Saturday, July 17, 2021

Standing With Jesus in the Garden of Eden at the Tree of Life


Standing With Jesus in the Garden of Eden at the Tree of Life 

Label-Jesus Visions

Genesis 2:9, KJV: "And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil."

Recently, I was in a Seer Hour of Prayer session and praying and meditating upon the Word of God.  There, I received a vision of "Standing With Jesus in the Garden of Eden" that I wanted to record tonight. 

In my vision I stood in a heavenly place and in an earthly place at both times.  As I stood with Jesus in a heavenly place He was dressed in a Robe of Righteousness and we were walking together.  There, Jesus put His arms and hands behind His back and as I stood there Jesus looked into another realm of heaven.

As I looked to where He was looking it was there that I saw myself standing in the Garden of Eden.  I thought it was interesting how I already walked in that place before and did not know it, as if I was seeing my life before me.  

As I stood in the Garden of Eden, I was standing in front of the Tree of Life.  This Tree was full of Fruit and it was full of Life.  Around the area that I stood in  there was the Four Rivers that encircled around the Garden area that was full of Light and Life.

There, I continued to stand with Jesus in a Heavenly Place and continued to look into the Garden of Eden when I noticed that I was teaching about the Tree of Life.  As I was speaking groups of people arrived to listen and learn.  Each person had just walked towards me dressed in Robes of Righteousness.

To listen to a teaching series on the "Tree of Life" click here

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Steal Away in the Secret Place,

Sister Lara

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Jesus Appears to Sit With Me