Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Prophetic Watering Wheel Within a Wheel Word of Grace Commentary

The Prophetic Watering Wheel Within a Wheel Word of Grace Commentary

Ephesians 2:8

For by grace are you saved through faith, 
not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.

Online School of Prayer With Christ-Word of Grace Correspondence School,
The picture you see here is found in the "Garden of Peace" in our local zoo.  I had not been there since I was a child, and wanted to go for a long time.  Finally, I went and was so glad I did.  

However, I was shocked that I could visit such a meaningful place in the middle of our zoo.  

Here, as I walked in I noticed this very large "Watering Wheel." As I read the history of the "Watering Wheel" I learned this was the way that a farmer would navigate their fields to water their crops in Jerusalem.  At the same time, I read how "Watering Wheels" are used to cleanse the Temple from animal sacrifices in Jerusalem from the daily work of the priests.

For me, it was so hot, I reached my hand into the waters and began to cool my face.  As I looked up, I noticed the beautiful hand carved pots going around on the "Watering Wheel."  It was there I realized that the water filled the pots on the blades, and as they were being filled the water was the energy and force to keep the wheel turning.

One by one, a pot would go into the water and be filled and taken from a low place to a place on high to be emptied for more water.  For me, this was a beautiful example of God's magnificent Grace.  Grace is the free-flowing power of water that fills and renews a person to know God and His ability, to bring provision for every need. 

Perhaps, the Apostle Paul gave a mystery in his writings to us on his insight to Grace when he said, "Let us run the race" that is set before us in Hebrews 12.  The term race comes from the farmers of the Watering Wheel who navigated the land that described the wheel carrying the water from one place to miles away to reach and water the land, "Each turn."  

It is by the pot being yielded and filled with water, by Grace, that you are constantly positioned to receive more in which the race is known.  Hallelujah! 

I am reminded how the Prophet Ezekiel had his inaugural vision in the opening of his writings, in the Holy Bible.  In his vision he began to describe a "Wheel within a wheel." 

English Standard Version
As for the appearance of the wheels and their construction: their appearance was like the gleaming of beryl. And the four had the same likeness, their appearance and construction being as it were a wheel within a wheel.

Here, I believe that Ezekiel already knew the insight to the "Providence of Grace" in this vision through the wheels as he was a Priest for thirty years.  Each wheel that turned brought the "Providence of God's Grace" through the revelation of who He is found in the four faces, and each time the wheel turned the many members (Full of eyes) of the church and angels would be filled with God's Grace. 

As the motion of the wheels turn, and dispense Grace, "A person is filled to be strengthened in the Grace that is in Christ."   Grace is the axle which filled Christ Jesus, and is forever faithful to turn and dispense to pour out Truth through Christ Jesus. I could write more about this revelation, but the more I ponder Grace the more quiet my soul becomes to fellowship with God.

The more I spent at the Watering Wheel, the more I wanted to stay and enjoy this place at our Zoo.  There was a squirrel at the top of the waters drinking, and I wept in God's goodness to watch it and experience His Love there.

At the same time, I also thought of what it is like when the water is dammed up, "Ponds" are created and the water is no longer fresh.  Because the waters are dammed up, what ever is in transit in the main stream is automatically pushed, by force, to an isolated place.  This place can often be with a company of those who were going the same way, and ended up in the same place.  At times, our lives take this course and we think that this course is "God's highest and best" yet we grow weary and stale.  God, by His Grace will reveal His wheel to us there because He pours His Spirit of Grace upon places like that, in order to: restore, refresh, and renew.

Zechariah 12:10
And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication.

I am also reminded how God poured out His Spirit of Grace upon Judah so that they will have a heart of unity to do the commands of the Lord.

I honestly did not intend to write so much about my visit to the Zoo, and the "Watering Wheel Grace Devotional" today.  I only wanted to shared bits and  nuggets as I have literally spent months meditating on the subject of Grace. I think about it so much I have put together a "Word of Grace Correspondence School" which is done by snail mail.   The Scripture meditation on this page is from Ephesians and I share "Insights on Grace that are refreshing, revelatory, and copycat revelation free."

It is called, "Accessing Your Treasure of Grace: Grace a Gift of God." 

It is actually my first lesson I did for our fall/winter semester for Online School of Prayer With Christ.

If you are interested go on over and register.  You will be asked for your snail mail to receive your all in one CD.

If you look at the bottom of that page, I have also posted a link where you can hear a short snippet on Grace, too.  I know it will bless you.

Before I close this page out I wanted to ask you a question, "When was the last time you stepped out and enjoyed your day and had fun?"  Seriously, have you done that in a while?

This is a picture of the train at our Zoo.  I did not take it, as I got it off the Internet.  This train takes us around the Zoo to see the different animals and the park features, and it also takes us around "Swan Lake" the center lake of our Zoo.

As I boarded the Zoo I noticed it was a kiddy train and when the conductor sounded the bell, "It was ready to sound off and take us all."  I have to say it was a lot of fun.  I remember riding this train as a kid and this was my first back in almost 48 years. As the kids rode the train and saw others in the Zoo watching from within the park it was cute to see their little hands going up to wave at everyone they passed by.  "You know what? I found my hand going up too!"

May God's Grace keep your heart childlike, and be strong in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus.

Thanks for actively participating in this post today and sharing it with a friend.

"I Love You Mom"

About Sister Lara

"Born of a family of five children, Seer of Jesus and angels at the age of 5."

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