Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Kings Pool and the Fountain Gate Seer's Kings and Angels

The Kings Pool and the Fountain Gate
Seer's, Kings, and Angels

"Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place."

Nehemiah 2

Then I moved on toward the Fountain Gate and the King’s Pool, but there was not enough room for my mount to get through;

Every Seer's focus is learning to initiate the Person of the Holy Spirit in their lives, on a daily basis.  The Holy Spirit is our Parakletos: our Standby for everything in our lives.  

Yet, the Holy Spirit hovers over the Branch or the Scepter of Righteousness, which is God's Word--alone. Jesus said to Satan in the wilderness, "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Father."   As we learn to initiate the Person of the Holy Spirit in the involvement of what we do, and walk in the Word of God as our Scepter, there will always be the appearance of angels and the sending forth of angels. 

It is as the Seer learns to rely upon these three areas of their lives, the Seer will operate as a King 'on earth as it is in heaven.' Here, in today's Scripture the Prophet Nehemiah could not get into the narrow place he was on the journey to, and go through on his donkey.  However, as he looked through the prophetic window of his destiny he did see, "The Kings Pool, and the Fountain Gate." 

Every Seer King operates with a King's Pool.   I shared twice this past week, that the 30 fold Anointing, as spoke by: The Prophet Jeremiah, The Prophet Ezekiel, The Prophet David, and Jesus -Emmanuel, God With Us in the teaching of the parable of the Sower and the Seed that the 30 fold means reservoirs and the 100 fold means thick overflowing abundance. 

If you are walking in the Harvesting of the 30 Fold, "The King's Pool" your eyes will be open to see in the realm of the Spirit. Most, in the Body of Christ continue to desire to see in the Spirit but do not know how to cause God's Word to come off the pages of what is written and be real in their lives--or, in short, "Harvest God's Grace where all provision is made." 

Song of Solomon 7 says, "Your eyes are like pools of Hesbon." 

Every Seer King can see into the Kingdom of  Heaven because they know how to speak God's Word-their Rod of Righteousness, and what is spoken in secret comes to pass in open.  

If you are just beginning on this journey, please visit Mark 11:22-25, Campus 2 and listen.  At the same time, please understand what it means to be positioned and born of God, through Christ, through the ministry of Reconciliation

I am reminded that David, was looking over the balcony into the King's Garden and saw the King's Pool and there was Bathsheba bathing.  As a King during this time in His Life he could not possess the King's Pool to see in the Spirit, because his eyes could not possess in fullness the Scepter of Righteousness: to carry it inside, and release it in the Authority of a King.

"If you prophesy more than you see in the Spirit then you are still in a narrow place and have not yet learned to have full access to the King's Pool."~ Sister Lara

We see this as evidence in the life of Nehemiah.

Song of Solomon

King James Bible
Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies.

As well, "Every King has access to the Fountain Gate" yet, Nehemiah could only see it and not participate in accessing it.   Because of this, "Nehemiah left this place on his donkey, and went back to the Dung Gate." 

Every Seer King can access the King's Pool and walk in it, and dispense the Fountain Gate. (The Spirit of Grace where all provision is made for the Kingdom.)   It is here, that the Seer King's greatest asset is where angels are sent by the King as they release the Scepter of Righteousness. 

Angelic Visitation is always appearing and dispensing in the Life of a Seer King because of the engagement of the King's Pool and the King's Fountain Gate.  There is no other higher place for the Seer King to operate as the Seer King then to rely upon the Spirit of Grace (at least 30 fold) through the spoken Rod of Righteousness, and the Fountain Gate (60 fold) for the purpose of having what the Seer King says; and  have what is spoken come to pass (100 fold) by the reliance of releasing God's Grace and His angels. 

The Seer King does not rely upon "Other Seer King's Words" but only on the "Seer King's Word that have been given by the King of kings" through the council of the "Seven Spirits of God."  (The immersion of the Fountain itself.)

Learn and understand the purpose of desire in prayer and how to walk in abundant answered prayer.

What is the purpose of desire?
What does 30;60;100 fold mean?

"The Righteous Prayer Availeth Much" was written in the Epistles but what does it really mean to "Prayer Righteous Prayers?"

Here, you will learn how Jesus upon the Cross was the Greatest example of Righteous Praying and what this type of prayer means from the Spirit of Revelation to you.

To the 100 Fold, 

Thank you for being part of Online School of Prayer With Christ, 
Sister Lara

"Born of a family of five children, 

Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."

Sister Lara's Motto: 

"Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place"

  • Seer House Blog

  • "What I tell you in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in your ear proclaim upon the rooftops."  Matthew 10:27 (KJV)

    Online Prophetic School of Prayer, @ May 2013-2014 -2015-2016-2017 All Rights Reserve

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