"Welcome to the Seer's House, Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place"
Psalm 17:15
As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness:
I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.
Psalm 11:7
For the LORD is righteous; He loves justice. The upright will see His face.
Description of Today's Article and Podcast
Continuing in Foundations of Training in Righteousness I share in this time together Scriptures of "Beholding the Face of the Lord" in Righteousness and insights to a vision I had of standing inside of Jesus as He walked; walking with the Prophet Nahum; and more.~+~
Meditating on God's Word helps keep the Word of God before your eyes, and your heart. I had read Scriptures on meditating on God's Word many times, but never really understood the value of what it could mean to me until I began to learn something so precious I want to share with you today.
The thought is simple, "As you speak the Word of God in a soft whisper in your Secret Place, or even out loud in your normal voice you are creating a place in the kingdom for your Spiritual eyes to see into."
Here, we see through Scripture the Psalmist Prophet/King David say, "I will behold" thy face. First, we must understand that the word behold represents the "To see as a seer in the ecstatic state." At the same time, this word behold also means: to see by experience, along with to provide. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the word behold below from the Hebrew word Chazah.
It might sound simple, but I like the word provide. As I speak the Word of God and attend to it, the Holy Spirit will automatically provide for me to see what I read; see what I meditate upon, see what I desire to experience. This is called Grace. The Holy Spirit provides us with everything we need, all supply for us to have for whatever we desire to come where we are. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Grace that is why "The Kingdom is Life in the Spirit." However, we must understand that much of what is being taught on seeing in the Spirit is living outside the Gift of Rest; outside the position of Righteousness.
David said, "I will behold your face in Righteousness." Hallelujah! If Grace is the provision of all supply of God, then we must understand that Righteousness is something totally different for us to understand. For this reason, we must understand that "Righteousness is our position" of Rest in God through the finished works of God in Christ.
All have been made the Righteousness of God in Christ through the finished works of the Cross, but not all are "Awake to Righteousness." For this reason, the hearts and eyes of those who have not yet heard about Righteousness and understand that it is a position of Rest in God through the finished works of Christ (At least to start out with until you grow Righteousness more) wonder in the things of the world, more than Life in the Spirit.
I remember when I was walking in the Prophet Nahum in Israel in the year of 2011, and the Prophet Nahum took me to the Mt of Transfiguration. Ahead of Nahum and I was the Mt of Transfiguration and many in line waiting to ascend to the mountain before us, as we stood in line. Yet, when I looked behind me while I was in conversation with the Prophet Nahum, a Prophet in the Bible, there were many yet to come to this place that I was. This experience was the Grace of God that brought me there, but what I would learn on the Mt of Transfiguration would be how the Righteousness of God would overshadow me, in transforming power through Christ, to speak over me and delight in me.
David said, "I will behold thy face in righteousness." Let's take a look at the word "Righteousness" together for a moment.
Righteousness-Strong's H6664
When you look at the meaning of Righteousness, "Which word(s) mean the most to you?" For me, I like "People enjoying salvation." To me it is simple, yet it gives me great joy that God has given me the GIFT of REST.
At the same time, the Justness of measures represent "The depth, the width, the length, the height, that the position of Righteousness gives to be filled and experience God's delights in you, through His Dear Son, in Aged Eternal Love." Yet, these scales represent so much more. All that lives in darkness has been overcome and as you receive this GIFT of REST, which is Righteousness, you can journal more words in this study: deliverance, victory, prosperity. In short, "Righteousness" is a New and Living Way in God's Covenant with you that you are upheld in Him which is the seat of Government in the Kingdom. Hallelujah!
So, today, as we read "I will behold thy face" because of Righteousness I am reminded of a vision where I was "Awakened in Righteousness" and I found myself standing inside of Christ Jesus. As I was standing in Him I noticed my head was upon His chest area and my arms were over His shoulders RESTING in HIM. Yet, my whispers of Love and Adoration went into His chest cavity and I noticed that He was walking while I was simply resting in Him. It was an odd knowing that He was walking but I did recognize something I had experienced on earth in worship. That is, as Jesus was walking I sensed a tangible presence upon my head, over my shoulders, over my body down to my feet. This is what it means, "He is a shield" to us--He is the Armour of Light, or He is our Righteousness. Yet not Him, because it is the Righteousness of the Father that fills and flows through Christ as our: Door, as our Way, as our Truth and so much more. Jesus is the Archway for the Father to fill us in His Temple with Life.
It was during this time, that as I stood inside of Christ Jesus I noticed I was not the only one although I felt as though I was. However, there was multitudes and multitudes of others living in Him and worshiping at the same time. Hallelujah!
To Listen to This in Audio
There is much more I could share with you today on "The Seer of Righteousness" however, that is why you can take the time to subscribe to this blog. Also, join our Foundations of Training in Righteousness Group to encourage you throughout your week to receive the GIFT of REST, in Righteousness.
If you would like prayer, please know that we are always here to serve you in our "Wall of Prayers" that is at every entry portal of our Social Media Platforms.
Steal Away in the Secret Place, Today.
Sister Lara
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