over.  Thanks ahead of time!

Coming Soon to Google Classroom, "The Seer and the Young Seer: Mistakes and Pitfalls" in the "School of Seers of Blood Covenant." 

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Jesus Appears to Sit With Me