Monday, February 25, 2019

The Seer Intercessor (Foundations of the Seer in Intercession)

The Seer Intercessor (Foundations of the Seer in Intercession)

A Scripture Reflection From the Apostle James 
"Praying as One"
James 5:16


It’s been a big week.  I have realized the more I rest in the Righteousness of God in my life  the more I understand the statement, “The fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much.” James 5:16
Here, at first glance I am continued to be reminded that the position of every believer is already a Righteous position.  Every disciple of Christ has been taken by Christ Himself into that blessed place of Rest--the Heart of God.  It is through the finished works of Christ, we have been planted by the Father into. You cannot ascend to this place on your own.  You do not have to pray to come into this place.  You are already there in God, through Christ.

 Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. (Col. 3:1)  The blood of Jesus has hedged me into God through Christ, and is a Door that surrounds me to be kept from the world.   Yet, this same blood of Jesus causes me to rely upon the Person of the Holy Spirit in Righteousness, alone.

Here we read, “The fervent prayer” in the writings of the Apostle James.  For this reason, I rejoice in the meaning of prayer from his viewpoint.  While most interpret prayer as a lifestyle of conversation from the heart, or the act of fellowship with God the Apostle James refers to ‘prayer’ as being bound as one.

Living out of Righteousness, that blessed place of resting in the finished works of Christ, is living a life of being one in God through Christ.  The Apostle James describes this place as being effectual or “active and powerful” because it that blessed place of being bound as one that you are vitally connected in the power of God to be released out of your life, twenty-four hours a day.

Righteousness is our labor.  Righteousness is our work.  “For the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous...availeth, much.”  Here, the word avails represents the idea of the work of a disciple in the Spirit of Sonship that reveals Kingdom Culture.  In 1 John 3:7 we read, “Little children let no man deceive you, whosoever does the works of righteousness is righteous even as He is righteous.”  The fervent prayer of the righteous avails much, is a reminder that living in the position of Righteousness is doing the works of Christ Jesus in God.

Righteousness continues to motivate every believer to remain in this place of Righteousness in Rest because this place, this precious blessed place, glorifies the Father as it is the only Way in which His Love is perfected in our lives.  Jesus said, “Up until now, you have asked nothing in My name therefore when you pray; pray unto the Father in My name that the Father will be glorified and I will do it.”  The desire of Jesus, His one desire is that the Father is glorified and it is living in this place of Righteousness we fulfill the desire of Jesus as our most vital place of intimacy in God.

Here, the Father gives light to see the face of Jesus yet at the same time the Father gives Light to shine from your life into the world.  Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine (The active results in which you live in the Father in Righteousness) before men that they will see your good works (The work of God through you in Righteousness), to glorify the Father.”

Where am I going with this today?  When the “Father is glorified in Christ, Jesus is happy.  Yet, when the Father is glorified in Christ --then the Resurrected of Power of Christ is given and released to the church on earth as it is heaven.”

Steal Away in the Secret Place,
Sister Lara

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