Monday, December 26, 2016

Garments of Beauty and Glory Five Steps to Receive Your Healing With Picture Demonstration

Garments of Beauty and Glory
Five Steps to Receive Your Healing With Picture Demonstration

Welcome to the Seer's House Where Seer's of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

**This Article is for Mature Audience Only

Sons and Daughters of Adoption Through Grace Publications

Exodus 28.2
Make sacred garments for your brother Aaron, for glory and for beauty

Romans 6:4
Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

In this photo story demonstration, 
this lesson will share "Garments of Beauty and Glory: Five Steps to Receive Your Healing Step by Step with Photo Demonstrations."

This lesson is located at Online School of Prayer With Christ under the "How to Rely Upon the Holy Spirit in Prayer Foundational Series." 

There is also an advanced video teaching 
available to bless your day by Sister Lara

Suggested pre-teaching before you move onto this lesson is:

Featured Lesson:

In today's Scripture we see a desire of the Father His priests to have tailored made clothes for the Secret Place.  These clothes were called, "Garments of Beauty and Glory."  Of course, we understand that this represents a prophetic picture of the Body of Christ abiding in the Beautiful One, who is Christ Jesus.  To be surrounded and filled with God's Grace and Glory is to live a Life of worship.  Worship is a place, Jesus Christ is the Incense unto God that is sweet smelling unto God. We become one in His worship when we abide in Grace: God's Voice, God's Nature, God's Provision in everything that pertains to life--found in Christ Jesus alone.

Yet, there is something very striking that I believe of great opportunity to realize "For those that need healing: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Material, Financial."  

This opportunity is learning to "Continue to rely upon the Holy Spirit in Prayer" by simply  living in God's Grace: God's Voice, God's Nature, God's Provision already created for every person before they came into the knowledge of Christ, so that we might know God.

To rely upon the Holy Spirit in Prayer and Healing is a skill.  The work of the Holy Spirit is to take from the Grace that is in Christ Jesus, and give to every believer. We of our own self can do nothing, as it is Grace through faith we are healed; Grace through faith we are saved ; Grace through faith positioned to receive the Blessed Sabbatical Rest in Christ.  As we rest in Grace, our flesh rests in Hope giving every believer substance to release God's Grace in each person's life. 

So, "Where do we go from here" is the easiest road to healing you will learn to venture today.  First, you must realize before we go on, "Nobody stresses to receive from God--you cannot earn your healing; there is nothing you can do or say to stop you from receiving once you realize how to rely upon the Holy Spirit."

Step One

"Simply Pray"

The first step you already have down packed don't you?  

"Father, I come before your Throne of Grace for help in time of need for healing in the area of: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Material, Financial.  You name what your petition is for, asking for Grace."

(If you want to learn more about Grace from a beginner point of view, jump over to our "First Steps of Grace Lessons at Online School of Prayer."  Watch and listen to the video's, and pick up your free book.  You must register first, it will be worth it.)

Step Two

Simply Pray Again

**This time you are going to rely upon the Holy Spirit instead you doing the work on your own.

"Father, I ask that as I rest in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus that the Holy Spirit will take from the finished works of the Cross of Christ Jesus, and give Your Grace to me in the area of __________________."  

During this time, I wait for the Holy Spirit to well up in my inner man and bring Peace.  As I delight myself in the Peace of God, I rely fully upon the Holy Spirit to come to me where I am; which is relying upon Grace.  

When the presence of the Holy Spirit comes and fills me, I delight in God, and now I grow in assurance.  I wait for the Holy Spirit to take from Jesus and give to me.  As He fills my Temple His presence washes over my area of needed healing with the Resurrection of Christ Jesus.

Jesus could not raise Himself--He waited fully upon the Father to raise Him by the Holy Spirit and Glory.  In like manner, as you delight in Christ and His finished works you rely fully upon the Holy Spirit to take from the Grace and Glory of Christ Jesus and dress you in the workmanship of who He is.

Up to this point, "We have not decreed.  We have not prayed out loud.  We have not waited in a healing line."  To do so, is to operate out of "Faith with no Grace, or --works only."  (Do you see the difference?)

This is the single most mis-interpreted means of understanding healing.  "Do you remember the woman who pressed through the crowd to receive her healing?  It was the virtue (God's Grace Interpreted: His Voice, His Provision, His Nature, His willingness) that came to where she was --WATCH THIS, that "Clothed her IN CHRIST" in the area of need she had in her blood.

Here, the Holy Spirit made "Divine Exchange" and clothed the woman with "Garments of Grace (God's virtue) and Glory (God's character) 

Step Three

You do not need to go anywhere, "Where are you going?"
You do not need to say anything, "Not even a whisper" can change the work of the Holy Spirit.  You are His workmanship, "Just learn to receive."

Everything is already prepared.  Everything is already available.

Bathe ; Rest ; Delight ; Let the Holy Spirit fill you ; Let the Holy Spirit take from Jesus and prepare you with the Grace that is in Christ Jesus.  

The Holy Spirit did the work of causing Jesus to Arise --and Jesus simply relied upon the Holy Spirit.  Jesus could not do it on His own.  He came full of Grace: God's Voice, God's Provision, God's Nature, God's Willingness in every area of His Life.  In Him, abiding in Grace, we must learn to rely upon for every area of need--through the workmanship of the Holy Spirit.

2 Timothy 2, "Be strong in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus."

John 1:14-17 "Jesus came full of Grace and Life."

Song of Solomon 8:4 
I charge you O Daughters of Jerusalem, that you stir not up nor awake my love, until He please.

Step Four

"Prophetic Favor is Given"

After the Holy Spirit has fully immersed you in "Garments of Beauty and Glory" taking from Jesus to give to you; filling your Temple with the Grace and Glory in Christ through His Resurrection, "Wait for the revelation of Jesus to come."  It is during this time, "Prophetic Favor has been given to you to speak your gentle whispers of Love to the Father and wipe your tears of mourning to receive joy for your breakthrough."

After the woman was healed of the issue of blood, "Jesus turned to her and spoke to her-to finish the work of Garments of Beauty and Glory upon her."

Here, the Holy Spirit will give revelation of the "Prophetic Favor" of Jesus and what He has accomplished for you to release the Grace of the Father in Himself--by the Holy Spirit.

Step Five

"Prophetic Dance in the Rain of Grace"

Receive Your Healing Rain

Repeat these steps as often as you want,  Dance by learning to 

The wind blows where it will as the "Grace and Glory" of God fills the Temple.

"Pick Up Your Bed --and Dance!"

Request your free ebook, 

**This book is for mature audience of Sons and Daughters of the Holy Spirit only.  To receive your free copy, please register at Online School of Prayer With Christ.  Upon registration use the contact form to request your book.  We know you will be blessed.

Garments of Beauty and Glory: Five Steps to Receive Your Healing With Picture Demonstration is a copyright ebook from the personal journal of Sister Lara. 

We are pleased to share her Anointed writings with you today to help you "Arise, and be Healed With Healing in Your Wings."


About Sister Lara

"Born of a family of five children, Seer of Jesus 
and angels at the age of 5."

In Loving Memory
"I Love You Mom"

Forever in My Heart

Ephesians 6:2
"Honor your mother and father is the
first commandment with promise"

Thank you for sharing today! 

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