Sunday, January 8, 2017

How is God Answering Your Prayers This Week Relying Upon The Holy Spirit

How is God Answering Your Prayers This Week? 

What Works For You?

Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seers of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

Welcome everyone
who is new to this Campus,
our Sub-domain Campuses under other names,
and all our Email Campuses

How is God Answering Your Prayers?  
What Works For You?

Matthew 10:27 (KJV)
What I tell you in secret say to the light
and that which is whispered in your ears proclaim upon the roof tops.

This past week we have been reflecting upon "How to Rely Upon the Holy Spirit in Prayer."  As one of the first steps to grow in prayer and develop the Secret Place is growing in a relationship with the Holy Spirit.  While most think that you must first start prayer with: thanksgiving ; praise ; faith ; etc., "It is important that you already have a relationship with the Holy Spirit and you are in a place in your life that you are growing in your relationship with Him."

  • The Holy Spirit is the only Person on earth that knows what you need-You may not know what you are going to be facing a week from now ; a year from now; or even the day you are reading this post.  It is not a scare tactic to think that but, "The Holy Spirit knows everything about the mind and will of God for your life."  In order to walk in what has been prepared for you by God we must know the person of the Holy Spirit as the only person to rely upon the most in our lives.

  • The Holy Spirit is the only Person on earth that can reveal to you the things of God-"When we talk about the meaning of the word reveal, what comes to mind?"  Here, this work of the Holy Spirit represents "What has already been created for you to have uncovered and made known to you to walk in."  Each of us, need to rely upon the Holy Spirit to reveal to us--or, make known to each one of us what is already created by God for us to walk in.  This is a perfect definition of God's Grace.  Remember, God's Grace means: God's voice, God's willingness, God's provision that is already created for you so that you might known Him. (For more understanding on Grace stop by our Bonus Library and get your free book, and free First Steps of Grace Clipart Brochure to help you develop the Secret Place.)

So, "How is God answering your prayers this week?  
Are you journaling your answers?" 

I would love to hear.  
Share your testimonies in our inbox's at Online School of Prayer, today!

If it is your desire to begin to grow in your relationship with the Holy Spirit in prayer, take a look at "The Holy Spirit and Prayer Lessons" I know they will be a blessing to you. Also, there is a book, "How to Rely Upon the Holy Spirit in Prayer: Five Easy Steps" in the Bonus Library in clipart form that will help you begin to grow to know the Holy Spirit.

If you have any prayer requests you can always inbox me in our beautiful Campus.  I am here for you, to serve you.  Also, if you need help in your studies please know I am always here to serve you.


Online School of  Prayer With Christ


January 2017 Events 
Month of January: Reading & Personal Study

January 8-15: Pick up your free book in the Bonus Library in the Campus: Accessing Your Treasury of Grace. Grow in Grace and in Your Personal Relationship With God, today. You must register: Free

January 15-21: Enter into the Land of Milk and Honey: Praying in the Holy Ghost--For Advanced Intercessors or Beginners-5 Weeks of listening on your own, study on your own, Levels of Tongues; Benefits of Tongues; Groaning in the Spirit-and more.

January 22-28-Holy Communion: The Greatest Trial the World Has Ever Known--Grow in Holy Communion and in Grace: When Jesus took bread, the word "Take" Means: Put to Trial. Grow in communion through the finished works of Christ today in this lesson. You will be glad you did! Video Teachings; Study Notes; and more.


Education Website for Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries

Visionary Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries
ince 2003 Visionary of Online School of Prayer

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