Visitation of the Heavenly Courts of Council Angels Bench of Twelve Council Books of Heaven
Sister Lara's Visitation of Heaven:
Courts of Council, January 2014
The Court Room Invitation in Heaven
Recently, I was taken to an area of heaven called, "The Heavenly Courts of Council." I pray this is a blessing to you today.
It was there upon arrival that we all walked up the stairs and into the main sanctuary of the building which was the very center of a Court Room.
To the left, there was a jury full of angels and in the very center there were many dressed in heavenly robes of Righteousness. As the people continued to take their seats, I remember speaking to a couple and they began to speak about the Grace that God had given to me down in the earth and seemed to know everything about my life. As I listened to them, I began to notice the amount of Love I saw in their eyes as they were speaking to me. As well, I saw people walking back and forth in the hall of the Court Room, but at this time I did not realize what was about to take place.
The Courtroom Procedure to "All Arise"
For some reason, we were all led to begin to gather in the main Court Room and we all began to take
seats. As we did there was a silence that came over the Court Room and we heard an Audible voice speak into and over the auditorium, "All Arise."
As we all began to stand it was there I noticed that out walked Twelve Councilmen and Councilwomen. Their robes were long, and they looked like tunics that covered their bodies and their arm sleeves were very long. In each of their hands they carried very large books. It appeared to be they made entrance from behind the stage and there was lush beautiful red curtains, that was there on the wall--and these same lush red curtains covered the walls on the interior part of the Court Room.
One by one, we watched them take their place in the Twelve Empty chairs. When they all were full seated we heard this same audible voice cover the auditorium and say, "You may be seated."
The Courtroom Summon to Step Forward to State Who You Are
As we were all seated I looked to the Jury and this area was full of heavenly angelic hosts. At this time I did not realize their purpose, but later understood their role in the "Heavenly Court Room" procedures.It was there we heard this same audible voice speak over the auditorium and begin to summon a person's name. Upon the summon the person who was called was told to step forward to the front and state their name and name of their ministry in the earth.
The first person to step forward was a woman and she stood in front of a pulpit, with a microphone on it. As she arrived, a random person of the Twelve Council Members stood up. As the person stood up we heard this same audible voice say, "All arise."
As we all stood up to the audible voice, we were told to sit back down only when one of the Twelve Council Members came to their position to meet the person summoned at the pulpit. As they arrived we heard, "You may be seated."
The Court Room Council Opens a Book
In the page the person's name was recorded along with every opportunity that was given to her in the
earth. As her book was read out loud to the Court Room, the Council person read, "You were given opportunities to do this (and they would name that) and you were given the opportunity to that (and they would name that) and you were not faithful. Therefore, there is no reward. The woman walked off sobbing.
Angels of the Jury Testify of What is Written in the Book
After the Council person read from the Book, an Angel from the jury flew down to the pulpit, and said, "That which was spoken is faithful and true. I was there and recorded it."
At this time, I began to understand a little more what was going on in the Court Room and felt so bad for the woman who had no reward. Yet, at the same time I was in awe of the angels who came to bear witness to that which was faithful and true.
Courts of Council Continues
As the Court Room session continued, "One by one I would hear the audible voice summon people and one by one they would state their name and ministry in the earth." One by one a random Council person would step forth with a Book and read the opportunities that were made available to them in the earth.
When those that were found faithful, the Council person would say, "Well done! You have served our Father in joy and have made opportunity of all that has been given to you. You shall be added Grace to account in heaven and increase in your work in the earth."
It was there the angels would step forward, "That which is written is true and faithful. I was there and recorded this." During that time, "Louds of adoration and praise fill the courtroom with praises unto the Father." Freedom was allowed in this place to express our joy in the life of the person to receive rewards of more Grace, and the Father's goodness.
During that time, the Court Room began to empty, and my name was called near the end. It is not important what I share with you today, the joy of the Lord that greeted me there and the blessings I did receive of the Father as my reward.
As well, I met angels that were overseer's of the work God has given me to do. These angels were allowed to state their name in the Courts of Heaven and when they did there was "Louds of adoration and praise unto the Father."
In closing, each time a person received an award of more of God's Grace the very roof of the Court's of Heaven would open, and you could see another realm of heaven where the Patriarchs of Old were looking in, and Just men made perfect. In that realm you could see children laughing and playing and much activity with lush green hills of heaven. They wanted to be a witness to LIFE and what was happening in that part of heaven in the lives of the people in the earth. They literally joined in the celebration of the hard work of the angels, the Twelve Council and the rewards of the saints.
In depth writings on "How to Develop the Secret Place in worship to see Jesus and into the Kingdom of Heaven."
When I look back over the past fifteen years when I originally wrote this book, "I would have never dreamed that I would grow to see Jesus the way I have. It almost seems like a dream to me."
I wrote this book back in the year 2000 when I was beginning to see our Lord in visions and during a time of mediation upon His Word. I wanted something easy for the Holy Spirit to teach me "How to see Jesus."
This book was written out of my own personal walk. What sets this out from others is, "I teach you how to SEE" which means "Videos of the Holy Spirit."
I do not teach you "How to count your fingers and imagine through your senses. That idea is learning how to perceive in your mind of your spirit being." This book teaches you "How to see Jesus."
1. Scripture promises to stand upon to see Jesus.
2. How the Holy Spirit forms a vision and where.
3. How to look for vision.
4. How to know the direction the vision comes so you can prophecy more accurately.
5. Four step photo demonstration.
This book is a manual to our 16 Week How to See in the Spirit Campus.
6. Learn about Jesus in His Secret Place and how He still relies on seeing the Father and why.
7. Learn how Jesus is a forerunner to every vision you have, every dream you have FIRST and why.
8. Learn that when you are revealed with Jesus how you are revealed with Him in heavenly places and why.
9. Learn what the function of Jesus is as High Priest and what that means to you.
10. Walk in the journey of Abraham as a young SEER in the Word of God and learn techniques just like Him to SEE.
11. Grow in the Secret Place in an introductory teaching on the Four Winds of God so you can practice more accurately and discern God's nature in every vision for greater maturity of prophecy.
12. Be tutored and taught of Sister Lara herself and go with people who are going the same way you are.
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Education Website: Online School of Prayer With Christ
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