Saturday, May 20, 2017

Hallowed Be Thy Name and It's Importance in the Lord's Prayer

Hallowed Be Thy Name 

 It's Importance in the Lord's Prayer

"Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place."

"Our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed by Thy Name"

Matthew 6

In our last letter we discussed the importance of "Restoring Three Ancient Paths of Prayer" along with what each of these mean with their importance.  At the same time we received links to audio teachings in Online School of Prayer With Christ Campus.  What a blessing it is to see those who desire to walk in restoration of prayer in every area of their life.

Today, as we learn to continue to meditate upon the Ministry of Reconciliation we see this act of God at work in other areas of Scripture as well.  

1.  John 1:1, "In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the word was God."  

Here, we see that this simply means, "All things on earth as it is in heaven have been reconciled.  All things are hidden in God, all things are in God, and all things are a part of who God is, which testifies of Him released and made known through Christ." 

In the last few words of Christ Jesus upon the cross He said, "Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit."  Here, the word commit means 'deposit' and it was there that the Father 'reconciled' the Spirit of Christ Jesus back into Himself and Jesus lived out of God.  To live out of God means to live behind the veil --or the flesh of Jesus. Jesus lived out of God as God hid Himself in Christ.  Each Gospel speaks of the birth of Christ, "Upon this wise you shall have a son (Mary) and His name shall be called Emmanuel, or, God with us."  

Yet, when Jesus taught His disciples to pray, "Our Father who art in heaven hallowed by thy name: Did you know the word hallowed represents the idea of being reconciled, too?"  Here, in the Greek the word hallowed means: set apart, sanctified, to be made holy.  Yet, each of these words represent being reconciled in God-or, put back into Him and made one with Him.

"Our Father who art in heaven praise You that I am one in You, and You are in me.  I am now made in the image of Christ, as I live out of You through Him-behind the veil.  The Blood of Jesus made peace on my behalf with all my enemies, as a constant flow of Life into Me; a constant flow of Life through me; a constant flow of Life upholding me.  It is here, as I live out of You --I acknowledge that I am one in You." 

"Kings reign and rule when they live out of Reconciliation with God"
Disciples are still learning to receive out of want to be equipped-outside of God. 

I am a Son; I am a Daughter of God.  I was not born of my mother; I was not born of my father, but I am now born of God. I have followed the way of Christ and into beyond the veil--that is, into the hands of God through the prayer of Christ, -where I have been raised, and I have been put back into God where I have been ascended IN God through Christ. To live in this place is "Intimacy with God--in the Spirit of Sonship crying out Abba Father."

"Hallowed by thy name: On earth as it is in heaven!"  Or, "I am one in You and I release Your ability; your willingness; your provision; your supply-through Christ, on earth as it is in heaven."  To release His ability on earth as it is in heaven is to "Harvest His Grace for my life."

For this reason, in Ephesians 1:10, "All things (God's Grace: His provision, His supply, etc.) is in Christ where everything in heaven and on the earth are one.

Three Essential Paths of Prayer

 Let us make mankind in our image (We have been reconciled and made one to live out of God in Christ.)  Let us teach mankind how to release; how to duplicate; our ability on earth as they live out of us in relationship with us.  Let the Holy Spirit harvest what is created; on earth as it is in heaven with the work of My angels, through My spoken Word.

"The Lord's prayer is a prayer of worship and a prayer that only children would understand, because they one in God." ~ Sister Lara
When we pray "Give us our daily bread" we do so because we are saying, "God hide your ability in Christ; hide your provision in Christ; hide your supply in Christ as this is your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.  Each time I release who Your ability in Christ into my situation --that is what I put my faith in, which makes my faith unstoppable."  Hallelujah!

"Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name.  I am one in You and have followed the same path as Christ.  I am reconciled in you and being reconciled in you caused me to live behind your veil, where the blood of Jesus crucified the world to me through Christ, making peace.  I am upheld in peace because I am one in you, fully reconciled and set down into Christ.  Your Government of peace is upon me as a partaker of your nature, because you rest upon me as I live out of you."For that reason I wrote the Campus, "John 17: The Greatest Sting Jesus and God Ever Pulled Off." 

At the same time, that is why I put everything together in one message in the Course Library called, "What is House of Prayer: A Royal Grace Handbook, How to Get What You Need Without Leaving the House."  I believe "Prayer Movements" have not reached their potential in prayer because these movements are living "Outside the Ancient Paths of Prayer."  That is why I put together this valuable teaching, to teach you: What is a House of Prayer?"  I will tell you right off, "It is not how much you pray.  It is not how long you pray.  It is not the prayer of faith.  It is not how many gather together in prayer, for a corporate anointing.  It is not a threshing floor.  It is not a push until something happens.  It is not a changing of the DNA.  It is not a prophetic word; It is not a prophetic dream; It is not a prophetic revelation, it is not what you buy and sell, and more." 

I am fully convinced that once you learn and grasp this teaching, you will enter into the joy of the Lord in prayer with "God in Christ, by the Holy Spirit" in a way that you will experience "The expected end."  For that reason, "I want you to learn: How to Reap Your Harvest, Through Desire" and begin to get to work at what you are believing God for.  
To the 100 Fold-Living in Perfect Will of God,
Sister Lara

Every believer is connected to God in Christ, by the supply of all who God is and His provision (The Kingdom of Grace).

Let us boldly come before the throne of Grace, for help in time of need.  Here, the word bold means: to understand who you are connected to and how you are joined.

"Let this mind be in you: All things are passed away, and all things have become new."  You now live by Grace: God in Christ, and you have been put back into God and set down in Christ.  It is the Holy Spirit who has sealed this "Masterminded event--the Greatest Sting the World Ever Knew" on earth as it is in heaven. 

As I rest in this place, "I am upheld in POWER (Grace: God in Christ, sealed by the Holy Spirit) on earth as it is in heaven." 

"We are one in God through Christ"-John 17

Ephesians 3:18

Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;

"In this place I have stood; In this place I have seen; In this place I have heard; In this place I now live"~ Sister Lara

"Prayer is living out of God in Christ and releasing His ability into the earth: this is defining Authority of Prayer on earth as it is in heaven."~ Sister Lara

 To the 100 Fold-The Perfect Will of God, 
Sister Lara

"Born of a family of five children, 

Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."

Sister Lara's Motto: 

"Happiness is Seeing Jesus in the Secret Place"

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  • "What I tell you in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in your ear proclaim upon the rooftops."  Matthew 10:27 (KJV)

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