Saturday, March 16, 2024

Vision of Jesus and the Bride Giving Out Communion


Topic Praying for the Nations 

As I began to prepare for my journal entries of my time of meditations in the Word of God and prayer for Israel and the Church, I went into a vision. 

Here, before my eyes appeared a video of the Tomb of the place of burial of Jesus.  As I looked with clarity, I saw that the stone was powerfully, and supernaturally rolled away.  There ,at the opened tomb two angels appeared one on each side.  

As I watched this event take place I saw Jesus step out of the tomb and He was full of Light dressed in Robes of Light and Life.  As he walked towards me, the two angels immediately began to follow after Him.

John 11:25 -I AM the Resurrection and the Life. 

During this two hour time frame of praying for the Nations there were other visions recorded by other Seer's. To read them, we have recorded them for you. Kindly click on the presentation below.

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Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  
Steal Away Behind the Veil of Jesus, Today!.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

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