Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Purpose of Chaos and Darkness Interpreting The Prophetic Window of Visions

The Purpose of Chaos and Darkness 

Interpreting The Prophetic Window of Visions

Welcome to the Seer House Where Seers of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place

Seer House-Online School of Prayer With Christ,

Proverbs 28.2 Message Bible 

    When the country is in chaos,
    everybody has a plan to fix it—
But it takes a leader of real understanding
    to straighten things out.

Psalm 51.10 Message Bible 
God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life

The Purpose of Chaos and Darkness Interpreting The Prophetic Window of Visions

The Bible is full of topical discussions; events; circumstances of chaos.  In fact, as we begin the Book of Genesis the first thing we read about is chaos.  

Genesis "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
"Do you know that darkness means chaos?"  Secondly, did you notice that "Darkness was in the earth and not in the heavens?"  In addition, "It does not say the heavens were without form and voice and full of chaos" the Holy bible describes the earth as being a place of chaos.

The Purpose of Chaos and Darkness Interpreting The Prophetic Window of Visions

Why Did God Create Chaos?

The Purpose of Chaos and Darkness Interpreting The Prophetic Window of Visions

As you go through each Scripture I shared with you in my Slideshare presentation, you will see "The way darkness is used, or no form and how God used it to reveal His Wisdom."  They are great Scriptures for a prayer journal, too.
The Purpose of Chaos and Darkness Interpreting The Prophetic Window of Visions

The Law of the Prophets--"To create darkness where there is resistance in order to reveal Light--so that what is in the darkness will seek God."

Jeremiah 4.23

I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, H8414 and void; and the heavens, and they had no light.
God created darkness because darkness resisted His Ways.  All throughout the Bible we see the "Law of Resistance" at work. For example, "Do you know it is the work and Law of the Prophets to create resistance--just like God did, so that what is in the resistance will seek God out?"
We see this example in the Life of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal, as the Prophet said, "It will not rain until I said it will rain."  The Prophet created resistance--through creation so that the false Prophets would seek out his gifts.
Joseph, the Dreamer understood this same Law of the Prophets.  While many discuss his life being in transition from the "Prison to the Palace" what people fail to see is that "Joseph used his gifts to create resistance so that those who did resist him would seek him out."  Joseph prayed that the Baker and Butler would have dreams --and the magi could not interpret them.  He created resistance; darkness; chaos so that they would seek him out as he knew it was the Pharoah's birthday coming up within three days.
The purpose of Chaos is to create resistance by God, or the Prophets so that what resists Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit will seek Light, and their need for God.
The Purpose of Chaos and Darkness Interpreting The Prophetic Window of VisionsThis same concept is used with "Daniel and the Lions Den."  While Daniel prayed in the Seer's Window three times a day, and met the Archangels "He also knew how to create resistance" on events and creation that resisted him.   "The Lions did not harm Daniel in the Lions Den."
"In the beginning, God created darkness--or resistance, so that He could create a Light to shine in what resisted His Spirit for His Spirit to move and create, to reveal His glory."
In other words, "Chaos reveals the plans and purposes of God" which is called the Spirit of Wisdom in the Bible.  For that reason, I have a nineteen week Campus of Prayer at Online School of Prayer and one of the teachings is called "Praying in the Spirit: The Spirit of Wisdom and Knowledge."
The good news about "Darkness and Chaos" is "This is where the Holy Spirit loves to dwell and create."  For that reason, there are many carnal prophetic people who are not skilled in prayer or prophecy and miss the Spirit of Life in chaos and it's purpose and only prophecy "Chaos."

The Purpose of Chaos and Darkness Interpreting The Prophetic Window of Visions

This is the purpose and work of Ruach, and it is the place the Holy Spirit dwells. The purpose of darkness is to reveal the Spirit of Wisdom--or, the plans and purposes of God to create how that darkness will know Him.  This is the result of darkness and chaos which is to reveal the Knowledge of Righteousness in Christ.
Light is the first spectrum in the Holy Bible as colors represent the Righteousness of God found in His Love.  Secondly, the purpose and work of Ruach is more than the breath of God it is to reveal "Prophetic Imagination" in which the Ruach means.  
God creates "Darkness and Chaos" because it resists who He is so that what resists will come to the Light He created to know Him. In saying that "He knew you and Loved you before you knew Him" is Life. Hallelujah‼

The Purpose of Chaos and Darkness Interpreting The Prophetic Window of Visions

Isaiah 59.4 None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, H8414 and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.
The "Law of the Prophets is to call for Justice and plead for truth" to prophecy Life and Light.  The Prophet understands the Holy Spirit is there brooding waiting for God's spokesperson to begin to foretell Light to come forth and Glory.

The Purpose of Chaos and Darkness Interpreting The Prophetic Window of Visions

In closing, I want to remind us all of some Scriptures 

Isaiah 60.2

For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon.

Ezekiel 38:9
"You will go up, you will come like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your troops, and many peoples with you."
Ezekiel 38:16
and you will come up against My people Israel like a cloud to cover the land. It shall come about in the last days that I will bring you against My land, so that the nations may know Me when I am sanctified through you before their eyes, O Gog
Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries. All Rights Reserved @ 2003-Current

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