Monday, August 10, 2020

Seer Daily Devotion Three Insights to Interpreting Visions as a Seer Disciple

Three Insights to Interpreting Visions as a Seer Disciple

Seer Daily Devotion

Welcome to the Seers House

"Welcome to the Seers House Where Seers of Jesus Meet in the Secret Place" 

Matthew 14:26 
It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

Three Insights to Interpreting Visions as a Seer Disciple

I remember the night I was studying the situation in the Bible when Jesus was walking on the waters  towards the disciples.  

The Response of the Disciples Towards Jesus

And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

Often, Seer Disciples see a vision and they become troubled in fear.  What they see they interpret as demons and many times what they are interpreting is out of the second heaven rather than with eyes of the Spirit.  Of course, we have to give the disciples credit on this visitation of Jesus because the cross had not happened yet, and Jesus had not given the Holy Spirit.   Yet, a young Seer Disciple often interprets visions as demonic and they are troubled. 

1. Jesus was walking on the sea:  At first glance all the disciples interpreted the same meaning of the vision, "It is a spirit!"  Here, their vision could not discern that it was Jesus and they interpreted the vision as a spirit. If you begin to meditate upon Scriptures of Jesus in the prayer watches you will begin to experience seeing these Scriptures in videos before your eyes.  

2. They were all troubled with fear:  Not only was the boat beginning to fill with water, and the waters were becoming more turbulent when they saw Jesus they were troubled with fear.  Just because everyone is saying the same thing in a particular interpretation of a vision it does not mean that the interpretation is clear.  It is interesting to me that this word troubled represents the idea of inward commotion.  Here, each disciple began to experience inward commotion was made them restless.  The value of the lesson to be learned is that every Seer Disciple who interprets visions from a heart that is full of commotion will often interpret visions from the fallen nature of untrained senses.  They spoke according to what they felt, what they sensed, and more. This is what we mean by interpreting visions from the second heaven. 

3. Jesus replied, "It is I fear not." (Verse 27) Even though Jesus spoke to the disciples so that they could hear His voice, "I wonder if they recognized His voice?"  We have to remember they walked and talked with Jesus for a long time.  The reason I ask such a question is because Peter responded, "Lord if it is You bid me to walk on water with you." 
The disciples heard the voice of Jesus come out of the realm of the Kingdom unto them, and Peter desired to walk in the realm of the kingdom where Jesus was. 

As Seer Disciples we all desire such experiences to be with the Lord to walk where He walks and how He walks --even on the water, because He walks in the realm of the Kingdom.  We are living in an age where many are beginning to have visions.  At the same time many of these same people who are having visions are interpreting visions from the second heaven 

Because they have not been trained and discipled in God's Rest & Righteousness. As the Seer Disciple increases in God's Rest and Righteousness through the finished works of the cross it is there that eyes will be open to experience the kingdom of God in supernatural events --just like Peter. 

In closing: 

What I love the most about this experience of Jesus and His disciples is not so much the visions they saw, or the stepping out of the boat of Peter to walk with Jesus.  I love the fact the disciples were waiting where Jesus told them to wait and it was Jesus--who perfected the things that concerned the disciples in His response to console them in their fears.  

Secondly, I love the fact that Jesus gave Peter room to step out and grow his faith where he was to be with Jesus and Jesus was there to help and strengthen. 

Every young Seer Disciple can learn from this experience of visions in one way or another.  The good news is as you begin to meditate upon the Word of the God (Jesus) videos will appear before your eyes as you begin to walk in Spiritual Sight.   

Continue to grow by practicing the meditation of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit will increase your Eagle Vision, as the Father gives more light to see.  

Thank you for being part of these pages too! 

Be sure to use the "Three Block Demonstration" drawing I drew for you as you meditate upon the Word of God for Jesus to appear. 

Steal Away in the Secret Place, Today! 
Sister Lara 

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