Thursday, January 24, 2019

Growing as a Seer What do You See The Position and Purpose of a Seer

Growing as a Seer

Welcome to the Seer's House 

"Where Seers of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place"

Jeremiah 1:11

11 And the word of the LORD came to me, asking, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” “I see a branch of an almond tree,” I replied. 12“You have observed correctly,” said the LORD, “for I am watching over My word to accomplish it.”

As I continue to grow in the ability to see in the kingdom, the Holy Spirit is constantly teaching me. In today's Scripture in Jeremiah we see the Lord ask him, "What do you see?" Here, Jeremiah saw a branch, that budded and the Lord said, "This branch you see is My Word, and I am watching over it to perform it." 

A Prophet Seer in the Old Testament was taught to "See and Hear" out of relationship with the Lord. Jesus was the center of the seeing, as He was the Teacher of the Seer.  At the same time, Jesus was the Interpreter of the Vision, as He spoke to the Prophet Jeremiah, "This is My Word, and I Am watching over it to perform it."  A Prophet sees Jesus.  A Prophet hears Jesus.  A Prophet is trained by Jesus to see and hear. Every Prophet will testify of both as a coronation of the gift of Jesus given to them to see in the New Testament Church.   If a Prophet has not had these evident in a continual basis, then this person can be in training to be a Prophet but is not qualified to operate as a Prophet.

Friendship with the Lord has not changed in the New Testament thought of seeing the secrets of the Lord in visions.  If  I can be so bold to say, that the New Testament Seer has so much more available for them to walk in Spiritual Sight. 

In the Old Testament, only the Prophets had the ability to see and hear because the Torah was not available to all the people in the Nations to read.  In the Old Testament time the Prophets carried and studied the visions of other Prophets, as one, and studied the Voice and Visions of each one.   The people in the Nations did not have access to these Scrolls, as only the Prophets did.  At the same time, not all the people in the Nations had access to the Torah or the first five Books of the Bible. 

In saying that thought, the New Testament Seer has Jesus --the Christ, living in them which gives added dimension to the Seer to watch and pray for the Church; Nations; and the lost. At the same time, the New Testament Seer has the fullness of God in Christ living in them by the Holy Spirit. I have said this elementary thought in my journal today to make a point: the New Testament Seer has more of a corporate Anointing than that of the Old. 

I was listening to a sister share her dream, who lived over ten thousand miles away, whom I have never seen last night.  As I listened, my Spiritual eyes were open and I saw her dream in the realm of the kingdom take place.  I did not tell her what I saw until she was done speaking as I was reminded of the words of the Prophet Jeremiah, "What do you see?" 

The art of watching and praying is a skill. and with every skill you must practice.  The Seer does not practice seeing, "The Seer practices dwelling in Righteous abiding." However, as I watched the persons dream take place in visions as they were speaking and she was finished speaking I said, "Was the car a certain color, that was in front of you?  Was the car in the back of you this particular color?  Why did you get out of the car when this happend?  Did the man that came behind you walk from the left as the man that was in the car in front of you get out and meet the man behind you?" Then I told the person, "I am seeing into your dream." 

How is it possible to see into a person's past to see a dream they had about their future and yet been positioned in God to see into a dream of a person that already happend and speak the details about what they forgot?

In John 3:3-5 Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus and said, "Verily, verily, you must be born again to see into the kingdom of heaven." Here, Jesus went on to say, "You must be born of water and the spirit to enter into the kingdom of heaven." To the New Testament Seer, they have already entered in through the Substitution work of Christ: in Christ I died, in Christ I have risen, in Christ I have ascended, in Christ I have become one living inside of God as my place of rest and it is the Father who reconciled me unto Himself and hid me in Christ by His Spirit. 

The New Testament Seer is created after Righteousness, and made Righteous --yet, continuing in Righteousness which is Eternal Life. The Triune  God-Head (If I can use that term) have been from the beginning, the present, and the future in all things.  For this reason, "The New Testament Seer can see into the past, the present, the future in the realm of the Kingdom for only one reason: The New Testament Seer is positioned and created in Righteousness." 

Noah was a preacher of Righteousness.  Abraham was imputed Righteousness.  Elijah was a Righteous man and because of that 'At his word the rain came, and at his word the rain ceased."  Joshua was imputed Righteousness as he could speak to the Sun be still, and it was still.   Yet, Jesus came full of Righteousness and in Him was no darkness. 

Jeremiah, "What do you see?" I see a branch that has budded."  You see a New Testament Seer sees through the Life that is in the branch--Righteousness, that causes the Life of Jesus to expand in prophetic seeing: in people, in cities, in nations and abroad.  Notice, I did not say "Faith" as the New Testament Seer practices Prophetic Position as their highest pursuit of Posture so that Prophetic Purpose -which is faith in being upheld in God in Righteousness through Christ to be released in the word that is spoken. 

In Modern Day Seerism (Is there such a word?)many believe they are a Seer and teach the art of seeing by their senses: what they feel, what they sense, what they smell, what they taste.  While it is good to have maturity in training of the senses there is a though that remains: you can still have perception through your senses to experience Life by the Spirit, and still live outside of Spiritual Rest in God through Righteousness. Mature Discernment of Spirit comes from faithfully abiding and growing in the Prophetic Position of Righteousness.  Righteousness is the only place where purity of knowing God's heart and faithfully living in God's heart revealing the Light of the Person of Jesus is shown. 

Righteousness is the only soil in which the Father sows Light.  There is no other path in which the Father sows Light into as only Righteousness upholds who He is. It is only Righteousness that comes from the heart to release our purpose in the faith.   For this reason the Seer teaches what Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is Righteousness" following with two other attributes of Prophetic Position, "Peace and Joy."   Jesus, who is God in the flesh, did not preach "Faith to develop your senses in order to perceive the kingdom" Jesus came full of Light (Righteousness) and Truth.  A New Testament Seer practices continually, and faithfully to not be faithful to prophecy or speak an Oracle but to faithfully increase in the Light of Righteousness to see through the Son of Righteousness.

In closing, in order to grow as a Seer the Prophetic Position of Righteousness must be their place of Purpose. It is only here that Jesus will be seen as the Father only sows Light and gives Light in Righteousness to see Jesus.  Secondly, as Seer sees and is taught of Jesus by the Holy Spirit on a continual basis, to release the budding of that relationship which is expands through Righteousness, it is for this purpose a New Testament Prophet has faith in God. 

Steal Away in the Secret Place Today, 
Sister Lara  

Also published in an audio book, to text to speech; Online School of Prayer With Christ.; on the World Wide Internet, through Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries

Original post taken from Online School of Prayer With Christ 

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